Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement

Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement

About the Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement


The Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement with Planetary Science is awarded to individuals or groups who have developed innovative and socially impactful practices in planetary science communication and education.

Through the Prize, Europlanet aims to:

  • Recognise achievements in engaging European citizens with planetary science, promoting inspiration, learning and social responsibility.
  • Raise the profile of public engagement and education as valued activities within the scientific community. 

The Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement with Planetary Science was established in 2010 and is awarded annually*.

* No prizes were awarded in 2014 and 15. The Prizes awarded in 2020 have been supported by the University of Kent. The 2021-2023 Prizes are supported by the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust Ltd.


When to Submit a Nomination:

  • The call for nominations for the Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement is now open. The call will close on 19 July 2023.

How to Submit a Nomination:

  • Complete the online form and upload three supporting letters. 
  • You can nominate yourself or another person. However, the three supporting letters should be from people other than the nominee.


  • The prize recognizes and honours outstanding efforts by an individual or an institution in public engagement and/or educational activities related to planetary science.
  • It is awarded to individuals or groups who have developed innovative practices in planetary science communication/education, and whose efforts have contributed significantly to a wider public engagement with planetary science.
  • For the purposes of this prize, planetary science refers to the multidisciplinary study of objects in our Solar System and those orbiting other stars (exoplanetary systems).
  • The recipient of the prize will be selected by the Europlanet Outreach Jury following the above mentioned criteria. The Committee has the sole authority to select winners, as well as the option not to award the prize in any year, at its discretion.
  • The prize will consist of a cash award of 1500 €.


If you have any questions, please contact Federica Duras, Chair of the Europlanet Outreach Jury (federica.duras<at>

Find Out More:

Europlanet Prize FAQs

Past Prize winners

2022 Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement with Planetary Science

Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement 2022 awarded to the ‘Planets In Your Hand’ Tactile Exhibition

The 2022 Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement has been awarded to Dr Kosmas Gazeas and the team behind the ‘Planets In Your Hand’ tactile exhibition.

‘Planets In Your Hand’ is an interactive, mobile set of models of planetary surfaces, constructed in square frames, that gives a multisensory impression of the wide variety of surface characteristics and environmental properties of the planets in our Solar System. 

The exhibition, although suitable for people of all ages, has been specifically designed for visually impaired audiences, and has travelled to schools, universities and private institutes and organisations, reaching thousands of visitors to date.

Read the full press release.