Europlanet Society Executive Board Elections
August 12, 2019

Europlanet Society Executive Board Elections

Closing date for nomination of Candidates: 22 August 2019

The elections for the Executive Board, which will oversee the governance of the Europlanet Society, will be held at the General Assembly on 19 September 2019, in Geneva. The Executive Board will consist of five Officers (President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer) and six Board MembersMembers of the Board shall normally hold office for a period of four years. The Board will meet in person at the annual EPSC meeting and at one other point during the year. Board members will be required to attend additional meetings via telecon.

We strongly encourage you to nominate dedicated and pro-active members of our Society as candidates for the elections by 22 August 2019. Each nomination must be backed by two Members of the Society, other than the Nominee.

The Europlanet Society Nomination Committee will then compile a ballot list from the nominations, and the elections will be carried out from 9 to 18 September 2019, via an online ballot platform. The results of the elections will be announced during the General Assembly.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive Board members

The Executive Board shall be the governing body of the Europlanet Society and shall manage, direct and control the affairs and property of the Society within the limits of its Constitution. The Board may delegate some of its powers to a Committee, to some of its officers or to its designated agent.

The Executive Board will:

  • Ensure that the Society complies with its Constitution and other relevant regulations.
  • Ensure that the Society applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives, giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • Ensure proper and effective use of the Society’s resources whilst maintaining and enhancing the reputation and profile of the Society.
  • Ensure effective presentation of and interaction with the membership. Oversee the processes for election and progression of its members. Oversee the activities of the Executive Office.
  • Safeguard the good name and ethos of the Society.


The President is the most senior position of the Executive Board and will require significant commitment. Ideally the incumbent for the position of President should:

  • Have significant experience in management and leadership.
  • Have experience of representing a scientific organisation to a wide range of audiences.
  • Have solid knowledge of the European and International Planetary Science research and policy landscape.

The President will:

  • Act as Chair at the meetings of the Executive Board. 
  • Commit to regular interactions with the Executive Office staff on regular Society matters and to be available (by email/phone) to discuss important impromptu (often politically or otherwise sensitive matters) with Officers and senior Executive Office staff as they arise. 
  • Represent the Society at the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) and a number of external events with other learned societies and professional scientific bodies, as well as European policy makers.


The two Vice-Presidents will provide support to the President and one of them will chair the meetings of the Executive Board in the absence of the President. On specific occasions, the President may invite the Vice-Presidents to represent the Society at external events. 


The Treasurer shall have oversight of the Society’s budget and ensure its coherence. To that effect, the Treasurer will work closely with the Executive Office Staff to draft the annual budgets and manage the Society finances. 


The Secretary will work closely with the Executive Office Staff to convene the meetings of the Society, define the agenda and keep track of all of records and documentation. The Secretary will also oversee the preparation of an annual report and its transmission to members and other approved organisations. 

Board Members

Board Members are required to attend and actively participate to the Executive Board meetings, and during the periods in-between to read, comment on and take decisions on matters raised to them by the Executive Office or Officers of the Society. On occasion Board Members will be invited to represent the Society at external events.

The Executive Board Members (including the President, Vice-Presidents and elected officers) will:

  • Consider strategic issues for the Society
  • Approve major financial decisions
  • Serve on subcommittees to support specific areas of Society activity and report on their work to the Executive Board
  • Feed into the Europlanet Society response to policy and other consultations

Furthermore, Board Members will collectively share the oversight of the following remits:

  • Communication
  • Outreach and Education
  • Early Career 
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Widening participation
  • Industry relations
  • Amateur collaboration
  • Infrastructure development
  • Global collaboration
  • Policy engagement
  • External funding opportunities

Executive Board meetings attendance

The Executive Board members are expected to attend all Board meetings (including General Assemblies). If Board Members fail to attend two consecutive meetings, they will be asked to renew their interest in sitting on the Executive Board. If they fail to attend three consecutive meetings, replacements will be sought.