TA2 Facility 10 – Stable, Rare Gas and Radiogenic Isotope Facility at CRPG
Average visit: 10 days
The Stable, Rare Gas and Radiogenic Isotope Facility (SGRIF) comprises three laboratories at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG):
- The stable isotope laboratory includes ThermoFinnigan MAT253, ThermoScientific DeltaV and GV Isoprime instruments for C, H, O, N, and S isotope analyses of rocks, minerals, organic matter and fluids by continuous flow mass spectrometry coupled with elemental analyzers or off line extraction. Possible analyses include O isotopes in silicate phases by fluorination and H, C and O isotopes in individual fluid inclusions.
- The rare gas laboratory offers a state of the art facility (Helix SFT) for the analysis of helium and neon isotope concentrations in terrestrial and ET samples. Potential applications include surface exposure dating with 3He and 21Ne, tracing the flux of micrometeorite samples in sediments, characterisation of geological reservoirs and mixing.
- The TIMS & MC-ICPMS laboratory hosts a Thermo Neptune Plus MC-ICPMS for high precision analysis of “non-traditional” stable isotopes (Mg, Fe, Ge, Hg, Nd, Cd, S…) and certain radiogenic isotope systems (147Sm-143Nd, Lu-Hf). A Thermo Triton Plus TIMS instrument is used for radiogenic and stable Ca isotope analyses, high precision analyses of 142Nd and the 190Pt-186Os system. A MAT262 TIMS dedicated to 187Re-187Os analyses is also available.
Laurie Reisberg, Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG UMR 7358 CNRS-UL), 15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres, 54500 Vandeouvre-les-Nancy, France. laurie.reisberg@univ-lorraine.fr
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