12th International Symposium on Digital Earth – ISDE12 – July, 6-8 2021

6 July 2021 @ 9:00 am 8 July 2021 @ 6:00 pm UTC+1

The Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS is honoured to host the 12th International Symposium on Digital Earth – ISDE12 – July, 6-8 2021. Scheduled within our annual ‚GI-Week‘, this special event will bring together policy makers and scientists and will explore pathways towards the vision of a ‘Digital Earth’.

Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS

Commission to invest €14.7 billion from Horizon Europe for a healthier, greener and more digital Europe

The Commission has adopted the main work programme of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022, which outlines the objectives and specific topic areas that will receive a total of €14.7 billion in funding. These investments will help accelerate the green and digital transitions and will contribute to sustainable recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and to EU resilience against future crises.

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The Open Space Innovation Platform

The Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) is a website that enables the submission of novel ideas for space technology and applications.  The platform supports individuals, businesses, universities, organisations who wish to contribute to European space research and interact with space industry experts. It also encourages ideas from legal entities interested in interacting with ESA and gaining funding or support for new research activities.

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Advanced Concepts Team Ariadna

Ariadna is a mechanism for collaborative joint research projects between ESA’s internal research think tank, the Advanced Concepts Team and academia. It was established in 2004 as an initiative to establish closer link with the European academic community in advanced space technology research.

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A joint statement was issued on 18.05.2021 by the EIC Advisory Board and the ERC Scientific Council, which can be found on the European Research Council website.

“The societal benefits of successful research and innovation are so high that public investment in this sector remains essential for the future of our society. At the European level, this was recognised in 2007 with the establishment of the European Research Council (ERC) to fund the highest quality curiosity-driven research, and in 2021 with the founding of the European Innovation Council (EIC) to support ground-breaking innovations. Both institutions aim to nurture the best talent in research and in innovation. Their presence under the same framework programme, Horizon Europe, recognises that many ERC researchers are also innovators and many EIC innovators also are researchers.”

Action Plan on Synergies between civil, defense and space industries

Action Plan on Synergies between civil, defense and space industries

On 13 April, the ITRE had a presentation by the Commission on the Action Plan on Synergies between civil, defense and space industries, which aims to further enhance and shape these interfaces to the maximum extent.

During the ITRE committee meeting, the Commission presented the action plan that is built upon three overall objectives:

  • enhancing complementarity between relevant EU programmes (synergies)
  • promoting EU funding for research and development on defense and space for the economy at large
  • facilitating the use of civil industry research achievements and civil-driven innovation in European defense cooperation projects

To this end, the Commission proposes the launch of three flagship projects as possible game-changers:

  • EU drone technologies
  • EU space-based global secure communications system
  • Space Traffic Management

Action Plan

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2 billion Galileo-enabled smartphones sold until today

2 billion Galileo-enabled smartphones sold until today

The Galileo programme has reached an important milestone, with an estimated 2 billion Galileo-enabled smartphones sold until today. The first Galileo-enabled smartphone hits the market in 2016 and since then has expanded rapidly.

GSA Guerric Pont, Acting Head of Galileo Services Department said: “2 billion smartphones sold is a remarkable achievement, and bears testimony to the fact that the market understands and appreciates the added value that Galileo brings in terms of availability, robustness and reliability’’.

More information here

Training Webinars

Training Webinars

1. How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (Webinar on 24 March 2021): Link: Recorded Session

2. A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don’t forget the other aspects (Webinar on 21 April 2021): Registration here  This webinar is a continuation of the session on “How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe”, held on the 24th March 2021. It provides additional details on the preparation of a proposal for Horizon Europe, like open science, gender dimension or dissemination, exploitation and communication aspects.

3. Other specialised webinars for participants will be announced in the news section of the F&T Portal

Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme

Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme

RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND READING on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Union Space Programme and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme and repealing Regulations (EU)

Date appointed
Massimiliano Salini


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Introducing ESA Agenda 2025

Introducing ESA Agenda 2025

ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher has worked with the Member States to define new priorities and goals for ESA for the coming years.

ESA Agenda 2025 outlines the challenges ahead but also for the longer term in maintaining and growing Europe’s role in the space economy.

Main priorities:    

  • Strengthen ESA – EU relations  
  • Boost commercialization for a green and digital Europe  
  • Strengthen space for safety and security  
  • Address programme challenges  Complete the ESA transformation

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European Ways Forward for Space Traffic Management

European Ways Forward for Space Traffic Management

SPACEWAYS intends to create a common understanding of the guidelines and standards necessary to develop a Space Traffic Management concept for the European Union.  The 18-month program aims to analyse the policy, legal and economic context of STM.

SPACEWAYS intends to provide guidelines to support European policy making thereupon.

SPACEWAYS will identify stakeholders and users’ needs by associating them with the project through a networking platform.

