TA2 Facility 37 – Bio-High Voltage Electron Microscope (South Korea)
Average visit: 7 days (16hr + 1 prep)
- Accelerating Voltage: 1,000 kV
- Poining resolution: 0.15 nm
- STEM resolution: 2.0 nm
- Analytical functionality:
- 3D RT/Cryo-electron tomography
- Large area panorama imaging
- Thick bio/nano-specimen imaging with high contrast
- In-column Ω energy filter
- 3D modeling of cell organelles by high tilting (±70°) and high resolution (0.15 nm)
- Enhanced contrast imaging using high accelerating voltage / in-column energy filter
- Analysis of Enhanced large-area with high resolution by limitless panorama function
Dr. Keewook Yi, KBSI
Email: kyi[at]kbsi.re.kr
Website: KBSI website equipment page
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