22-EPN3-080: Chronology, Evolution of CAIs in Ordinary Chondrites
Visit by Francois Holtz of Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany) to TA2.9 Ion Probe Facility (IPF), CRPG (France)
Dates of visit: 02-09 February 2024
Report Summary: This study investigates naturally quenched and experimentally homogenised olivine-hosted melt inclusions (OLHMIs) from different geodynamic settings. Using SIMS analysis at CRPG, Nancy, we measured H2O and CO2 contents of OLHMIs from Loihi Seamount, Etna, and Klyuchevskoy volcanoes. Values were adjusted using natural and synthetic glass references to account for compositional effects. OLHMIs from Loihi seamount pillow lavas showed H2O contents comparable to published data. Experimental heating led to significant H2O loss over time, with near-complete loss after 5 hours. Additionally, we analysed OLHMIs from Etna volcano for Br contents, adjusting with calibration from low-Br Macquarie MORB glasses and high-Br synthetic basaltic glasses. Br analysis exhibited a linear calibration with high accuracy. OLHMIs from etnean FS tephra had relatively low Br contents, with a slightly elevated Br/Cl ratio compared to mantle values. These findings contribute to our understanding of volatile behaviour in magmatic systems and offer insights into volcanic processes.