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You have selected our “Individual Reduced” Membership to join the Europlanet Society. This membership is eligible to early career scientists (i.e. students and scientists within 7 years after their last degree, excluding parental leave, serious illness and similar delays), retired professionals, amateur astronomers, outreach providers and educators. If this is your case, please fill out the registration form below. If this is not your case, please go back to our membership page and select the membership type that best matches your profile. Go back to membership page.
Early Career Scientists have the opportunity to take part in various activities organized by Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Network. Please visit the EPEC webpage for more details on the working groups and the corresponding activities. If you are willing to get updates on future opportunities, activities, and events of EPEC, please indicate it on the registration form below. Also, you can subscribe to the EPEC mailing list on the EPEC webpage.
Please fill out the registration form below to subscribe. Note that Regional Hubs and Committees are an important part of how we organize. Please select a primary (and secondary if applicable) regional affiliation to ensure that you can be contacted by your local organization and indicate any committees that might interest you.
* Please note that personal data collected here will be treated confidentially and in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. This information is used internally by the Europlanet Society, Europlanet Society RI, and its regional hubs to manage subscriptions, contact society members, and promote planetary science in Europe. It is never given out to third parties without the express consent of the member. To learn about the data we collect and why please refer to our privacy policy page. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails.