September 18, 2020

Media Announcement: Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2020 – Monday 21 September – 9 October 2020

The 2020 Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) will take place as a virtual meeting from Monday 21 September to Friday 9 October 2020. This is the first time that EPSC has taken place as an online conference. The EPSC2020 programme covers the full spectrum of planetary science and technology across 47 sessions. More than 975 oral and poster presentations have been uploaded by planetary scientists from Europe, the US and around the world.

The EPSC2020 virtual meeting has a hybrid format of asynchronous presentations and discussion alongside a programme of live webinars. Scientific oral presentations have been submitted as pre-recorded 10-minute videos. Poster presentations are in PDF format, optimised for viewing on screen. The live programme includes daily briefings, interviews with members of the planetary science community, a “showcase” summary for each session, a keynote lecture for each thematic programme group, prize lectures, community events, short courses and splinter meetings.

An overview of the full programme is now online.

The meeting hashtag is #EPSC2020

Details of the live programme, the scientific sessions and the presentations can be found at the official website:

A limited number of press notices will be issued by the EPSC2020 Press Office during the meeting.


Media representatives are cordially invited to attend the EPSC2020 meeting. Media registration is free. Any bona fide media delegates can register by e-mailing

The EPSC2020 Press Office will provide support for media registered for the meeting in identifying presentations of interest and contacting authors.


Anita Heward
EPSC2020 Press Officer
+44 7756 034243

Livia Giacomini
EPSC2020 Press Officer

Adriana Postiglione
EPSC2020 Press Officer


About the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 

The Europlanet Science Congress ( formerly the European Planetary Science Congress, is the annual meeting place of the Europlanet Society. With a track record of 14 years, and regularly attracting around 1000 participants, EPSC is the largest planetary science meeting in Europe. It covers the entire range of planetary sciences with an extensive mix of talks, workshops and poster sessions, as well as providing a unique space for networking and exchanges of experiences.

Follow on Twitter via @europlanetmedia and using the hashtag #EPSC2020

About Europlanet

Since 2005, Europlanet ( has provided Europe’s planetary science community with a platform to exchange ideas and personnel, share research tools, data and facilities, define key science goals for the future, and engage stakeholders, policy makers and European citizens with planetary science.

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149 to provide access to state-of-the-art research facilities and a mechanism to coordinate Europe’s planetary science community. 

The Europlanet Society promotes the advancement of European planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the community and is open to individual and organisational members. The Europlanet Society is the parent organisation of the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC).