Planetary Perspectives: Meet the New Europlanet Society Board
This edition of Planetary Perspectives highlights opportunities within space industry for early careers in an interview with Yoga Barrathwaj Raman Mohan (Blue Skies Space Ltd/Europlanet Industry Team).
Europlanet Telescope Network: Small-Scale Facilities Lead to Large-Scale Successes
As the Europlanet Telescope Network celebrates its fourth birthday, Gražina Tautvaišienė (Vilnius University, Lithuania), Guenter Kargl (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) and Anita Heward (University of Kent, UK) reflect on the achievements to date.
Engaging With Embassies
Nigel Mason (Coordinator of Europlanet 2024 RI) gives guidance on how to approach embassies and an example of the outcome of a collaboration between embassies in the UK and Hungary.
Little Venus in the Middle of the Atlantic
Uli Köhler (DLR, Germany) reports on an expedition to Iceland that is helping to prepare for NASA and ESA missions to Venus at the beginning of the next decade.
The Future of Sample Return
Peter McArdle, Hans Huybrighs, J D Prasanna Deshapriya and Ottaviano Rüsch of the Europlanet Early Careers (EPEC) Future Research Working Group interview Enrica Bonato, who developed the sample return lab at at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin.
SPIDER: Supporting Space Weather Studies Through the Solar System
Nicolas André (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, France) and Andrea Opitz (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary) describe how Europlanet’s SPIDER services are supporting planetary space weather studies and Solar System missions.
Beautiful But Not Hospitable – A Sensory Tour of the Solar System’s Planets
Anita Heward (Europlanet/University of Kent, UK) and Thibaut Roger (University of Bern, Switzerland) report on reactions to an unusual scent at the Swiss Comic Con.
Workshops for Global Collaboration
Barbara Cavalazzi (University of Bologna, Italy) reviews a series of workshops organised by Europlanet in Africa and South America.
Stories of Planetary Mapping
Riccardo Pozzobon and Matteo Massironi (University of Padova, Italy) explains how Europlanet’s GMAP activity has created infrastructure to support geological mappers around the world.
Commkit – Should You Augment or Virtualise Your Reality?
Thibaut Roger (University of Bern/NCCR PlanetS, Switzerland) examines how to incorporate VR and AR in your outreach and communication.
The Last Word – Europlanet Beyond 2024
Ann Carine Vandaele, President of the Europlanet Society, and Nigel Mason, Coordinator of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) reveal a new phase for Europlanet.
The future competitiveness of the European Research Area in science and technology is predicated upon the ERA having a Research Infrastructure (RI) based on facilities and people. Modern science and technology require access to state-of-the-art facilities, both large (e.g. synchrotrons, accelerators) and medium/small (e.g. suites of analytical tools). These may be based in custom-built sites, on the premises of universities, or at national institutes. Facilities are not restricted to laboratories but also embrace field-sites, computational and data bases/archives with both on-site or virtual access.
Europe has built up a complex, multidisciplinary set of RIs that support a myriad of science and technology embracing all fields, such that European Researchers and European industry are able to act at the forefront of modern research with examples including AI and machine learning, astronomy, climate change, nanotechnology, next-generation health care and quantum computing. Uniquely, the majority of these facilities are open to all European researchers at no cost to the user. Hence, we have been able to exploit the full intellectual capacity of ERA home to over 2 million researchers.
RIs may be single-site in Europe or internationally (e.g. CERN or European Southern Observatory (ESO)), or ‘Distributed’ across many sites and nation states e.g. European Synchrotron network. However, such a RI has grown largely organically with access funding often relying upon direct Funding from the EC Framework programmes. Future funding and models for the sustaining of ERA RIs are now in question and alternative structural and funding models for the ERA RI network are being developed ranging from the 29 European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) often led by governmental organisations to growing numbers of Associations internationale sans but lucrative (AISBLs) commonly organised and led by the community of academics and institutions. One size and structure does not fit all, and the operability and sustainability of ERA RIs are and will be necessarily varied. However, discussions between different RIs to share operational models and examples of good practice are required.
