The Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) network invites you to participate in the fourth edition of the Mentoring@EPSC program, organised by EPEC in the framework of the EPSC 2022 meeting. This year we are back to in-person conferences and Mentoring@EPSC will provide one-to-one meetings between students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and established researchers for informal conversation and exchange of experiences. All of this with the goal of offering early career professionals a networking opportunity and a better EPSC experience.
Sign up as a MENTEE, if any of these apply:
- this is your first international conference, first in-person conference, or first EPSC conference and you are looking for guidance to successfully navigate the EPSC 2022
- you are a student looking for opportunities to get support in networking and career development
- you are keen to meet an experienced researcher from a similar scientific field.
We will put you in contact with a suitable Mentor to guide and support you during the conference.
- you are an experienced postdoc, scientist, or researcher who has been to numerous international conferences, feels confident navigating them, and is willing to share their own knowledge, experience, and networking tips with an early career professional.
You will be requested to meet at least once with your Mentee during the conference.
Sign-up to the Mentoring@EPSC program here: link. The deadline to sign-up is August 29th, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact us at EPEC.EPSC@gmail.comIf you would like to know more about mentoring services offered by the Europlanet Society, visit the Europlanet Mentorship Platform.
Code of Conduct
The Mentoring@EPSC is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive experience for Mentees/Mentors participating in the programme and abides by the Europlanet Society’s diversity commitment.
Mentoring@EPSC participants, including Mentors, Mentees and coordination team members, are expected to abide by the following code of conduct.
Professional conduct
- Mentoring@EPSC is a professional networking experience and all program participants, including Mentees, Mentors and coordination team members, should be kind to, and respectful of, all.
- Mentoring@EPSC is committed to equality of opportunity, to ensure the mentoring experience does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of their gender, disability, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status, age, nationality or socioeconomic background, or other protected characteristics not related to scientific merit.
- Mentoring@EPSC expects a diversity of views and opinions to be welcomed by open and constructive criticism of ideas, while personal attacks (verbal or otherwise) on individuals will not be accepted.
- Harassment, bullying or intimidation will not be tolerated, and anyone asked to stop unacceptable behaviour is expected to comply immediately. Harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate or intimidating behaviour and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted attention, offensive images, sharing digitial information without permission, and online stalking. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the programme.
- Mentoring@EPSC expects Mentors and Mentees to be thoughtful of their partner’s time and take their role in the programme seriously. Participants should respond to contacts in a timely manner, not commit to obligations that they cannot meet and try not to cancel meetings at the last moment. If Mentors are likely to be busy or unavailable at any time during EPSC2020, they should let their Mentees know when it will next be possible to reach them.
- If a Mentor or Mentee decides to withdraw from Mentoring@EPSC, they should let their mentoring partner know and contact
- Anyone that may observe, or be subject to, any violations against these rules should contact
Any questions about this code of conduct should be directed to the coordination team members by email at