Research Infrastructures in Europe – Development, Sustainability and Inclusion

Research Infrastructures in Europe – Development, Sustainability and Inclusion

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Venue: Research Centre for Natural Sciences, 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2

10:00 – 18:00 CEST

The future competitiveness of the European Research Area in science and technology is predicated upon the ERA having a Research Infrastructure (RI) based on facilities and people.  Modern science and technology require access to state-of-the-art facilities, both large (e.g. synchrotrons, accelerators)  and medium/small (e.g. suites of analytical tools). These may be based in custom-built sites, on the premises of universities, or at national institutes. Facilities are not restricted to laboratories but also embrace field-sites, computational and data bases/archives with both on-site or virtual access. 

Europe has built up a complex, multidisciplinary set of RIs that support a myriad of science and technology embracing all fields, such that European Researchers and European industry are able to act at the forefront of modern research with examples including AI and machine learning, astronomy, climate change, nanotechnology, next-generation health care and quantum computing. Uniquely, the majority of these facilities are open to all European researchers at no cost to the user. Hence, we have been able to exploit the full intellectual capacity of ERA home to over 2 million researchers.

RIs may be single-site in Europe or internationally (e.g. CERN or European Southern Observatory (ESO)),  or ‘Distributed’ across many sites and nation states e.g. European Synchrotron network. However, such a RI has grown largely organically with access funding often relying upon direct Funding from the EC Framework programmes. Future funding and models for the sustaining of ERA RIs are now in question and alternative structural and funding models for the ERA RI network are being developed ranging from the 29 European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) often led by governmental organisations to growing numbers of Associations internationale sans but lucrative (AISBLs) commonly organised and led by the community of academics and institutions. One size and structure does not fit all, and the operability and sustainability of ERA RIs are and will be necessarily varied. However, discussions between different RIs to share operational models and examples of good practice are required.

This one-day meeting is arranged to directly follow the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) meeting held in Szeged, Hungary, 16-17 September 2024. The meeting is open to all ERA RIs and builds upon the recently published ESFRI landscape analysis of ERA RIs. The meeting is focused upon two specific topics:

  1. Models of ERA RIs and their sustainability.
  2. Widening participation in ERA RIs

Hybrid Access:

We welcome participants to join us virtually through Zoom using the link below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 856 1031 3260
Passcode: 417394


Models of ERA RIs and their sustainability

Chair: Zsolt Fülöp

12.30 Arrival, Registration & Coffee

13.00 Introduction – Mr. Roland Jakab, CEO, HUN-REN

13.05 The ESFRI landscape/perspective – Professor Peter Lèvai (HUN-REN Wigner RCP, Budapest)

13.20 The League of Accelerator-based Photon Sources as an integral part of Europe’s RI ecosystem – Professor Jakub Szlachetko LEAPS Coordinator, SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre, Poland

13.35 As climate change is continuing – how to organise the sustainability of ICOS? – Emmanuel Salmon

13.50 The role and importance of small to medium sized Distributed Research Infrastructures in sustaining European research competitiveness – Dr Oguz Ozkan, European Science Foundation

14.05 The NEPHEWS project; co-funding PaN RI, working with PaN user communities – Dr. Cormac McGuinness, Trinity College Dublin

14.20 Research Infrastructures and Networks Beyond EC funding – Models and a Case Study for Sustainable Operations – Anita Heward, Europlanet

14.35 Session 1 Panel and Open Forum Future RI models and their sustainability – Chair: Nigel Mason, Europlanet

15:30 Coffee Break

Widening participation in the ERA – The role of RIs

Chair: Peter Lèvai

16.00 EU RI landscape – Geographical Distribution and RIs in less represented states – Nigel Mason Europlanet

16.15 CERIC – A distributed infrastructure in materials, biomaterials and nanotechnolog – Ornela De Giacomo, CERIC Deputy Executive Director

16.30 ELI – A major RI in Central Europe – Zsolt Fülöp, ELI ERIC

16.45 The Europlanet experience in HUN-REN Atomki – Professor Bela Sulik, HUN-REN Atomki

17.00 Training and retaining RI staff – Prof. Enrico Guarini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.

17.15 Panel and Open Forum. How can we widen participation /develop RIs in less represented regions of Europe?

Chair: István Szabó HUN-REN

End 18.00

Session 1. Models of ERA RIs and their Sustainability

The EU research infrastructure community remains poorly connected and acts in many disparate ways. It is thus often hard for agencies and governmental organisations to understand and navigate the EU RI landscape. In this session we will review the different  types of ERA RIs, their structure  (and the advantages and disadvantages of each). We will aim to characterize some of the terms widely used (but with different definitions in different communities)  such as ‘Distributed Research Infrastructures’, discuss how ERA RIs may work more closely together to optimise their functionality (many facilities are in more than one RI with each RI  operating different management and access provisions) and increase their visibility and impact to disparate user communities (including industry). Different models for long-term sustainability of RIs will be discussed and debated.  Finally, the provision for cooperation and information exchange between ERA RIs will be discussed with the option of hosting biannual meetings

