Europlanet Outreach and Media Centre
Anita Heward (Outreach Coordinator Europlaner RI 2020)
Europlanet 2020 RI’s outreach programme aims to engage citizens, students, educators and policy makers across Europe with planetary science, and to support outreach providers and educators within the planetary science community. The Europlanet Media Centre uses traditional and social media channels to communicate newsworthy results and generate dialogue with diverse audiences in Europe and worldwide. Activities to support the outreach community include best practice meetings, training workshops, an annual prize for public engagement and a seed-funding scheme for innovative outreach projects. Educational tools include a Raspberry-Pi-based climate sensor to compare data with Mars and animated videos on solar system topics. Download presentation
History of science, a challenge for mass media
Magda Stavinschi (Honorary Researcher, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy)
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What makes a great Open Day
Hugh Hill (Professor, International Space University)
“What makes a great Open Day” is a light-hearted analysis of logistical, cultural, educational and other elements associated with organizing a successful university/other Open Day. It is based on some 20 years of experience in education/academia.
How to Catch Them: Fishing for Attention of Media Staffers in Relation to Planetary Topics
Zdenek Urban (Freelance Science Writer)
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Planets Between Science and Journalism. Looking for the best practices of communicating science
Catalin Mosoia (Science Journalist Ziarul Stiintelor)
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Planetary Science Outreach by the Hellenic Amateur Astronomy Association
Emmanuel Kardasis (Electronic Engineer, Hellenic Amateur Astronomy Association)
Planets are the most fascinating celestial objects to observe. Their richness in features offers eye-catching views for people of all ages and backgrounds. Moreover, as some planets are bright and easily recognizable they can be observed by large numbers of individuals even from light-polluted/urban environments. In addition, their dynamic behavior (often with daily changes) allows amateur astronomers to capture stunning images, providing them with the unique opportunity to contribute to the Planetary Science.
Since 2003, the Hellenic Amateur Astronomy Association (HAAA) has developed a great number of outreach techniques and events that have a great impact in the Greek society and beyond. Building on the cumulative experience gained from numerous events for schools of different level, the general public, targeted events (e.g. IAU2009), educational workshops for both experienced and inexperienced amateurs, and observing campaigns, we have methodically developed the ways to approach audience and perform outreach mainly using solar system objects and especially planets.
In this presentation we will provide some paradigms of how HAAA has used the beauty of planets and solar system objects to inspire different target groups with the immediacy of direct observation and the use of social media. Download Presentation
The Space Gates Team
Konstantina Moutsouroufi (MSc student, University of Athens)
This talk will present the EPO activities of the SpaceGates Team. The SpaceGates Team was established in March 2015 by Dr. Ioannis A. Daglis, Professor of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a group of enthusiastic graduate and undergraduate students of the Department of Physics, who shared a strong interest in Astrophysics and Planetary and Space Physics. The SpaceGates Team has been communicating with the general public through various on-line social media (WordPress, FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter) and various public events, such as the World Space Week, the Public Evenings of the Observatory of Athens and the Athens Science Festival. Download presentation
Feeling the Science Thinking about Art
Eleni Chatzichristou (Astronomer, Outreach Team Europlaner RI 2020)
The Sounds of Space international contest of musical composition was aspired to combine scientific and artistic ways of thinking, through the science of Astronomy and Space and the art of Music. It was an original idea to provide scientific information to the public, inviting people to “feel” the science and to think about art. The leading concept was to use the natural sounds of the Earth’s magnetosphere in order to compose electroacoustic music. Composers from all European countries were invited to take part at the contest, using some (or all) of the sounds included in a database of magnetospheric sounds. The project was a wonderful success which went well beyond our original plans and hopes, inspiring the artists and the public with a legacy that continues in many different ways. Download Presentation
Archaeoastronomy: Education and Popularization
Efstratios Koufos (Amateur Astronomer, Rhodes Greece)
The key feature of modern man was and will be sky observation. Gathering knowledge through sky observations and by studying phenomena associated with stars, planets, sun, moon, comets, asteroids, meteors, orbits, seasons, etc has decisively influenced many human cultures. In addition, astronomical research has revealed important anthropological data and given it a global dimension. The aim of this study was to combine archaeology with astronomy, commonly known as archaeoastronomy. Basic rules, as used by our ancestors, were used to simplify and educate students in astronomy. Applied methods, through the participation of elementary students, and experiments performed in ancient monuments of Rhodes is ongoing since 2000 with great success. It is to be mentioned that Rhodes was the island where the “father” of astronomy Hipparchus, made his first observations and possibly the island where the “Antikythera mechanism” was constructed. Download Presentation
Best Practices in Social Media for Science Communication
Thilina Heenatigala (Social Media Manager, Europlanet)
Social media plays a major role in bringing latest science and also gives a platform to discuss it. What are the best practices in using social media for science communication and how much should we invest on it? With ever increasing advancements in science, the ways people communicate have drastically changed. With how scientists interacting with peers and public, the ways that scientific information is disseminated, and methods of scientific outreach/education have changed, in many ways becoming more efficient.The use of social media has not only allowed scientists to engage in more efficient public outreach and education, but has provided a unique platform for communication and networking within the scientific community. Download Presentation