This one-day meeting is arranged to directly follow the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) meeting held in Szeged, Hungary, 16-17 September 2024. The meeting is open to all ERA RIs and builds upon the recently published ESFRI landscape analysis of ERA RIs. The meeting is focused upon two specific topics:
13.00 Introduction – Mr. Roland Jakab, CEO, HUN-REN
13.05 The ESFRI landscape/perspective – Professor Peter Lèvai (HUN-REN Wigner RCP, Budapest)
13.20 A European RI landscape – Professor Jakub Szlachetko LEAPS Coordinator, SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre, Poland
13.35 As climate change is continuing – how to organise the sustainability of ICOS? – Emmanuel Salmon
13.50 The role and importance of small to medium sized Distributed Research Infrastructures in sustaining European research competitiveness – Dr Oguz Ozkan, European Science Foundation
14.05 The NEPHEWS project; co-funding PaN RI, working with PaN user communities – Dr. Cormac McGuinness, Trinity College Dublin
14.20 Research Infrastructures and Networks Beyond EC funding – Models and a Case Study for Sustainable Operations – Anita Heward, Europlanet
14.35 Session 1 Panel and Open Forum Future RI models and their sustainability – Chair: Nigel Mason, Europlanet
15:30 Coffee Break
Widening participation in the ERA – The role of RIs
Chair: Peter Lèvai
16.00 EU RI landscape – Geographical Distribution and RIs in less represented states – Nigel Mason Europlanet
16.15 CERIC – A distributed infrastructure in materials, biomaterials and nanotechnolog – Ornela De Giacomo, CERIC Deputy Executive Director
16.30 ELI – A major RI in Central Europe – Zsolt Fülöp, ELI ERIC
16.45 The Europlanet experience in HUN-REN Atomki – Professor Bela Sulik, HUN-REN Atomki
17.00 Training and retaining RI staff – Prof. Enrico Guarini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
17.15 Panel and Open Forum. How can we widen participation /develop RIs in less represented regions of Europe?
Chair: István Szabó HUN-REN
End 18.00
Session 1. Models of ERA RIs and their Sustainability
The EU research infrastructure community remains poorly connected and acts in many disparate ways. It is thus often hard for agencies and governmental organisations to understand and navigate the EU RI landscape. In this session we will review the different types of ERA RIs, their structure (and the advantages and disadvantages of each). We will aim to characterize some of the terms widely used (but with different definitions in different communities) such as ‘Distributed Research Infrastructures’, discuss how ERA RIs may work more closely together to optimise their functionality (many facilities are in more than one RI with each RI operating different management and access provisions) and increase their visibility and impact to disparate user communities (including industry). Different models for long-term sustainability of RIs will be discussed and debated. Finally, the provision for cooperation and information exchange between ERA RIs will be discussed with the option of hosting biannual meetings
Session 2. 2. Widening Participation in ERA RIs
The vast majority of ERA RIs draw upon facilities based in a limited number of countries. To date, there are fewer facilities and thus less institutional membership of RIs from the nation-states in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. In this session we aim to review this landscape and explore both the potential and the challenges for facilities and RIs in these regions. This discussion is topical for both the Hungarian Presidency (2024) and Polish Presidency (2025).The discussion aims to identify those initiatives that are present in the region that help the connection of the EU-15 and EU-13 countries’ researchers through the domestic research infrastructures. These infrastructures are playing a pivotal role in enabling researchers to use the scale-up facilities that are present mostly in the EU-15 (with the exception of the one ELI ERIC). Also, the national infrastructures are nodes of many distributed research infrastructures, and as such they can contribute to economic development as well either through their own development or through in-kind contributions to the large-scale research infrastructures.
The Venue is close to the ELTe Department of Atomic Physics and the Department of Geophysics and Space.
The nearest hotel to the venue is the Radisson Hotel Budapest BudaPart (1117 Budapest, Dombóvári út 25 A). A range of more affordable hotels are available over the river, with self-catering apartments available near the venue bookable through
Organising Committee
Professor N J Mason, Atomki and Europlanet Zsolt Fülöp, HUN-REN Atomki Dr Szabó István, HUN-REN
The Ireland-UK Hub Committee met in person at the British Planetary Science Congress (BPSC) in June 2024. The mission statement for the Hub, the committee composition and the recruitment of positions to be filled were discussed. The hub is particularly searching for more Irish representatives to join the committee.
BPSC 2024 took place at Space Park Leicester (SPL) and the adjacent National Space Centre in Leicester between 18-21 June. The event started with a 1-day workshop for early careers, during which experienced SPL engineers and project managers presented examples of how space instruments and missions are developed. The main 3-day conference consisted of oral and poster sessions, reflecting the range of topical planetary and space science activities in the UK. Europlanet sponsored the event through the Ireland-UK Hub. The Europlanet Management Team from the University of Kent attended with a stand and participated in the community consultation day.