Session 2. 2.   Widening Participation in ERA RIs

The vast majority of ERA RIs draw upon facilities based in a limited number of countries. To date, there are fewer facilities and thus less institutional membership of RIs from the nation-states in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. In this session we aim to review this landscape and explore both the potential and the challenges for facilities and RIs in these regions. This discussion is topical for both the Hungarian Presidency (2024) and Polish Presidency (2025).The discussion aims to identify those initiatives that are present in the region that help the connection of the EU-15 and EU-13 countries’ researchers through the domestic research infrastructures. These infrastructures are playing a pivotal role in enabling researchers to use the scale-up facilities that are present mostly in the EU-15 (with the exception of the one ELI ERIC). Also, the national infrastructures are nodes of many distributed research infrastructures, and as such they can contribute to economic development as well either through their own development or through in-kind contributions to the large-scale research infrastructures.


The Venue is close to the ELTe Department of Atomic Physics and the Department of Geophysics and Space.

The nearest hotel to the venue is the Radisson Hotel Budapest BudaPart (1117 Budapest, Dombóvári út 25 A). A range of more affordable hotels are available over the river, with self-catering apartments available near the venue bookable through

Organising Committee

Professor N J Mason, Atomki and Europlanet
Zsolt Fülöp, HUN-REN Atomki
Dr Szabó István, HUN-REN

ESFRI Landscape Analysis 2024 Launched

ESFRI Landscape Analysis 2024 Launched at Belgian Conference on Research Infrastructures

A conference on ‘Research Infrastructures in a Changing Global, Environmental and Socio-economical Context’ was held at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels from 4-5 June, as part of the Belgian Presidency of the European Council. The conference focused on three main issues:

  1. Research Infrastructures (RIs) as key players of strategic autonomy in a changing global context
  2. the socio-economic and environmental impact of RIs
  3. the broad ecosystems of RIs.

In a mix of presentations and panel discussions, representatives of the European Commission, the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), national policy makers and participants in a range of research infrastructures, discussed current challenges and future visions for the European RI community. 

The conference also provided an opportunity to see and discuss the new ESFRI Landscape Analysis 2024.  The Landscape Analysis provides a contextualised overview of the European RI ecosystem, identifying the main RIs operating transnational access in Europe, in all fields of research, and major new or ongoing projects. The Landscape Analysis 2024 will provide the framework for the next ESFRI Roadmap, which will set out strategic guidance for research infrastructures for the next 10-20 years.

As planetary science is such an interdisciplinary field, Europlanet works within a collaborative ecosystem of related astronomy and space RIs and networks, which include Opticon, Radionet, JIVE, Lofar, ChETEC-INFRA and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

The idea for an Astronomy & Space Network of Networks (NeoNs) was proposed in 2023, during a day of sessions at the Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023 in Bratislava. The aim of Astronomy & Space NeoNs is to foster collaboration and provide coordinated feedback on astronomy and space science topics to policy makers. The first action of Astronomy & Space NeoNs was to provide feedback on the draft Physical Sciences and Engineering Domain of the ESFRI Landscape Analysis in 2023. 

This input has clearly been noted. Astronomy & Space NeoNs is referenced in the Landscape analysis as “a recent network of RIs dedicated to Astronomy and Space Science, which facilitate transnational access to infrastructures”. 

Importantly, due to feedback from Europlanet, coordinated through NeoNs, the title of the subdomain in PSE has been changed from ‘Astronomy and Particle Physics’ to ‘Astronomy, Astroparticle Physics and Space Sciences’. Although planetary science and related topics were previously covered in the description of this subdomain, the broadening of the title removes ambiguity and means that planetary science, astrobiology, astrochemistry are now explicitly included and given prominence under the PSE Domain.

Europlanet is also namechecked in the ESFRI Landscape Analysis document:

“…new facilities under construction are fully aligned and complementary with the major upcoming missions in space (such as the study of dark energy via Euclid, launched in 2023, the study of exoplanets via PLATO and ARIEL, the study of gravitational waves via LISA, space exploration such as the proposed missions to the Moon and Mars). Space-based observatories will require significant investment by European partners to secure leadership in missions led by ESA or in partnership with NASA, JAXA and other international space agencies. Experimental facilities should be complemented by e-infrastructures to cope with the rapidly developing Big Data capabilities of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Such networks of Research Infrastructures have been established (e.g. Opticon, Radionet, Europlanet) and are an essential part of the European Research Area. There is a long and successful European heritage here, and huge future potential across all areas of Astronomy, to include commercial return, computing and technology, training and outreach.”

These outcomes demonstrate the potential value of collaboration through Astronomy & Space NeoNs for the planetary community. The next steps in developing NeoNs will be discussed at the European Astronomical Society (EAS) Annual Meeting in Padova from 1-5 July. 

