Educational Resources – The Icy Moons Collection

Educational Resources – The Icy Moons Collection

As the JUICE mission sets off on its journey to explore the moons of Jupiter, Europlanet has produced a set of school resources to find out more about icy worlds in our Solar System and their potential for life.

Using the resources

  • Find out how you can use this resources in more details here.
  • The resources are free, adaptable, and we are working to make them accessible to everyone.
  • If you repost or share, we just ask that you use the following credit (required by the European Commission, who enabled us to create the resources): ‘The development of these resources has been supported by Europlanet 2024 RI with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.
  • If you have comments, ideas, questions about the resources we share here, please ask them using the contact form, and we will do our best to answer you.

If you have used our resources, tag us on social media or use the contact form and let us know! We always love to see educators and science communicators share our passion for planetary sciences!



1. Europa

4. Titan

  • Coming soon

2. Ganymede

5. Triton

  • Coming soon

3. Enceladus

Teachers’ Notes

1. Europa

4. Titan

  • Coming soon

2. Ganymede

5. Triton

  • Coming soon

3. Enceladus

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