EPEC Committee

EPEC Committee

The EPEC Committee is the management body of the Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Network. EPEC Committee will act as a strategic and operational body to advise, coordinate and champion Early Career activities across the Europlanet Society that further the Society’s commitment to building and sustaining Europe’s planetary science community. The EPEC Committee may, from time to time, commission and operate sub committees though these shall also be approved by Europlanet Board. The EPEC Committee will appoint a Chair on a biennial basis. The EPEC Chair will organise regular conference calls to facilitate activities and progress across the whole Early Career Network.

Aims of EPEC Committee:

  • To support Early Career Researchers in the European planetary community
  • To promote, encourage and support the Constitution of the Europlanet Society and meet Europlanet’s commitment to diversity
  • To provide guidance and make recommendations to the Europlanet Executive Board on Early Career issues, including where action is needed
  • To organise and support EPEC meetings including the (nominally) annual Early Career Network meeting
  • To review, report on, share and exchange good practice within and outside the Society.

Current EPEC Chairs

Melissa Mirino and Jessica Hogan