The need for flexibility in legal structures for RIs was also raised at the conference in Brussels. The organisational structure for RIs favoured by the EC is the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), a specific legal form designed to facilitate the establishment and operation of Research Infrastructures of European interest. ERICs are ‘participated by States’ and require approval at the national government level with council representatives usually appointed by government agencies. As of 22 December 2023, there are 28 ERICS, which represent only a fraction of the pan-European RI networks established over the last three decades. For small and medium-sized DRIs, the ERIC model may not be either optimal or practical, for example, when the DRI largely comprises facilities within universities and industry, and/or there is a need for flexibility in the type of infrastructure offered to communities.

Since 2021, Europlanet has been involved in the co-organisation of workshops for small to medium-sized Distributed Research Infrastructures (DRIs). In early 2024, Europlanet coordinated a survey to find out more about the ecosystem of DRIs, including the research areas covered, the DRIs’ funding models, their structures and plans for sustainability. Preliminary analysis of the survey responses show that, as alternatives to the ERIC structure, several DRIs have opted for the Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif (AISBL) model, which was adopted by Europlanet in 2023, or the French Loi 1901.

A fourth, in-person DRI workshop is planned in Budapest on 18 September 2024 as part of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Council, and the establishment of a formal DRI network is also being discussed. Further details about the workshop’s agenda and registration will be published soon.  

Watch the recordings of Day 1 and Day 2 of the conference.

Policy news and events – Save the dates

UN/Austria Symposium 2024

???? Space Applications for Climate Action: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities

Join us for the UN/Austria Symposium 2024, where we’ll explore the role of space applications in climate action. Save the date for this important event:

???? Date: June 2024

Learn about successful initiatives, exchange best practices, and discuss policy alignment. Stay tuned for updates on the programme and registration details!

#UNSymposium2024 #SpaceForClimate #ClimateAction

????️ Space Sustainability Open Forum – Active Debris Removal

???? Tackling Space Debris: Regulatory Perspectives

Join us for an insightful discussion on the importance of active debris removal and gain valuable insights into regulatory frameworks. Save the date: April 15, 2024, from 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT).

???? Registration Deadline: April 12, 2024

#SpaceSustainability #ActiveDebrisRemoval #UNOOSA #SpaceForum #OnlineEvent

???? Key Dates for UN/Austria Symposium 2024

The UN/Austria Symposium 2024 is a landmark event focused on harnessing space applications for climate action. Save the following dates to ensure your participation and contribution to this significant endeavor:

  • Deadline for submission of abstract: April 7, 2024
  • Deadline for registration to attend in person: April 14, 2024
  • Deadline for registration to attend online: July 10, 2024

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to engage with experts, share insights, and drive meaningful change in the fight against climate change.

#UNSymposium2024 #SpaceForClimate #ClimateAction #SpaceApplications

European Space Law Delay: An Assessment

According to Niklas Nienass’ recent post, the postponement of the European Space Act within the current legislative period has raised concerns about the trajectory of European space policy. Nienass had previously underscored the importance of this legislation in safeguarding vital satellite infrastructure and promoting sustainability in space activities.

Despite initial commitments from Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Commissioner Thierry Breton, the delay in presenting the European Space Law has prompted reflections on its potential implications. Nienass expressed disappointment over the setback, emphasizing the urgency of establishing regulatory frameworks to address emerging challenges in space governance.

Nienass’s critique of the delay highlights the need for Europe to maintain a proactive stance in shaping the future of space exploration. As discussions continue on the content and implementation of the European Space Law, Nienass’s advocacy serves as a reminder of the importance of swift action in ensuring the safety and sustainability of space activities.

More information about the post maybe found here.

The 16th European Space Conference: A Confluence of Ideas, Innovation, and Policy

Space Industry Leaders, Policy Makers, and Enthusiasts,

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to the 16th European Space Conference, the premier event in the space industry calendar. Scheduled for 23-24 January 2024, this pivotal conference will be held at the SQUARE Brussels, with an option to participate online for those unable to join us in person.

Dynamic Programme of the Conference – 23 January 2024:

The first day of the conference promises a rich tapestry of sessions, keynotes, and dialogues, meticulously designed to catalyze progress in European space policy and industry.

  1. Main Sessions: Delve into a series of comprehensive sessions covering a wide array of topics at the forefront of space technology and policy. These sessions are crafted to reflect the current challenges and opportunities in the space sector.
  2. Keynote Addresses: Be inspired by a lineup of distinguished speakers. These keynote addresses will be delivered by prominent figures in the space industry, offering profound insights into the future of space exploration and technology.
  3. One-to-One Dialogues: Witness engaging and insightful one-to-one dialogues between key personalities from various facets of the space domain. These intimate conversations are designed to provide deeper understanding and diverse perspectives on pressing space issues.
  4. Targeted Theme Sessions: Participate in specific sessions focusing on targeted themes. These discussions will feature key personalities from the European space domain, including high-level representatives from EU institutions, Member States, the European Space Agency, national space agencies, and the European industry.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry peers, policy makers, and space enthusiasts. Exchange ideas, forge new partnerships, and collaborate with experts and innovators from across the globe.
  6. Exhibitions: Explore a range of exhibits showcasing cutting-edge space technologies and services, presented by leading companies and emerging startups in the space sector.

