Nominations for the President of the Europlanet Society
The current President of the Executive Board of the Europlanet Society was elected during the General Assembly on 19 September 2019, in Geneva. As the Members of the Executive Board hold office for a period of four years, and because the new president will need to serve as president-elect for one year before taking on precidency of the Europlanet Society, the president-elect will need to be nominated and elected during the General Assembly on 22 September 2022.
Any TWO ordinary members may nominate candidates for the position of president-elect of the Executive Board. If you are interested in nominating a candidate, please fill the form below. The two members proposing the nominations (“proposers”) must be different from the nominee.
After their nomination, the nominees will be contacted by the Europlanet Society Executive Office to confirm their interest. If interested, they will also be asked to provide a manifesto describing their plans and perspectives for the Society. All prospective executive board presidents will need to have joined the Europlanet Society by the time their manifestos are published.
The deadline for nominations is 15 August 2021.
Responsibilities of the President of the Europlanet Society
The President of the Europlanet Society chairs the Executive Board. The Executive Board is the governing body of the Europlanet Society and shall manage, direct and control the affairs and property of the Society within the limits of its Constitution. The Board may delegate some of its powers to a Committee, to some of its officers or to its designated agent.
The Executive Board will:
- Ensure that the Society complies with its Constitution and other relevant regulations.
- Ensure that the Society applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives, giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
- Ensure proper and effective use of the Society’s resources whilst maintaining and enhancing the reputation and profile of the Society.
- Ensure effective presentation of and interaction with the membership. Oversee the processes for election and progression of its members. Oversee the activities of the Executive Office.
- Safeguard the good name and ethos of the Society.
The President is the most senior position of the Executive Board and will require significant commitment. Ideally the incumbent for the position of President should:
- Have significant experience in management and leadership.
- Have experience of representing a scientific organisation to a wide range of audiences.
- Have solid knowledge of the European and International Planetary Science research and policy landscape.
The President will:
- Act as Chair at the meetings of the Executive Board.
- Commit to regular interactions with the Executive Office staff on regular Society matters and to be available (by email/phone) to discuss important impromptu (often politically or otherwise sensitive matters) with Officers and senior Executive Office staff as they arise.
- Represent the Society at the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) and a number of external events with other learned societies and professional scientific bodies, as well as European policy makers.