Moreover, specific attention will be devoted to mega constellation management, on-orbit operations or launch and re-entry future  activities.

More information here

Conference on the future of Europe – campaign materials

Conference on the future of Europe – campaign materials

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a chance for all Europeans to make their voices heard. Use the recommended tools and get involved in shaping the EU’s future.

The EU is looking for your ideas on what Europe’s future should look like as part of its Conference on the Future of Europe initiative.

More information here

European Health and Digital Executive Agency

The European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) manages European programmes and initiatives on behalf of the European Commission, and it works closely together with its parent Directorate-Generals such as DG CNECT, DEFIS, GROW, RTD.

The HaDEA addresses the European Commission’s ambition to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe at its heart, which will be greener, more digital, more resilient and better fit for the current and forthcoming challenges.

The expected total budget managed by the HaDEA will amount to over €20 billion over the 7 years period of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework.

More information here

Science for Policy Handbook

Science for Policy Handbook

The Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission’s science and knowledge service with a mission to bring science and knowledge into EU policy making, has made available the Science for Policy Handbook. The handbook is dedicated to researchers and research organisations aiming to achieve policy impact, and provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers, not just in the EU context.
The book is available on this site, which also provides useful information and material on related topics, such as Evidence-Informed Policy and Science Diplomacy.

First calls under Horizon Europe to be launched by the European Research Council ERC Kicks off Horizon Europe

First calls under Horizon Europe to be launched by the European Research Council ERC Kicks off Horizon Europe

The EU institutions reached a political agreement on Horizon Europe on 11 December 2020 and set the budget for Horizon Europe at €95.5 billion in current prices. On this basis, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU proceed towards the adoption of the legal acts. The work programme for the European Research Council was adopted on 22 February 2021. For additional information: Click Here

European Research Council approved a €1.9 billion financing package to allow some 1,000 top researchers to pursue frontier research.

The funding will support jobs for an estimated 6,860 postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and other research staff employed in ERC-funded teams.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Research, Innovation, Culture, Education and Youth highlighted the importance of the adopted Work Programme as that will support top researchers and their teams to pursue frontier research at different stages of their careers.  Top researchers considered as the future of European research.

Additionally, Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President of the European Research Council welcomed the adopted Work Programme as an important tool to back Europe’s researchers and their most innovative ideas. Thanks to the European Commission’s commitment, and the outstanding dedication of the Executive Agency staff the first call for proposal have already launched in 25 February.

First Calls for proposal in 2021

  • European Research Council’s Starting Grants as supporting top researchers to start their own independent research team or programme. Total budget: €619 million. The call launched it on 25 February and a deadline of 8 April. 
  • Consolidator grants for researchers who are consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Total budget of €633 million. The call launched it on 11 March and a deadline for applications is 20 April.
  • European Research Council will launch a call for Advanced Grants for leading advanced investigators. Total budget of €626 million. The call will be launched on 20 May and a deadline on 31 August.

World Space Forum 2020

World Space Forum 2020

The United Nations/United Arab Emirates Forum focused on ‘Space for our Future’ to maximize the efforts in ensuring that the benefits of space are brought to everyone, everywhere. The 2020 edition sought to facilitate the exchange of best practices and more inter-agency collaboration in support of the SDGs so that space assets, exploration and utilization finally become more universally used as one of the key tools for a better future.

Available materials (Presentations of the online virtual meeting): Click here

Video recordings of the session: Click here

Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme / ITRE (Committee on Industry, Research & Energy)

Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme / ITRE (Committee on Industry, Research & Energy)

Massimiliano Salini(Rapporteur/EPP) highlighted the importance of the reached agreement for the future of the European strategy in terms of guaranteeing services to the level that its citizens expects and deserves. Space sector is going to be a strategic sector for when it comes to the recovery from COVID 19. For additional information: Click here

13th European Space Conference Space Embracing a Changing World: Green, Digital, Resilience & Security

13th European Space Conference Space Embracing a Changing World: Green, Digital, Resilience & Security

Charles Michel, President of the EU Council laid out the overall strategy at a particular geopolitical moment for Europe. He stressed the importance of the Space Action in order to reach Europe’s strategic objectives:

  • Climate and Digital Transition
  • Mobilized unprecedented means to meet our objectives (Data, Cloud Computing and AI)
  • Europe should become more strategically autonomous where unified action of the 27 European countries is needed

For additional information (Video recordings): Click here

For the meeting minutes: Click here

1st Regional Hub Policy-Industry Officers meeting

1st Regional Hub Policy-Industry Officers meeting

The 1st Regional Hub Policy – Industry officers meeting took place on December 10, 2020, with the participation of 24 Europlanet policy and industry officers representing most regional hubs.

The local perspective’s importance to build the Europlanet policy strategy and links to the industry was raised. The collection of country-specific space strategies and building a directory of expertise were some of the issues discussed.