Announcement of Venues for EPSC 2026 and 2027
September 10, 2024

Announcement of Venues for EPSC 2026 and 2027

The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) Executive Committee is delighted to announce that EPSC2026 will be hosted at the Amare venue in The Hague, Netherlands from 6-11 September 2026. The Co-chairs of the Local Organising Committee will be Dr Sebastiaan de Vet (TU Delft) and Prof Inge Loes ten Kate (Utrecht University).

EPSC2027 will be hosted at the Pierre Baudis Congress Centre in Toulouse, France from 19-24 September 2027. The Local Organising Committee will be chaired by Nicolas André (IRAP).

Congratulations to both hosts. We look forward to seeing everyone there!