Get to know some of the members of the Ireland-UK Hub Committee through their profiles:
Steve Miller – Interim Chair and Royal Astronomical Society Liaison, University College London
Steve Miller is Emeritus Professor of Science Communication and Planetary Science at University College London, and Chair of the Royal Astronomical Society’s outreach and engagement programme RAS200: Sky & Earth. His planetary science interests lie in understanding how giant planets – like Jupiter and Saturn, and some of the hot, giant exoplanets – couple with their space environment. A former political journalist, Steve is interested in wider science and society issues. He is (co-)author of Science in Public: communication, culture and credibility (1998) and The Chemical Cosmos: a guided tour (2011). Steve is a Founder Member of Europlanet and the Europlanet Society.
Peter Fawdon – UK Planetary Forum Liaison, Open University
Peter is a research fellow at the Open University. In his research is he uses geological remote sensing to understand the geological history of early Mars. Focusing on geographic contexts of where heat (volcanoes) and water (rivers, lakes and ice) have interacted. This is part of his broad interest in the context of life outside Earth; understanding where the places are in which life could have lived. He is an involved member of the ExoMars mission, as part of the Science operations working group leading the geological mapping of the landing site, as and as part of the PanCam and CaSSIS camera teams.
Peter became involved in Europlanet through his organisation of BPSC2022 and his desire to expand the UK Planetary Forum to better serve the needs of the flourishing planetary research community across the British Isles.
Chrysa Avdellidou – Vice Chair, University of Leicester
I am a Lecturer in Planetary Science (University of Leicester), studying asteroids, moons and impacts in our solar system with experiments and observations. I am a collaborator at the ORISIS-REx, an ESA participating scientist at the Martian Moon eXploration, and I participate in the LUnar Meteoroid Impact Observer cubesat team. I hold a Physics Degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a PhD in Physics from the University of Kent. I was a fellow at ESA/ESTEC and at the Observatory of Nice. I am a council member of the Royal Astronomical Society. My aim is to promote planetary science via the UK/Ireland node.
Jack Wright – Secretary, ESAC European Space Agency, Madrid
Originally from Belfast, Jack Wright is a European Space Agency Research Fellow based at the European Space Astronomy Centre outside Madrid, Spain. He completed his PhD in planetary geology at the Open University (UK) in 2019, during which he made the first geological map of Mercury’s Hokusai quadrangle. He stayed at the Open University for two postdoctoral positions where he produced advanced planetary maps, including machine-learning-derived terrain maps of Martian rover landing sites. At ESA, he continues to use geological mapping to address big questions about Mercury, including the subsurface distribution of the planet’s enigmatic volatiles. Jack is looking forward to strengthening ties between planetary science researchers in Ireland and the UK as Secretary of the Europlanet Ireland & UK Regional Hub.
Lewis Dartnell – Outreach Officer, University of Westminster
I graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences and completed my PhD at University College London in 2007. I now hold the Professorship in Science Communication at the University of Westminster. My research is in the field of astrobiology and the search for microbial life on Mars, focusing on the cosmic radiation bombarding the martian surface. I am also very active in science communication and outreach. I deliver live events at schools and science festivals, work as a scientific consultant for the media, and have published five books, including one on astrobiology: ‘Life in the Universe: A Beginner’s Guide’.
Planetary science research interests: Astrobiology, Mars, Cosmic Radiation, Extremophiles, Biosignatures
Connor Hoad – EPEC Representative, Royal Holloway, University of London
I am a PhD student at Royal Holloway University of London, specialising in the remote sensing of Venus’s exotic surface terrains using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Scientific interests outside of my PhD include the employment of machine learning techniques for planetary surface exploration, and SAR investigation of the lunar regolith. My involvement in Europlanet is centred around facilitating the engagement of Irish and British early career researchers with the broader European Planetary Sciences community.
Callum Piper – Europlanet Liaison
Callum joined Europlanet in 2021, working with the management team of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure to deliver access and networking activities to the planetary science community. Coming from a background in humanities, Callum coordinates community-building activities like the Europlanet Society Webinar Series and is heavily involved with Europlanet’s sustainability plans beyond the end of the Europlanet 2024 RI project.
Other Ireland-UK Hub Participants
Frances Butcher, University of Sheffield
Frances Butcher is a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield. She researches glacial processes on Mars and Earth. She aims to understand the role of ice and ice-related processes in the evolution of Mars’ surface and climate, and also works on reconstructing Earth’s Quaternary ice sheets. Frances is committed to supporting the planetary science community and looks forward to facilitating interactions between the Irish, British and wider European planetary science communities.
