Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023 Proposal
Face-to-face meetings and workshops within the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project and the Europlanet Society have been significantly disrupted in 2020 and 2021, with budgets underspent.
Within the Europlanet 2024 RI project, there is funding for meetings and workshops to engage:
- Industry
- Policy makers
- Under-represented states
- Early Career researchers (including EPEC Annual Week)
- Amateur astronomers
- Virtual Access users.
In 2023, EPSC will be held as a joint meeting with the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Science (DPS) in San Antonio, Texas, from 1-6 October. Thus there will be no European-based forum to bring the planetary community together in 2023.
To provide an opportunity for the European planetary community to meet and network in Europe during 2023, we propose to consolidate as many as possible activities of the RI, together with meetings of the Europlanet Society (Regional Hub meetings, EPEC Annual Week etc), under the umbrella of a single event organised by the Europlanet Society – the 1st Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM).
The format of the proposed ERIM would be significantly different from EPSC: most sessions would be smaller and more workshop-focused and there would not be multiple parallel oral and poster sessions. Thus, the venue requirements would be much less complex (e.e. one large plenary room and several workshop rooms), and the event could be hosted by a university rather than a conference centre. This should significantly reduce costs and the difficulty of selecting a venue. A modest registration fee (subsidised through the RI budgets) could also ensure that the Society had an income during 2023.
Proposed Timeframe: June (to give a clear separation from the joint DPS-EPSC Meeting) and to coincide with the usual timing of the EPEC Annual Week
Proposed Location: A university in an under-represented country.