Pro-Am Meeting On Variable Stars
13th – 15th September 2024 | Castle Hill: Litomyšl | Czech Republic
The Conference on Variable Star Research is the most important meeting organized by Variable Stars and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (VSES CAS). In 2024, the Pro-Am Meeting on Variable Star/56th Conference on Variable Star Research is organized as a follow-up event for the International conference/Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Sky Surveys in the Castle Hill in Litomyšl.
The Pro-Am meeting on Variable Star creates ties between professionals, students and amateur astronomers in the field of variable stars and exoplanet research. Overview lectures by professionals, current research results and methods by astrophysics students and observation results by amateur astronomers are presented every year. Observation techniques, equipment, software tools and online resources are also discussed.
This year meeting will assume hybrid form – both in person and online via ZOOM application, and will be held in Czech and English languages. There will be student section for high school and university students presenting their work. The student section will be organized as a contest where the best presenter will be recognized and receives price donated by the VSES CAS.
Contributions from the conference can be published in Open European Journal on Varible Stars, an electronic open peer-reviewed journal issued by VSES CAS in cooperation with Masaryk University Brno, with indexation in SIMBAD database and Smithsonian/NASA’s ADS. Recordings of the talks will be made public on VSES CAS YouTube channel and presentation files will be accessible in meeting program.
International participants can apply for a refund of their travel costs (transport and accommodation) kindly provided by the Europlanet Society Central Europe Hub. The granting of funding will be decided by the SOC committee. Please send a brief cover letter and abstract to
For registration and details, please see the conference website:
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Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.
Europlanet AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif - 0800.634.634) is hosted by the Department of Planetary Atmospheres of the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB), Avenue Circulaire 3, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium.