Official Kick-off for the Europlanet Telescope Network
April 8, 2020

Official Kick-off for the Europlanet Telescope Network

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) not only builds on but also extends the ambitious programme of its predecessor project Europlanet 2020 RI. The establishment of a network of small telescope facilities within Europe and beyond is one of these new activities that will be carried out within the course of the project.

To achieve this goal, a new Work Package, called “NA2 – Coordination of Ground-based Observations” was set-up, which officially started its activity on March 30, 2020, with a full-day virtual Kick-Off Meeting. The web-conference was attended by 37 participants representing Europlanet 2024 RI and the Work Package team but also a diverse set of different  telescope facilities from all over Europe.

Besides introducing these observatories, the main goal of the kick-off meeting was to discuss the aims and goals of NA2 for the upcoming four project years. These contain the development of a central website for observational alerts and the organization of coordinated compaigns,
amateur training workshops, and the establishment of the Europlanet Telescope Network itself. But besides building a network, NA2 will also provide a broad set of support and funding opportunities such as supporting:

  • scientists or amateurs who want to observe at specific facilities,
  • observatories who observe in coordinated observation campaigns
  • workshops for the organisation of such campaigns.

An unbureaucratic application system through which researchers will be able to apply for funding will be set-up by the team of NA2 and its Scientific Advisory Panel and is expected to go online in May 2020. 

While the current Europlanet Telescope Network comprises about 20 different facilities, this number is going to be expanded during the course of the project. We are not a closed club – any observatory that wants to join is highly welcome to get involved in the Europlanet Telescope Network!

Manuel Scherf, the Work Package Leader of the NA2 Europlanet Telescope Network said, “The NA2 Kick-Off Meeting was a successful starting point of a new and exciting activity. Let’s together take this opportunity to build a new network, bringing in new communities and fostering the coordination of ground-based observation campaigns in Europe and beyond.

If you are interested to become part of the Europlanet Telescope Network, feel free to contact Manuel Scherf:

NA2 Europlanet Telescope Network Main Page