TA2 Facility 5 – DLR Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory
Average visit: 5 days
The Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory (PSL) of DLR in Berlin provides reflection, transmission and emission spectroscopy of samples from UV to FIR.
PSL operates 3 identical spectrometers, two optimized for UV+VIS+NIR, one for NIR to FIR spectral range.Simulation chambers are available for emissivity measurements: from 0.7 to 200µm under vacuum for Tsample 320K to ≥900K, or under dry air from 290K to 420K.
Bi-directional reflectance with variable incidence/emission angles is measured in vacuum at Troom and 170K, with a planned extension for temperatures below 100K. Hemispherical reflectance under purging/vacuum, covers 0.2 – 200 µm spectral range.
FT-IR microscope allows transmission/reflectance analysis in the VIS+VNIR+MIR range.
Transmission of samples is measured in the UV to FIR range.
Dr. Alessandro Maturilli, DLR, Institute of Planetary Research, Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany. alessandro.maturilli@dlr.de
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