EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 Early Career Programme
The EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 will have a packed programme of Early Career events organised by EPEC, the Europlanet Society’s Early Career Network. All EPEC events are free of charge, and no registration is required, except where explicitly mentioned. Please note that no lunch is served at the events.
Download the EPEC EPSC-DPS 2019 Flyer
Would you like to know more about EPEC? Please stop by our booth at the Europlanet Stand on Level 0 of CICG. We will be there all week!
Sunday, 15th September
The Discovery Challenge
For the first time ever at EPSC! The Discovery Challenge is a fun game to find out more about your fellow early career scientists’ research. Please sign up on Sunday evening to participate in the game. More details may be found on the poster at the EPEC booth!
15:30 – 17:30 – Icebreaker Reception
17:15–18:30 – Life stories – a career in planetology (Saturn Room 2) – co-organised by EPEC and the Europlanet Society Diversity Committee
This lecture by Nader Haghighipour, organised by the Europlanet Diversity Committee, will be an opportunity to hear the speaker’s story about his life in planetary science, his personal and professional challenges, highlights and top tips for a successful career.
Monday, 16th September
17:15-18:30 – EPEC Short Course: From science to science communications (Ceres Room 14)
The ESA Rosetta mission is a very good example to show how big impact a space mission can have, not only on the scientific community, but also on the general public. Emily Baldwin is an ESA science editor She will talk about her experience moving from a PhD in Planetary Science to writing for ESA’s Space Science Portal, and everything in between! Of course, we cannot communicate our PhD topic on a scale comparable to the Rosetta mission, but good science communication already starts on small scales.
Tuesday, 17th September
12:15-13:15 – EPEC Short Course: Thriving, not surviving, during PhD (Ceres Room 14)
Keeping work and leisure time in a healthy balance can be difficult, during your PhD as well as afterwards. Alan Percy head of counselling services at Oxford University, will talk about the importance of mental health, and give hands on tips and advices how to manage work mania and recovery times.
Wednesday, 18th September
12:15-13:15 – Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour (Saturn Room 2) – co-organised with the DPS, the Europlanet Society Diversity Committee and EPEC.
Thursday, 19th September
12:15-13:15 – Europlanet Society General Assembly
15:30-17:00 – EPEC Science Flash (Mercury Room)
The fourth annual Science Flash is taking place at EPSC! This is the chance to win one of the famous Science Flash trophies.
This is your chance to win a spacey prize! What you have to do? Easy! Just sign up by getting in contact with Noah Jäggi and come to the Ceres room on Wednesday afternoon. There, you will become an entertainer for 180 seconds to present your research in a fun way. That’s all 😉
You are also kindly invited to attend the event as the audience to
enjoy, listen, watch and smile, and to help us identifying the
winning presentations.
For more details, please have a look at the seperate Science Flash
flyer. Sign up now! noah jaeggi@space.unibe.ch
19:00 – EPEC Social Event
Just a fun evening at the bar…
Where? At the « PickWick », Rue de Lausanne 80 (Bus/ Tram: Butini). First come, first served.
The first 50 persons arriving at the bar (starting from 19:00) will be given a voucher for one free drink!
Friday, 20th September
12:15–13:15 EPEC short course: ESA mission proposals – A field report (Ceres Room 14)
Have you ever wondered how you could become involved in an ESA mission proposal? Or what stages such a mission proposal goes through before becoming reality?
Jakob Deller from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, will talk about the progression of the initial idea to the proposal submission and mission selection, and share his experiences of being involved in an ESA F (fast) class mission proposal