EPSC08/03: 3rd Media Announcement for the European Planetary Science Congress 2008
September 9, 2008

21-26 September 2008
Westfälische Wilhelms Universität, Schloßplatz, Münster, Germany


Approximately 500 planetary and space scientists will gather for the third European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität, Schloßplatz, Münster, Germany from Sunday 21 September to Friday 26 September 2008.

Media representatives are cordially invited to attend. The programme features 43 parallel sessions and 6 splinter meetings on research topics including missions and techniques, terrestrial planets, Solar System atmospheres and oceans, magnetospheres, small bodies and planetary moons, origins, outreach and amateur astronomy.

Sessions of particular interest include:

Tuesday 23 September 9:00-17:00
New science from Mercury (Session TP2)

Wednesday 24 September 9:00-17:00
Mars under the Microscope (Session TP7)

Friday 26 September 09:00-12:30/14:00-17:00
Current science from the Moon (TP3)/Lunar Exploration (MT1)

Press notices on presentations of special interest will be circulated under embargo prior to the meeting. Broadcast quality interviews with key scientists will be placed online and made available to interested press/TV channels on request, courtesy of Lightcurve Films and Media Junkies production companies.

The ESA astronaut, Thomas Reiter, will take part in a public event on the evening of Wednesday 24 September. He will be joined for a panel debate by Gerhard Schwehm of the European Space Agency, Tilman Spohn of DLR and Münster high-school student Philipp Stratmann.

Press room facilities will be available for the duration of the conference – from 9 am on Monday 22 September through to 3 pm on Friday 26 September. The venue has a wireless network. Media registration is free. Any bona fide media delegates can pre-register online or by e-mailing Anita Heward at anitaheward@btinternet.com . (Advance registration is not essential but encouraged).

Further information about the meeting can be found in the conference programme book:
and the EPSC 2008 website:

EPSC 2008 is organised by Europlanet, the European Planetology Network in association with the European Geosciences Union.


EuroPlaNet co-ordinates activities in Planetary Sciences in order to achieve a long-term integration of this discipline in Europe.

The objectives are to:
1) increase the productivity of planetary projects with European investment, with emphasis on major planetary exploration missions;
2) initiate a long-term integration of the European planetary science community;
3) improve European scientific competitiveness, develop and spread expertise in this research area;
4) improve public understanding of planetary environments.

Europlanet Project website: http://europlanet.cesr.fr/

Europlanet Outreach website: http://www.europlanet-eu.org