About the Europlanet Media Centre
The Europlanet Media Centre aims to serve as a portal between the media and Europe’s planetary science community. We can put journalists and broadcasters in touch with local planetary scientists, who can provide comment and give a regional viewpoint on planetary science stories. We also provide a press office and media distribution service, not only for the Europlanet Research Infrastructure, but for all European planetary scientists who have newsworthy results.
Contact: media@europlanet-society.org
Services for the Media
The Europlanet Media Centre helps journalists and broadcasters make contact with the right members of the planetary science community to comments on various aspects of stories. Whether you want to make contact key members of mission teams, such as Principal and Co-Investigators of instruments, find scientists in your country who can give local and regional context to stories, or find scientists who can give general comments on planetary stories, the Europlanet Media Centre will put you in touch with media friendly and experienced communicators from within the planetary science community.
Services for Planetary Scientists
If you do not have access to a press officer in your department or institution, the Europlanet Media Centre may be able to assist you in preparing and distributing press releases about your planetary science research. In addition, Europlanet will be offering a series of communications skills workshops in 2016-2018.