Breach of Conduct Reporting Form
The Europlanet Society aspires to be a safe and respectful community. The Society will not tolerate harassment, bullying, discrimination or intimidation in any setting (online or face-to-face).
If you have experienced or have witnessed behaviour which is contrary to the Europlanet Code of Conduct at EPSC2024 or on a Europlanet online platform, please submit a report by completing this form (which can be filled in anonymously).
If there are any more general issues, observations or suggestions that you would like to talk to us about while you are in Berlin, please come along to the Europlanet Society stand. A member of the EPSC Committee or Meeting Response Group will be happy to come and meet with you and hear your thoughts.
Handling of reports
If you supply a name and contact details with your report, you will be contacted within 24 hours.
The intitial complaint will be forwarded to primary responders:
Ann Carine Vandaele – Europlanet President
Lena Noack – EPSC chair
Arianna Piccialli – Diversity Committee Chair
Solmaz Adeli – Diversity Vice-Chair/LOC Chair
Stavro Ivanovski – SOC Co-Chair
The primary responders will discuss the complaint and decide on a plan of action, consulting Committee Chairs if relevant. If the complaint may be resolved informally, actions should be carried out to attempt to achieve this. If steps taken do not resolve the issue, or the complaint is sufficiently serious, the report will be followed up according to the procedures of the Europlanet Society.