Call for Hosting EPSC 2026 and EPSC 2027

Call for Hosting EPSC 2026 and EPSC 2027

The call to host the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) in 2026 or 2027 is now open. EPSC is the major European meeting on planetary science, regularly attracting 1000-1200 participants from around the world, and is the annual meeting of the Europlanet Society.

The deadline for applications is 15 May 2024.

Top level requirements:

EPSC 2026 and 2027 should be hosted in a European city under the responsibility of a very motivated and very capable LOC (Local Organising Committee) led by a research institute/research organisation with close links to the local planetary science community. The proposed venue should be able to accommodate 1200+ participants onsite and offer options to allow hybrid access for virtual participation.

Facilities should include a large auditorium for 350-400 participants, a large lecture hall for 160-200 participants, 2-3 rooms for up to 100 participants, and 2-3 rooms for up to 70 participants, as well as several smaller rooms for splinters, workshops, press conferences etc. The venue should include areas for coffee breaks, seating and working spaces, as well as the capacity to display 300 posters (300 single sided or 150 double sided) and to accommodate 10-20 exhibition booths. All facilities, including venues for proposed social event(s), should be of high-quality and accessible to all attendees, including those with reduced mobility and wheelchair users.

The venue should be in a safe and attractive location with excellent transport links (at both an international and local scale). Low-cost transportation and suitably priced accommodation for students should be available.


Candidate host Institutes/organisations are welcome to apply for either or both 2026 and 2027. The preferred timing for EPSC 2026 is early-mid September, avoiding holidays (e.g. Yom Kippur). The dates for EPSC 2027 should ideally be 19-24 September 2027 to allow for reciprocal joint hybrid activities with the AAS Division of Planetary Sciences (DPS), which will take place that week in Providence, RI, US.

To respond to this call, please download the application pack, which contains a detailed summary of the venue requirements, as well as a set of guidelines that draw on the experience of past EPSC hosts.

Applicants should fill in the application form below to submit:

  • A document setting out your proposal in full, addressing all the areas listed in the venue requirements.
  • A completed EPSC Proposal Budget Template (Excel spreadsheet in the application pack).
  • A completed EPSC Room Requirements Template (Excel spreadsheet in the application pack).

Tentative calendar:

  • Deadline for applications: 19 April 2024
  • Early site visit: May-early June, (to be confirmed)
  • Proposal evaluation June/July
  • Host selection: Announced at EPSC2024.

Any questions should be addressed to We look forward to receiving your proposals.