20-EPN-031: Investigating volatiles in the early Solar System through analysis of halogens in chondrules
Visit by Edward Baker, University of Manchester (UK) to TA2.9 Ion Probe Facility (IPF), CRPG (France).
Dates of visit: 13-17 December 2021
Report Summary: We have measured the concentration of halogens in the glasses of chondrules from enstatite chondrites. There is a clear correlation between Chlorine and Bromine abundances, but no clear relationship between Cl or Br and F. Iodine was not measured. In the main S is well correlated with Cl: this trend may have been modified by unintended analysis of micron scale blebs on sulphide. Halogen profiles have been taken across a number of suitable target chondrules, for diffusion modelling, which will be presented and published in due course. The array of data for F/Cl is sub-chondritic while the Br/Cl array is super-chondritic.
Evaporation and condensation may play important roles in controlling halogen behaviour, along with partitioning between other significant reservoirs in chondrites because fluorine is likely to be compatible in a number of silicate minerals. More will be known after diffusion modelling and after the experimental partition coefficients have been determined.
Read the full scientific report, with kind permision from Edward Baker and Rhian Jones.