This year’s European Space Conference is not just a gathering; it’s a crucible where ideas meet innovation, and policy meets practice. Your presence will contribute significantly to shaping the European space policy landscape for years to come.

Registration and Additional Information:

For more details on the event, registration, speakers, and accommodations, please visit the website.

16th European Space Conference, January 2024 – Registration is now open

The 16th European Space Conference will take place in Brussels, on 23-24 of january, 2024.

The conference will comprise several main sessions, punctuated by keynote addresses and one-to-one dialogues.

The focus will be placed on space economic security, autonomous access to space, the future of space connectivity, space commercialisation, the upcoming EU Space Law, the benefits of space services and applications supporting the Green Deal and SDGs.

In light of the unprecedented geopolitical context that Europe is facing, we will also debate the synergies between space and defence and the different ways forward for cooperation in the space domain with Europe’s partners across the world.

Specific sessions dedicated to targeted themes will host key personalities from the European space domain, including high-level representatives from EU institutionsMember States, the European Space Agency, national space agencies and the European industry.

To see the full programm and get your ticket, please follow the link.

ESA Space Summit: Ministers back Europe’s sustainable and competitive space ambitions

Europe will harness space for a greener future, take decisive steps in exploration, and ensure autonomous access to space while preparing a paradigm shift towards a more competitive next generation of launchers, following decisions taken on November 7th, 2023, at the ESA Space Summit in Seville.

Government ministers representing ESA’s Member States, Associate States and Cooperating States resolved together to strengthen Europe’s space ambitions to better serve European citizens.

Meanwhile ESA is modernising how it runs its programmes, speeding up its procurements and increasing its role as an anchor customer to commercial suppliers, while fostering the development of cutting-edge technologies and programmes.

Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director General, said: “Space today is far more than space science, robotic and human exploration. Space has become strategic for the prosperity of any nation. Space policy is climate policy, industrial policy and security policy. It is a crucial tool for addressing global challenges. Space has become a topic at the global negotiation table. Europe must actively participate in this conversation.

Anna Christmann, Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy, who chaired today’s ESA Council meeting at the Ministerial level, said: “Today, ESA Member States have reaffirmed their commitment to a strong ESA. By doing so, Member States have enabled the first steps towards innovative and competitive approaches that will revolutionise how Europe secures its future access to space as well as its role in exploration. A strong agency will also help to better use space to deal with climate change, benefiting everyone on Earth. I look forward to continuing along this promising path when the Member States meet for the ESA Council meeting at the Ministerial level in Germany in 2025.

Accelerating the use of space

Earth observation data from space was crucial to identifying climate change. ESA will now help Europe to move from monitoring to managing – and harness the use of space to pursue climate action, supporting national and European efforts to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Asserting Europe’s rightful place in the world

The world stands at a pivotal point in space exploration. Over the past few years, the landscape has changed fundamentally. It will evolve even more quickly in the years to come: a new economy is developing in low Earth orbit that will transform space exploration in the years following the retirement of the International Space Station; and private companies are revolutionising the landscape from launchers to exploration.

At the Space Summit, Ministers launched a competition between innovative companies based in Europe to deliver a space cargo return service that will see a European commercial provider deliver supplies to the International Space Station by 2028 and return cargo to Earth. The service vehicle could evolve to a crew vehicle and eventually serve other destinations, if Member States so desire.

Next steps

ESA will work in partnership with the EU to coordinate the European demand for space services, demonstrating ESA’s role as the agency at the heart of Europe’s space ambitions.

The Summit’s decisions were passed by a resolution informed by the ESA Director General’s proposal to lift Europe’s ambitions for a green and sustainable future, access to space and space exploration.

They represent a further important step towards the Council meeting at Ministerial level to be held in 2025. The ESA Director General will propose an “ESA 2040” strategy to be prepared together with ESA Member States, which will be ready in early 2024 to serve as a foundation for the 2025 meeting.

To read to full Article please follow the below link:

SpaceX inks landmark deal to launch European navigation satellites: Report

SpaceX has signed a contract to loft up to four of Europe’s Galileo navigation satellites over two launches in 2024.

The deal, which Elon Musk‘s company inked recently with the European Space Agency, calls for the Galileo satellites to launch atop Falcon 9 rockets from U.S. soil, is what the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday 23rd of October.

The European Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, along with EU member states, must still give final approval for the deal,” The Journal wrote. “That is likely to happen before the end of the year, officials said.

