EPEC Profiles – Ilaria di Pietro
February 28, 2022

EPEC Profiles – Ilaria di Pietro

In this series from the EPEC Communication Working Group, we meet members of the Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) community and find out more about their experiences and aspirations.

Ilaria Di Pietro is currently enrolled as postdoctoral fellow at the Remote Sensing and Planetology Laboratory, University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

I started off as a space exploration lover when I was 8 yo thanks to “Armageddon”, the American science fiction disaster film produced and directed by Michael Bay in 1998. Since then, secretly, I always dreamed of being one of those superhero-scientists.

More than 10 years later, I chose to get my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Geological Sciences and Technology, focusing on the planetary branch among those available at the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti. I received my PhD -which focused on the geology of Mars- in 2019 from the Research School of Planetary Science in Pescara, Italy.
My research generally focuses on sedimentary processes on the surface of Mars, with particular attention to the creation of geological-geomorphological maps of the study areas. In the planetary field, I firmly believe that the geological map is the first and most important step to reconstruct the evolution of a region of interest, especially when it is still not possible to investigate it with human in-situ exploration.

In the last few years, I have been actively working in two Horizon2020 projects: Geologic Mapping of Planetary bodies (GMAP) and In-Situ Instrument for MARS and EARTH dating applications (IN-TIME) that allowed me to improve a lot of transversal skills, team working as a visiting young researcher in a variety of international teams at the Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation, Cyprus, the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, and the University of Texas at Austin, United States.

I truly wanted to get involved within the EPEC as soon as I heard about it for the first time during the Planetary Mapping Winter School 2022. I’ve found out a community of enthusiastic and passionate young professionals and I can’t wait to deeply work in this amazing and brilliant social-scientific network! Thank you EPEC!

Ilaria Di Pietro
Ilaria Di Pietro. Image credit: Ilaria Di Pietro.

If you are an Early Career member of the Europlanet Society and would like to be featured in an EPEC Profile, find out more about how to submit your profile.

See all the EPEC Profiles.