Early Career Events and Short Courses at EPSC 2018
September 10, 2018

Early Career Events and Short Courses at EPSC 2018

The Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Network has organised lots of activities for early career researchers attending EPSC 2018 in Berlin. All EPEC events are free of charge and no registration is required, except where explicitly mentioned. Food and drink are not provided.

Sunday, 16th September

16:00 – 18:00 – Icebreaker Reception

18:30–19:30 – Life stories – a career in planetology (lecture by Heike Rauer)

This lecture, co-organised by the Diversity Working Group and Europlanet Early Careers (EPEC) Network, will be an opportunity to hear one person’s story about their life in planetary science, their personal and professional challenges, highlights and top tips for a successful career.

Monday, 17th September

08:45-10:15 – Opening Ceremony

12:45-13:45 – Science Cross Talks (Mars Room)

Naturally, at a conference, we mostly talk to people who are working in the same field as we do. However, it is exciting and can lead to new ideas and great collaboration to think a bit outside the box and broaden one’s horizon. This short course will give the opportunity to get to know other early career scientists and find out about where they work and their research.

Tuesday, 18th September

12:45-13:45 – It’s all about the money (Mars Room)

In an academic career, fund-raising is always a challenge. Sometimes even before and during the PhD and especially afterwards. We will present a selection of possible funding schemes, grants and opportunities.


Wednesday, 19th September

12:45-13:45 – Space is our mission (Mars Room)

If you are getting confused sometimes by all the different spacecrafts orbiting Mars and Jupiter, or if you simply want to refresh your overview of all the space missions, this is the spot for you!

This review will give a summary of operating, planned and future space missions. Speakers: Ottaviano Ruesch (ESA missions), Prof Michel Blanc (NASA missions).

16:00-17:30 – Science Flash (Mercury Room)

The third time that a Science Flash is taking place at EPSC! This is the chance to win one of the famous Science Flash trophies. What do you have to do? Easy! Just sign up by getting in contact with Andrea Longobardo and come to the Mercury Room on Wednesday afternoon. There, you become an entertainer for 108 seconds and present your work in a fun way. That’s all 😉

More details

Thursday, 20th September

12:45-13:45 – Europlanet General Assembly

Join us for the launch of the Europlanet Society!

19:00 – EPEC Social Night

Just a fun evening at the bar: Mommsen-Eck, Mommsenstrasse 45 (Subway: Adenauerplatz or Wilmersdorfter Str.). It would be helpful for us to know the approximate number of participants. If you plan to join, contact: Solmaz.Adeli @ dlr.de

Everyone pays for his/her own consumption.

Friday, 21st September

12:45-13:45 – Diversity and Inclusiveness Lunch

This lunchtime event is an opportunity to network and brainstorm ideas to support diversity and inclusion in the planetary community.