The upcoming missions will mark the first time that SpaceX launches EU satellites carrying classified equipment, The Journal noted, and the first time in 15 years that Galileo spacecraft launch from a non-European territory. (Recent missions have lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guyana.) 

To read the full article please follow the link.

Space Briefing: for young and grown-up space fans

On his latest space briefing, MEP Niklas Nienass presents the latest news on the subject of space, i.e. exciting news for space fans of all ages. 
As regards the young and young-at-heart space fans, Mr. Nienass states that he has just published a children’s book. He particularly states that, what is happening in space is often difficult to understand for children and non-experts. That’s why “Nikki will zum Mars” is the first children’s book about space in this format and the first children’s book that also explains space politics.
Further, after introducing the book at the Frankfurt Book Fair he gave it to the first experts, including UNOOSA Director Aarti Holla-Maini and ESA Director Josef Aschbacher, who, he can be spotted as a character in the book, in which he explains what the ESA is all about. 

Additionally, Josef Aschbacher is now the perfect transition to the news for the big space enthusiasts. That is why, he visited the ITRE Committee and reported on the implementation of the Union Space Programme from ESA’s perspective
Moreover, one of the topics discussed was Europe’s current lack of access to space. What was mentioned is that “we cannot carry on like this without independent access to space long-term. Regardless of how many innovative flagship projects we are creating in the EU on the ground. We cannot rely on launching all our projects with external rockets, but must strengthen the market with new procurement structures. This was also emphasised in the committee.
Following the above, Niklas Nienass mentioned the welcoming of the announcement to launch innovative and competitive solutions when it comes to awarding launches. And these are urgently needed. After all, the Commission wants to use SpaceX to launch two Galileo launches – i.e. safety-critical infrastructure – into orbit in the first half of 2024. 
Lastly, he advises whomever wants to know more about the current European space policy in “Nikki will zum Mars” and would like to receive a free copy (for now only in German) for themselves or as a gift, to send a message.

To see the full briefing, please follow the link below:

The 3rd EUSPA HORIZON Call is now open

The new EUSPA Horizon Europe call is structured along 5 topics with a variable thematic span and objectives:

  • Develop commercial downstream solutions, based on synergies between the EU space programme components, for green, smart and more secure solutions addressing a variety of social and economic challenges;
  • Fulfill gaps in mature, regulated and long lead markets;
  • Develop new Copernicus-based applications for business and policy-makers;
  • Support the internationalization of Copernicus demonstrating the advantages and differentiators of EU space-based solutions outside of Europe;
  • Identify and address technological challenges related to the provision of GOVSATCOM services, improving operational terminals and demonstrating user access to early services.

The overall budget is 34,5 million. The deadline is on 14 February 2024.

For more information please follow the link.

Machine Learning for a new era of data-driven planetary science

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project looks at the many ways Machine Learning (ML) is revolutionising planetary science. The advent of Machine Learning (ML) has enabled a new approach, known as data-driven science. Using the wealth of datasets and streams available, ML can explore the data to find a pattern or commonality. Out of these initial steps comes a hypothesis that can be tested through data analysis, which, again, hopefully leads to a new understanding. Clustering or fusing datasets, moreover, can reveal connections that are not recognisable in the individual datasets.

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure is a €10m project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, that supports the planetary science community. The project’s core activities are to provide access to facilities, field sites, and data services.

However, Europlanet also provides investment through ‘Joint Research Activities’ that combine the expertise of multiple partners to create the new infrastructure and services needed to carry out world-leading planetary research. Since 2020, the project has developed ML tools to handle complex planetary science data more efficiently and provide opportunities to combine and visualise multiple diverse datasets. This programme has been further enhanced through a collaboration with a second Horizon 2020 project, EXPLORE, which is developing applications for the exploitation of galactic, stellar and lunar data, and provides a platform for deploying and testing ML tools and services.

Further, Europlanet’s ML-powered tools are based on scientific cases proposed by the community that address key challenges in planetary research. From these proposals, seven cases were chosen to follow up initially during the project, and further cases have been added over time. All the tools are open-source, ready-to-use, and highly customisable, enabling other researchers to freely deploy and adapt them for their own research scenarios.

Lastly, it should be noted that, by developing ML tools tailored to data-driven planetary science, Europlanet has cemented collaborations, started to build new user communities and developed services that are already resulting in publications. While the planetary science community could be seen as late to the party in adopting ML, interest is now high. This couldn’t be more timely – with flagship missions to Mercury and Jupiter soon adding to the deluge of data streams, the era of data-driven science is only just beginning.

Europlanet 2024 RI and EXPLORE have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 871149 and No. 101004214, respectively.

Please follow the link here to read to entire article.

Opinion: As space exploration and colonization expand, off-Earth resources will create a booming market

With advances in space technology, we’re on the edge of the next gold rush—but not on Earth. Based on recent scientific and engineering breakthroughs and commercial interests, off-Earth mining is expected to begin in the next decade.

