May 28, 2020

EPSC2020 goes virtual!

Abstract deadline: 24 June 2020, 13:00 CEST.

In light of the global Covid-19 pandemic, EPSC2020 will be held as a virtual meeting.

The Scientific Organising Committee of the EPSC2020 invites all planetary scientists to participate in the congress, submit contributions to the topical sessions and share their research with colleagues and friends.

EPSC2020 is the first time that EPSC has been held as a virtual meeting. We believe that virtual meetings are likely to play an increasingly important role in supporting our community, widening participation from under-represented groups and tackling the global challenge of climate change. EPSC2020 is an opportunity for us to be creative in developing innovative and supplementary ways for our community to interact. For details of the planned format for the EPSC2020 virtual meeting, please see:

The meeting will consist of oral and poster sessions. The current list of sessions is organised around the following Programme Groups:

  • Terrestrial Planets (TP)
  • Outer Planet Systems (OPS)
  • Missions, Instrumentation, Techniques, Modelling (MITM)
  • Small Bodies (comets, KBOs, rings, asteroids, meteorites, dust) (SB)
  • Exoplanets and Origins of Planetary Systems (EXO)
  • Outreach, Diversity, Amateur Astronomy (ODAA)

Please browse the list of sessions and identify the session that most closely matches your area of interest; your abstract can be submitted directly to that session.

Find out more about:

Information on participation fees, a separate online request form for splinter meetings & workshops, as well as tutorials and tools for the online presentations will be available soon on the meeting website.

We look forward to welcoming you to the virtual EPSC2020 in September.