Space Briefing: for young and grown-up space fans

On his latest space briefing, MEP Niklas Nienass presents the latest news on the subject of space, i.e. exciting news for space fans of all ages. 
As regards the young and young-at-heart space fans, Mr. Nienass states that he has just published a children’s book. He particularly states that, what is happening in space is often difficult to understand for children and non-experts. That’s why “Nikki will zum Mars” is the first children’s book about space in this format and the first children’s book that also explains space politics.
Further, after introducing the book at the Frankfurt Book Fair he gave it to the first experts, including UNOOSA Director Aarti Holla-Maini and ESA Director Josef Aschbacher, who, he can be spotted as a character in the book, in which he explains what the ESA is all about. 

Additionally, Josef Aschbacher is now the perfect transition to the news for the big space enthusiasts. That is why, he visited the ITRE Committee and reported on the implementation of the Union Space Programme from ESA’s perspective
Moreover, one of the topics discussed was Europe’s current lack of access to space. What was mentioned is that “we cannot carry on like this without independent access to space long-term. Regardless of how many innovative flagship projects we are creating in the EU on the ground. We cannot rely on launching all our projects with external rockets, but must strengthen the market with new procurement structures. This was also emphasised in the committee.
Following the above, Niklas Nienass mentioned the welcoming of the announcement to launch innovative and competitive solutions when it comes to awarding launches. And these are urgently needed. After all, the Commission wants to use SpaceX to launch two Galileo launches – i.e. safety-critical infrastructure – into orbit in the first half of 2024. 
Lastly, he advises whomever wants to know more about the current European space policy in “Nikki will zum Mars” and would like to receive a free copy (for now only in German) for themselves or as a gift, to send a message.

To see the full briefing, please follow the link below: