2nd Media Announcement for European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2009
July 29, 2009

13-18 September 2009
Kongresshotel am Templiner See, Potsdam, Germany


The programme for the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2009 is now online at http://meetings.copernicus.org/epsc2009/.

More than 500 planetary and space scientists from around the world will gather for the EPSC 2009 at the Kongresshotel am Templiner See, Potsdam, Germany from Sunday 13 September to Friday 18 September 2009.

The EPSC is the major meeting in Europe for planetary scientists. The programme comprises 37 sessions and workshops covering a wide range of planetary topics. Session highlights include:

11:00-17:15: New results from Mars: interior and surface
17:30-19:00: Consultation on roadmap for Solar System exploration, led by Professor Steve Squyres, chair of the steering committee for the US Planetary Science Decadal Survey

9:00-12:30: Mercury – new findings and panel discussion on implications
14:00-17:15: Planetary robotics (1st Europlanet Technology Forethought workshop)

09:00-12:30: Ganymede science and exploration
14:00-17:15: Workshops on Europa Lander/Concepts for future planetary missions
09:00:19:00: Terrestrial planet atmospheres

09:00-12:35: Planetary rings and interplanetary dust
12:30-13:45: Jupiter’s 2009 impact: coordination of observations and first results
14:00-17:05: Astrobiology of Mars and Icy Satellites

09:00-17:15: Lunar Exploration/the Moon
09:00-15:30: Origin and Evolution of the Solar System

The EPSC has a distinctively interactive style, with a mix of talks, workshops and posters, intended to provide a stimulating environment for discussion. Further information will be circulated a few weeks before the meeting, including press notices on presentations that may be of special interest (subject to embargo).

EPSC 2009 is organised by Europlanet, a Research Infrastructure funded under the European Commission’s Framework 7 Programme, in association with the European Geosciences Union.


Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. Press room facilities will be available for the duration of the conference – from 9 am on Monday 14 September through to 3 pm on Friday 18 September. The venue has a wireless network. Media registration is free. Any bona fide media delegates can register by e-mailing Anita Heward at anitaheward@btinternet.com . (Advance registration is not essential but encouraged).



The Europlanet Research Infrastructure is a major (€6 million) programme co-funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission.

The Europlanet Research Infrastructure brings together the European planetary science community through a range of Networking Activities, aimed at fostering a culture of cooperation in the field of planetary sciences, Transnational Access Activities, providing European researchers with access to a range of laboratory and field site facilities tailored to the needs of planetary research, as well as on-line access to the available planetary science data, information and software tools, through the Integrated and Distributed Information Service. These programmes are underpinned by Joint Research Activities, which are developing and improving the facilities, models, software tools and services offered by Europlanet

Europlanet Project website: http://www.europlanet-ri.eu/