The motivation for off-Earth mining is multifaceted: access to an unlimited wealth of valuable space resources, the spirit of discovering new planets and the development of spin-off technologies to be used back on Earth.

However, off-Earth mining has many challenges: there are geological uncertainties—we don’t know exactly where the water is and how much there is; infrastructural needs such as landing pads; social considerations—people have a strong emotional attachment to the moon; and financial constraints, with high risk but high potential return.

Looking toward the future, the mining industry is working towards zero-entry mines (with no human access required) and invisible mines (low-impact, reduced-footprint mining sites) to reduce the effect on the environment, improve energy efficiency and achieve decarbonization.

Improved social acceptance and reputation are also critical for the mining industry’s future. The space resources industry is motivated by colonization and creating a market for its product.

The mining and space sectors both thrive in challenging environments, making collaboration essential. They can mutually benefit, with the mining sector gaining from systems engineering and autonomous technology, while space can leverage operational experience and market creation.

The path ahead is loaded with uncertainties, but merging mining knowledge with space exploration will be paramount in the years ahead.

Follow the link to read the full opinion.

Space Briefing: Space sustainability must take centre stage

In his latest post, MEP Niklas Nienass is discussing space sustainability. The theme was illustrated in multiple ways, such as (a) at the exhibition entitled “Out of sight-out of mind?” featuring artwork by British photographer Max Alexander, (b) at the Space Dinner that followed, as well as, (c) at the Space Forum. 

At the exhibition opening in early July, the speakers emphasized how important it is to discuss space sustainability publicly. Aarti Holla-Maini (soon to be Director of UNOOSA) and Sara Lucatello (Vice-President European Astronomical Society) explained there is a global need to catch up on this issue. The subsequent panel discussion with Sara Lucatello, John Janka (Chief Officer, Global Government Affairs & Regulatory at Viasat Inc.) and Nikas Nienass focused on how space debris will jeopardize future space projects – with consequences for our infrastructure. As Sara Lucatello said, “The proliferation of satellites and space debris significantly limits our ability to explore and develop space” And John Janka added “Politicians must act now. I am enthused that there are initiatives like the European Space Law that address this challenge”. 

Further, at the Space Dinner, the topic of space sustainability was at the top of the agenda as well. At the dinner, which was hosted by Mr. Niklass and GSOA (Global Satellite Operators Association), particular emphasis was placed on the criteria for a leading role for Europe in the sustainable development of space and the budgets and policies required for achieving this. What became clear is that space sustainability must take center stage – but we also need to be bolder, more innovative, and create space for the innovative SMEs and start-ups to flourish. That can only be achieved through European cooperation. 

What is more, the need for European cooperation was addressed during the panel discussion at the Space Forum as well. It is noted that space is being used up as quickly as possible, without limits. Given that, we shall need clear rules, which can be achieved with the implementation of the European Space Law Initiative.

Additionally, MEP Niklas Nienass mentioned that clear limits are being set for the funding of the European Space Programme. Specifically, COPERNICUS is currently €721 million short, and it is still unclear whether this gap will be covered, or by whom. Negotiations have recently taken place with Great Britain, but it is already certain that they alone will not pay for the remaining amount. If the member states do not find a common denominator in the negotiations, COPERNICUS will be shut down for years. Mr. Niklass stated that we also need COPERNICUS to monitor climate change, atmospheric fluctuations and natural disasters, the reason why he is advocating for a hearing on COPERNICUS in committee after the summer break. 

Consequently, he stated that on Wednesday 19 July 2023 the implementation of IRIS is on the agenda including proposals in the field of sustainability. 

For more information about the live streaming, please follow the link.

Space Briefing: Space debris becomes a problem

According to his latest post, MEP Niklass Nienass, through an upcoming exhibition on space debris, is trying to give the topic of space debris a public platform. Based on his statement “what happens up there far away from us is reminiscent of the Wild West. And it affects our everyday lives more than many people think”.

It should be noted that in the international Space Race, the big players compete for the best innovations, for the biggest projects. What happens to satellites or rocket parts afterwards hardly matters. There are now 130 million tiny parts in space. Between 2018 and 2030, the number of active satellites is expected to rise from 2,000 to 100,000 – after their mission they’ll become space junk.

However, the problem with this infinite space is that things can get tight very quickly. Since 1999, the ISS and its astronauts have had to correct course 32 times to avoid collisions, Mr. Nienass said. Retired satellites can cause critical infrastructure to fail through collisions with active satellites. 

Further, it is true, that space debris can come to us: Ten years ago, a retired Soviet satellite crashed in Hudson Bay over Canada. Such unburned parts can, in the worst case, hit areas of high population density. 

To this end, Mr. Nienass makes the following questions: Do we really want to be so wasteful with our raw materials? Rare earths that are supposed to be useless after the Space Project? We need better solutions. Approaches already exist on how to better locate decommissioned satellites. And space waste collection: from 2025, ESA wants to use satellites to collect waste in space. We need more of that.

