Europlanet Society Executive Board

The Executive Board is the governing body of the Europlanet Society. As such, the Executive Board members are responsible for directing and controlling the affairs and property of the Europlanet Society, including EPSC. In that regard, the Executive Board is supported by the Executive Office (ESF), who conducts the day-to-day activities, overall administration and financial management of the Europlanet Society and EPSC. 

The Executive Board consists of the five officers of the Society (the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer) and six other members which are elected for a period of four years.

Elections were last held in November 2023. The next elections for Executive Board positions will be: Vice-President (2024), Treasurer (2025), President Elect (2026). In 2023, the Secretary role was elected as a job-share. The membership of the current Executive Board is as follows:

The Executive Board Members are responsible for oversight of the following remits, providing an added liaison point at Board level for the relevant Europlanet Society Committees and Working Groups and Europlanet 2024 RI Tasks.

  • Communication
  • Outreach and Education:
  • Early Career:
  • Diversity:
  • Inclusion and Widening Participation
  • Industry Relations 
  • Amateur Collaboration 
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Global Collaboration
  • Policy Engagement
  • External Funding Opportunities