TA2 Facility 4 – AU Planetary Environment Facility
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TA2 Facility 4 – AU Planetary Environment Facility

 The Planetary Environment Facility at Aarhus University houses a low pressure recirculating cryogenic wind tunnel which can be used to study wind driven particulate transport such as sand, ice and dust aerosols. It can reproduce the conditions found at the surface of Mars, Earth as well as thin atmospheres found on a range of planetary bodies and upper atmospheres.

With a volume of 38 m3 the main simulator facility is able to house most science instrumentation and a variety of experimental configurations.

These facilities are accessible to the scientific community for collaborative research and also to industry, including space agencies (e.g. ESA, NASA). A broad range of research topics have been supported at this facility including Planetology, Volcanology, Meteorology and the study of Aerosols.


Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, building 1520, Aarhus C, 8000, Denmark.

Jonathan Merrison, merrison@phys.au.dk
Jens Jacob Iversen, jji@phys.au.dk

Main facility webpage

Report summaries of TA visits to facility

20-EPN2-094: Miniature Wind Vanes on Mars
22-EPN3-073: Emergence of Ice Ripples by Sublimation at Various Wind Velocities and Air Pressure
22-EPN3-095: Behaviour of Saline Liquid Droplets in Wind Tunnel Conditions Relevant to the Plumes of...
22-EPN3-099: Formation of Impact Ripples Induced by Different Flow Rates Under Martian Pressure and...
20-EPN2-123: Controls on the Resuspension of Dusts of Different Mineral Composition in Air Flows
22-EPN3-076: Aeolian Ripples Development under Martian Atmospheric Conditions
22-EPN3-060: A new apparatus for measuring the electrical charge of volcanic ash particles
20-EPN-061: CO2 Ice Crystals Formation Under Conditions in the Martian Polar Regions
20-EPN-027: Characterisation of the response of an Optical Particle Counter in a simulated Martian...
Aarhus Wind Tunnel experiment TA-20-EPN2-050.
20-EPN2-050: Turbulent suspensions of volcanic ash
20-EPN-054: Understanding large aeolian ripples on Mars through wind tunnel experiments
TA 2.4: The AWTSII chamber at the Planetary Environment Facility, Aarhus University.
20-EPN2-051: Evaluation of physical parameters influencing the ice particle transportby wind in a...
TA 2.4: The AWTSII chamber at the Planetary Environment Facility, Aarhus University.
20-EPN2-023: FLUME-ET: Fluidisation of mass flows by metastable volatiles on extra-terrestrial...
TA 2.4: The AWTSII chamber at the Planetary Environment Facility, Aarhus University.
20-EPN-048: Effect of disperse grain size distributions on the aeolian remobilisation of volcanic...
20-EPN-053: Investigation of the electrical properties of volcanic ash
20-EPN-069: Exomars Dust Sensor 22 Characterisation
20-EPN2-112: Aeolian saltation at Martian pressures and below
20-EPN2-073: Assessment of the Aeolian Dispersion and Wind Effects on Cryptoendolithic...
Self- built box in the wind tunnel at the beginning of the experiment. 20-EPN-078_AU_Abrasion Experiment. Credit: J.Merrison, Z.Kapui
20-EPN-078: Abrasion test to understand aeolian grain surface evolution on Mars versus Earth –...

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