April 8, 2021

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 4. Martian Chemistry

In this lesson, we will be looking at the chemistry of Mars and how this can affect its potential habitability


Activity Outline: Understand how the chemistry of the Martian soil may affect the habitability of the Red Planet. This involves taking a closer look at how temperature and salinity can affect the chemistry of Mars.

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 2 videos)

Topics Covered:

  • Chemistry (Solubility, Saturation, Compound Structures)
  • Biology (Life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand what effect temperature has on the chemistry of Mars.
  • Be able to explain how salinity affects freezing points.
  • Review how all of the above affects habitability.

Download presentation

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PDF (1.2 MB)

Download teachers’ resource

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PDF (254 KB)

Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.