Get creative with Europlanet’s #InspiredByOtherWorlds arts contest

Get creative with Europlanet’s #InspiredByOtherWorlds arts contest

The Europlanet Society Congress 2020 (#EPSC2020) is inviting schools  and space enthusiasts of all ages to get creative and share their artworks and performances inspired by other worlds in a contest called #InspiredByOtherWorlds.

Art is meant to inspire. Art is meant to be shared. Art allows us to go beyond our limits. Planetary science takes us beyond the limits of our world. What happens when a passion for art and a passion for exploring planets and other worlds meet? Let your imagination take us on a voyage through our Solar System and planets around distant stars! Show us how you have been inspired to create drawings, storytelling, pictures, videos, models, craft works or art installations at home. 

You can choose planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteorites, exoplanets, as single or multiple destinations for your creative journey, or show us how missions to explore planets have inspired you.

#InspiredByOtherWorlds entries will be showcased in a virtual exhibition and highlighted during a dedicated session during the Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (#EPSC2020), which is being held as a virtual meeting for the first time from 21 September – 9 October.

All artworks submitted will be considered by a panel of planetary scientists and artists. (Depending on entry numbers we may split into age/topic/type categories.)  The winning artworks or performances will be shared via the Europlanet website, newsletters and social media and will be used to inspire young people in future Europlanet outreach activities.

So get creating! 


For all the information about the contest and how to prepare your submission, see the #InspiredByOtherWorlds FAQ page.

  • If you’d also like to share on social media please use the hashtags #InspiredByOtherWorlds #EPSC2020.
  •  The deadline is 31 October 2020.

Submit your artwork now!

If you have any questions, please contact