“Jupiter and its Icy Moons” is coming soon! This is Europlanet’s first animation and is part of series of short popular science videos, aimed at school and general audiences, that explain key topics related to planetary science and technology. The videos will be produced by The Science Office over the next 2 years.
“Jupiter and its Icy Moons” is a 5 minute animation that talks about Jupiter, its 67 moons and what the missions Juno, from NASA and JUICE, from ESA, expect to discover about this massive and intriguing planet.
The video will be formally premiered on the 5th of July in Athens, during a public event organized by Europlanet to celebrate the arrival of Juno at Jupiter. More information here.
While the video is not released, you can have a look at the teaser:
Click on the images below to download full-resolution posters. Feel free to print* them and share pictures of them on your wall or on social media!
*A3 full print, no white borders. For better results please use semi matte paper, 250/300 gr