2nd Planetary Mapping and Virtual Observatory Workshop
July 9, 2019

2nd Planetary Mapping and Virtual Observatory Workshop

The 2nd Planetary Mapping and Virtual Observatory Workshop took place from 1-3 July 2019, Domaine de St. Paul, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France. The workshop aimed to bring together the geologic, geospatial and VO communities at European scale to progress knowledge, tools and standards for mapping the Solar System.The programme included updates on VESPA, PLANMAP and Data / science infrastructures (OneGeology, INSPIRE, EPOS), as well as lightning talks, tutorials and hackathons.

2nd Planetary Mapping and Virtual Observatory Workshop. Credit: Erica Luzzi

If you missed the workshop, the presentations are online.

Discussions related to the hackathons and tutorials can be found here: 


You can also catch up on the Lightning Talks from the meeting:

A selection of photos are below. For all photos of the workshop, see here.