Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023 – Provisional Events
In 2023, EPSC will be held as a joint meeting with the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Science (DPS) in San Antonio, Texas, from 1-6 October.
To provide an opportunity for the European planetary community to meet and network in Europe during 2023, we propose to consolidate as many as possible activities of the RI, together with meetings of the Europlanet Society (Regional Hub meetings, EPEC Annual Week etc), under the umbrella of a single event organised by the Europlanet Society – the 1st Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM). The event will be held at the Hotel Sorea, Bratislava, Slovakia in June/July 2023 (dates to be fixed by the end of August 2022) and online (a platform to enable hybrid participation is being investigated).
The format of the proposed ERIM would be focused on workshops, so significantly different from EPSC. Rooms include a large hall for 150 people, 3 workshop rooms and a number of classrooms for breakout sessions.
We invite Work Package/Task leaders from Europlanet 2024 RI and Committee/Working Group Chairs from the Europlanet Society to fill in the questionnaire below with details of events that they would propose to organise during the week.