First Announcement and Call-for-Sessions
The Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (EPSC2020) will take place at the Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Granada, Spain, from 27 September to 2 October 2020.
The Europlanet Science Congress (formerly the European Planetary Science Congress) is the annual meeting place of the Europlanet Society. With a track record of 14 years and regularly attracting around 1000 participants, the Europlanet Science Congress is the largest planetary science meeting in Europe. It covers the entire range of planetary sciences with an extensive mix of talks, workshops and poster sessions while providing a unique space for networking and exchange of experiences.
The success of this meeting is founded on the excellence of its sessions and conveners. So, we encourage you to make session proposals on the conference website by 12th February 2020.
The meeting will cover the whole scope of planetary science and you can propose sessions for the following programme groups:
TP – Terrestrial Planets
OPS – Outer Planet Systems
MITM – Missions, Instrumentation, Techniques, Modelling
SB – Small Bodies (comets, KBOs, rings, asteroids, meteorites, dust)
EXO – Exoplanets and Origins
ODAA – Outreach, Diversity, Amateur Astronomy
We look forward to many good proposals for exciting sessions.
Please contact us at in case of any questions.
Best regards,
Maria Cristina De Sanctis
Scientific organizing committee chair
Maria Genzer & Harri Haukka
Executive EPSC committee chairs
Luisa M. Lara
Local organizing committee chair