France Hub Homeplate

The Europlanet France Hub

The France Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the French and wider European community, within the Europlanet Society.

Members of the Committee of the France Hub are:

  • Chair: Susan Conway (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Secretary: Gabriel Tobie (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Diversity Officer: Léa Bonnefoy (Cornell)
  • Media Officer: Stephanie Beaunay (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Outreach Officer: Raphael Peralta (CEA Paris-Saclay, Spacebus)
  • Media: Stéphanie Beaunay (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Industry Officer: Jeronimo Bernard-Salas (ACRI-ST), Nick Cox (ACRI-ST)
  • Early Career Officer: Maélie Coutelier (Latmos)
  • Website: Ines Belgacem (JPL)
  • PNP Relations Officer: Pierre Henri (LPC2E, Orléans / Lagrange, Nice)
  • Amateur Astronomy Officer: Open
  • Special Portfolio: Baptiste Cecconi (Obs Paris)
  • Special Portfolio: Jean Pierre LeBreton (CNRS Orleans)
  • EC Liaison: Lora Jovanovic (JPL)
