Europlanet Science Communication Training
Europlanet 2020 RI offers planetary scientists free training workshops on science communication and engaging with a range of audiences, including the media, the public and policy makers.
Training includes residential summer schools and meetings during summer months, as well as workshops during the European Planetary Science Congress.
Europlanet Summer Schools: Space missions, ground-based observations and science communication
Europlanet Summer Schools take place at the Moletai Astronomical Observatory in Lithuania. As well as gaining practical experience in making ground-based observations of variable stars and exoplanet transits, students take part in a range of science communication training modules:
- Basics of Science Communication
- Writing for the Media
- Engaging with Schools
- Engaging with the Public
- Social Media Communications
Report on the Europlanet Summer School 2019
Report on the Europlanet Summer School 2018
Report on the Europlanet Summer School 2017
2016 – Engaging with Schools: Training for Researchers
The first Europlanet Science Communication Training workshop was held to coincide with the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) in Athens in July 2016 and focused on engaging with schools.