22-EPN2-036: Chronology, Evolution of CAIs in Ordinary Chondrites
September 30, 2024

22-EPN2-036: Chronology, Evolution of CAIs in Ordinary Chondrites

Visit by Ritesh Kumar Mishra of the Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar (India) to TA2.9 Ion Probe Facility (IPF), CRPG (France)
Dates of visit: 13-17 November 2023

Report Summary: The first forming Solar System solids are the refractory oxides and silicates of calcium, aluminium, titanium and magnesium which give them their eponymous name Calcium, Aluminium-rich Inclusions (CAIs). Only a few (~50), mostly very small (~20-50 microns) have been found in Ordinary chondrites. Our extensive search for large CAIs in ordinary chondrites resulted in finding about 10 CAIs in Semarkona (LL3.00), ALHA81251 (LL3.3), Chainpur (LL3.4). Three Oxygen isotopic (Δ17O) studies along with 26Al-26Mg short-lived now extinct chronology were carried in 4 CAIs and 2 Al-rich chondrules to decipher their genesis and provenance and make comparative analysis with the vast amount of previous data from the carbonaceous chondrites.