Official answers can get through the European space law establishment. This should oblige all space players to consider the sustainability and disposal of satellites and rockets in their projects. This law should then set standards worldwide – so that the Wild West in space comes to an end. 

Find the full statement on the website:

Space Briefing: New Position Paper in the Bundestag

Based on a recent post published by MEP, Mr. Niklas Nienass, it is noted that the SPD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag published a position paper (German) on Germany’s role in space.

It is highlighted that the spaceflight is increasingly considered as a political issue in Germany — especially since the paper offers a number of promising approaches. Among other issues, it states that:

  • the German government should advocate common standards and binding rules at European and international level and begin work on a national space law;
  • the German government should support the further integration of European spaceflight, assume responsibility in existing and emerging European space institutions, and constructively support the legislative process for an EU space law in the Council;
  • the development of a Space Traffic Management is necessary and safety in orbit must be ensured by researching and regulating the disposal of space debris. The according EU initiative is welcomed.

Mr. Nienass states that it is a good sign that the SPD parliamentary group is looking at German spaceflight from a decidedly European and international perspective. 

He also comments that “In Europe, with the structure of ESA and national space organizations, we have a space landscape that is unique in the world. I am convinced that this diversity makes us strong. Germany plays a leading role in European and international spaceflight — and should also co-shape the international regulatory discourse accordingly. Common rules and standards are necessary to strengthen European spaceflight in the long term”.

Please find the full paper (in German) here.

The European Space Forum 2023

The European Space Forum will return to Brussels in 5 to 6 July, 2023, and will once again bring together key stakeholders and thought leaders for 2 full days of face-to-face debate. Focusing on the key pillars of security & defence, sustainability, competition, innovation and connectivity, the event will provide the opportunity to come together and discuss key challenges and opportunities as Europe looks to deliver on its space ambitions and secure its position as a strong and resilient leader in the global space market.

Key themes this year:

  • The EU Space & Defence strategy
  • Sustainability and safety of space operations
  • Space funding and investment in an uncertain world
  • The role of the EU in international space policy
  • IRIS² & Secure space based connectivity
  • Supporting SDGs through space
  • Delivering a competitive and innovative EU space sector

For more information on any aspect of this event please access the link here.

Space for Island Nations Conference 2023

The world’s first “Space for Island Nations” conference is set to take place in Crossroads Maldives, from May 2nd to May 5th, 2023. This event will bring together international space companies, policymakers from island nations and NGOs alongside experts in climate science and environmental management. It is the first ever space conference focused on Island Nations and the Maldives as a host country.

SINC 2023 is hosted by the Maldives Space Research Organisation (MSRO), as the first space organisation dedicated to the research and development of the space sector in the Maldives.

Register your interest now

European Astronautical Capacities

Following the International Women’s Day, the premises of the European Parliament warmly welcomed ESA’s astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti as a guest, while her speech, as of the first female European ISS commander, was an inspiring event!

MEP Niklas Nienass had the pleasure to exchange views on how to further increase the number of women in STEM professions — especially in the space sector. It should be noted, that Director General Josef Aschbacher is proactively leading the way at ESA in this matter.

Further to the event, the future of European spaceflight was also on the agenda. Samantha’s dream was to launch into space on a European rocket one day. It is true, that Europe needs a strong voice in space — and as MEP Nienass said, “we must be able to live up to our political vision technologically. Europe needs the ability to fly humans into space on its own“. 

These issues were also advocated by a high-level advisory body appointed by ESA. In their newly published report, the experts propose that Europe further expands its capacities in orbital and lunar spaceflight — both in terms of robotic and human missions. Among other things, they discuss the possibility of a commercial European Space Station in LEO and a permanent European presence on the Moon.

MEP’s Nienass view is to continue to rely on international cooperation in space — and at the same time strengthen our autonomy with sufficient investments.

Please read further on the site:

ERIM / EPEC Annual Week 2023 – Registration Now Open

Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM)/Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week 2023 – Registration Now Open

The first Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM), co-hosted with the fifth Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week, will take place from 19-23 June 2023 in hybrid format at the Hotel Sorea / Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia and online. 

Registration is free and accommodation and travel support is available for participants. 

Registration is now open.

Deadline for on-site registration: 19 May 2023

Deadline for virtual registration: 16 June 2023

About ERIM

ERIM is a new kind of meeting to support European planetary science and associated communities. The format of ERIM 2023 is a series of interactive workshops related to the activities of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project, research infrastructures in general, and the Europlanet Society. The meeting will be co-hosted with EPEC Annual Week 2023, the training school for the Europlanet Early Career Network. 

How will it Work?

