Conference on the Future of Europe
October 28, 2021

European citizens have the opportunity to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities and stress concrete recommendations for EU action, through the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Conference is placed under the authority of the three institutions: the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, who have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up on the recommendations made. 

European citizens, most notably the young ones from all the corners of the European Union, participate in the Conference aspiring to shape the future of Europe. The main components of the Conference are decentralized events, European citizens’ panels, conference plenaries, as well as communication via a multilingual digital platform.

The challenges facing Europe in recent years have made clear the need for open, inclusive and transparent debate about our common future. For this reason, the conference is a unique open forum that enables all Europeans to say what the Union should do and how it should do it to the benefit of all.  Given that, Europe needs to deliver on issues that lie at the heart of citizens’ interest at the economic, social, health and security levels, by putting forward a set of concrete proposals and guidelines.

The Conference on the Future of Europe provides an opportunity to reflect on how to make the EU even better, stronger and more resilient. In order to address the aforementioned issues, the Conference recognizes the need to improve and create a genuine dialogue between citizens and institutions on the Future of the EU and the big challenges of our time.  

One of the key components of the Conference on the Future of Europe is the Plenary Conference, taking place on the weekend of 23-24 October. It was composed of representatives from the three European Institutions, from all national Parliaments, from the EYF, as well as the European Citizen’s panels.

The final outcome of the Conference will be presented in a report, while the three institutions will examine swiftly how to follow up effectively to this report in accordance with the treaties.

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