EPEC@EPSC represents early career researchers at EPSC, ensures that the conference programme is attractive to them, and that they find their way through the meeting with ease.
The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) brings together scientists from the fields of planetary and space research every autumn. The meeting covers all disciplines from space instrumentation to data analysis and modelling. The goal of EPSC@EPSC is to help early career researchers build a strong network and provide opportunities and tools related to presenting research.
Activities for early careers during EPSC organized by EPEC@EPSC
Diverse activities are organised during EPSC to offer the opportunity for early careers to have the best experience during the conference. Check out the EPSC programme now and toggle the EPEC program group flag to find all early career related activities!
Early Career Booth
Need some advice from another early career? Do you have any problems with the conference related to being an early-career? We hear you and are here to help!
Short Courses
EPEC organises different short courses during the conference with a variety of speakers on topics of particular relevance to early career researchers. Check the Programme for this year’s short course topics!
Mentoring@EPSC aims to provide support for early career scientists in navigating the EPSC meeting. If this is your first international conference, consider to sign up as an EPSC Mentee!
Science Flash
Have fun speaking about scientific topics?! Yes, it’s possible, and yes, we have it! During the Science Flash you can practice your communication skills to present any scientific topic in a funny and engaging way! And there will be prizes!
Early Career Social Event
The social event is a great moment to meet old friends and make new ones. We organize a gathering to facilitate you to socialise with your peers. Join in and have a blast!
Other activities for early careers during EPSC
Outstanding Poster Competition
The Outstanding Poster Competition (OPC) is a great opportunity to show your research and be recognised!
Video Contest
All the videos submitted to the contest organized by the Communications WG will be shown during a dedicated session during EPSC.
Diversity Committee Activities
We would also like to emphasize the various activities organized Europlanet Diversity Committee that can be found in the EPSC programme.
Are you interested in helping to shape the EPSC program with us? Do you have ideas or wishes for future short courses and trainings at the EPSC? Please let us know by contacting us!
Past EPEC@EPSC Activities
- EPSC-DPS 2023 – San Antonio TX, USA, article, page
- EPSC 2022 – Granada, Spain, podcast, page
- EPSC 2021 – virtual, flyer
- EPSC 2020 – virtual
- EPSC-DPS 2019 – Geneva, Switzerland, page
- EPSC 2018 – Berlin, Germany, article
- EPSC 2017- Riga, Latvia, article
- Johanna Bürger (Chair)
- Jules Bourdelle de Micas (Chair)
- Aurélie Van den Neucker
- Maria Hasler
- Mirza Arnaut
- Nimisha Verma
- Noah Jäggi
- Zé Silva
If you are a former member of EPEC@EPSC, please get in contact so we can add you to the list!
- Lena Noack (EPSC event organizer before EPEC existed)
- Solmaz Adeli (former Chair)
- Maike Brigitte Neuland (former Chair)
- Noah Jäggi (former Chair)
- Joana S. Oliveira
- Adhithiyan Neduncheran
- Carina Heinreichsberger
- Christos Ntinos
- Gavin Tolometti
- Joana Marques Oliveira
- José Eduardo Silva
- Marco Pinto
- Prasanna Deshapriya
- Shrrirup Nambiar