Workshops will be organised under a series of programme tracks. You can dip in and out of programme tracks, workshops and even sessions during the week. The aim is to make new connections, brainstorm ideas, develop synergies, increase opportunities for collaboration and help us build a strong, thriving, sustainable community for planetary science in Europe.

You don’t have to be a member of the Europlanet Society or the Europlanet 2024 RI project to participate in ERIM. We are looking for new people to engage with Europlanet, so everyone is welcome. However, we will be offering free accommodation and travel grants to a limited number (~150) of participants. If we are over-subscribed in requests for support, priority will be given to Europlanet Society members. (Find out about other benefits of joining the Europlanet Society).


Many different topics will be covered within the ERIM programme tracks and workshops, including:

For full details of the meeting and registration, see:

If you have any questions, contact us.

We hope to see you in Bratislava!

The ERIM 2023 Organising Committee

Space Briefing: SpaceX in Ukraine

In his latest statement, Niklas Nienaß, MEP, commented on how risky the involvement of private companies in war zones is, mentioning also that this raises political questions regarding the privatisation of spaceflight.

More specifically, Niklas Nienaß stated that “whether or not combat drones controlled via Western services should be deployed in Ukraine is a difficult question that needs to be carefully evaluated. In the end, however, it should not be companies or private individuals who decide, but democratically legitimized representatives of the people“.

Further he pointed out that the privatization of spaceflight has unleashed immense innovation over the past decade, from which we will all benefit, calling for taking also regulatory action.

What is more, Niklas Nienaß said that international rules and competition are needed in order to prevent monopolies and dangerous concentrations of power. At the same time, democratic actors need to work on building their own technologies. 

Given that Europe is now gaining momentum, with IRIS², Mr. Nienaß lastly mentioned that “we are building our own technological capacities” and, therefore, “now we need to create a blueprint for future international regulation with a European Space Law!

Please see the full statement on the site here.

Europlanet Dinner Debate in the European Parliament

Europlanet Dinner Debate in the European Parliament

On 24 January 2023, Europlanet and Niklas Nienass, MEP, co-hosted a Dinner Debate in the European Parliament. The theme of the debate was “Promoting the importance of space policies and a European Space Strategy”.

The evening started with an introduction by Mr Nienass and a video message from the Europlanet 2024 RI Coordinator and President of the Europlanet Society, Nigel Mason, who was unable to attend in person. Over dinner, a number of invited participants gave short keynote speeches, and this was followed by an open debate.


Niklas Nienass, MEP, co-host
Nigel Mason/Barbara Cavalazzi, Europlanet, co-host

Short keynote note speeches
Marian-Jean Marinescu, MEP
Rodrigo da Costa, Head of EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Josef Aschbacher, Director of European Space Agency (ESA)
Kai-Uwe Schrogl, President of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL)
Christoph Kutz, Head of DG DEFIS
Ann-Carine Vandaele, Vice President of Europlanet Society Executive Board
Charles Galland, Policy Manager, ASD-Eurospace

Debate (moderated by Niklas Nienass)

Details of the Dinner Debate: “Promoting the importance of space policies and a European Space Strategy”.

Europe’s capacities in the space sector are continuously growing; we have world-leading programmes covering all areas of space activities and the largest international community of planetary scientists. The importance of space endeavors slowly comes to overall public awareness and this is mirrored in increased private interest as well as governmental spending. As Europe, we have enormous potential going forward but currently, we are lacking a common policy framework, legislative basis and overall strategy. We need to keep building the coherent, well-networked and collaborative community we have and fully exploit the resources at our disposal. Europe is taking a leading role in challenging missions aiming at changing the space sector. 

This high-level event should bring decision-makers, academics and researchers together to discuss the importance of a European Space Strategy, status quo and common visions to go forward.

MEP Niklas Nienass is Member of the European Parliament for The Greens/EFA, where he is responsible for space policy. A strong supporter of the European new space economy, he is committed to establish a European space legislation and set international standards for space traffic management. He has a seat in the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), where he negotiates space related legislative files on behalf of the Greens/EFA group. In 2020 he graduated with a Master’s degree in Good Governance with a thesis on international space law.

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (Europlanet 2024 RI) is the culmination of a series of projects funded by successive European Union Framework Programmes (FP6 and FP7) to build a research infrastructure integrating planetary science across the European Research Area. Europlanet 2024 RI delivers access to virtual services and transnational access to the world’s largest collection of planetary simulation and analysis facilities. Europlanet is equally well placed within the Horizon Europe strategic objectives, focusing on industrial applications, development of digital technologies, EO services, AI and machine learning. The Europlanet Society, launched in 2018, is structured around 10 Regional Hubs and it aims to build sustainable capacity and cascade expertise in stakeholder engagement through the European planetary community. Europlanet focuses on evidence-based policy, informing policy makers on the scientific, industrial and socio-economic impacts of planetary science, at European and national level. They are also engaging with the planetary science community raising awareness and encouraging its engagement with policy makers and industry across Europe, in particular with SMEs.