Caitriona Jackman, Dunsink Observatory, Dublin
Prof Caitriona Jackman leads the Planetary Magnetospheres group and the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Her research interests include magnetic reconnection, large-scale magnetospheric dynamics, remote sensing of radio, UV, X-ray emissions. She is very keen on communicating science to the general public, and led the development of Ireland’s first space-themed escape room at the DIAS Dunsink Observatory.
The annual Conference on Variable Star Research is the most important meeting organized by Variable Stars and Exoplanet Section of the Czech Astronomical Society (VSES CAS). In 2024, the Pro-Am Meeting on Variable Star/56th Conference on Variable Star Research is organized as a follow-up event for the International conference/Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Sky Surveys in the Castle Hill in Litomyšl.
International participants can apply for a refund of their travel costs (transport and accommodation) kindly provided by the Europlanet Society Central Europe Hub. The granting of funding will be decided by the SOC committee. Please send a brief cover letter and abstract to
The Pro-Am meeting on Variable Star creates ties between professionals, students and amateur astronomers in the field of variable stars and exoplanet research. Overview lectures by professionals, current research results and methods by astrophysics students and observation results by amateur astronomers are presented every year. Observation techniques, equipment, software tools and online resources are also discussed.
This year meeting will assume hybrid form – both in person and online (via Zoom), and will be held in Czech and English languages. There will be student section for high school and university students presenting their work. The student section will be organised as a contest where the best presenter will be recognised and receive a prize donated by the VSES CAS.
Contributions from the conference can be published in Open European Journal on Variable Stars, an electronic open peer-reviewed journal issued by VSES CAS in cooperation with Masaryk University Brno, with indexation in SIMBAD database and Smithsonian/NASA’s ADS. Recordings of the talks will be made public on VSES CAS YouTube channel and presentation files will be accessible in meeting programme.
By Peter McArdle, Hans Huybrighs, Prasanna Deshapriya, Ottaviano Ruesch, and the EPEC future research working group.
The field of sample return is developing rapidly around an increasing number of missions. What facilities and techniques are needed to handle such samples? Will sample return dominate other fields of planetary science? We discussed these questions and more with Dr. Enrica Bonato, who developed the Sample Return Lab at DLR and worked with samples from Hayabusa2 and legacy samples from Luna 24.
Can you tell us about your academic background?
I earned my PhD in planetary science, undertaking my research jointly at the Natural History Museum (NHM) in London and the University of Glasgow. My project focused on the thermal metamorphism of carbonaceous chondrites. Following this, I took on a short postdoctoral position at the NHM, where I worked on lithium mining. I am passionate about public engagement, and I explored various outlets for this during my time at the NHM.
After completing my postdoc, I transitioned into the role of lab developer and manager for the newly established DLR sample return lab. When I started this role, there was no lab to speak of! I played a crucial role in planning and outfitting the lab in addition to getting it ready for its intended use as a sample return facility and curation center. As part of my responsibilities at DLR, I am proud to be a member of the Hayabusa 2 and MMX analysis teams.
What advice would you give to early career researchers who would be interested in a similar role to yours?
The key to securing my role as a lab developer manager was ‘delving behind the scenes’ of various instruments during my postdoc. This allowed me to become an independent user of these instruments, by becoming involved in everything from sample preparation, instrument set up and operation to data analysis. Attending numerous training events organised by instrument and software suppliers also proved invaluable experience.
For those intrigued by the prospect of joining sample return missions, I believe being in the right place at the right time is crucial. However, I suggest that early-career researchers (ECRs) with an interest in these missions reach out to existing team members. By doing so, they can explore opportunities to support the mission in various ways.
How do you see the future of sample return?
We are currently in a golden age for sample return. Multiple missions have successfully returned samples from asteroids (Hayabusa, Hayabusa2, OSIRIS-REx) and the moon (Chang’e 5) in recent years. At the same time new missions are in preparation to return samples from Mars and its moon Phobos (MMX, Mars Sample Return).
I believe that it won’t stop here. In the coming decades, we will witness sample return missions expanding to an increasing number of objects. I am particularly excited about the prospect of sample return missions from Ceres and comets. As part of the sample return mission process, we are also dedicated to enhancing the handling and analysis of samples already on Earth. The collection, transportation, and storage of samples from other planets demand a detailed understanding of material properties, necessitating a new specialisation within the field of planetary science.
We can analyse samples much better in a lab on Earth than by using limited instruments on space missions. Will there be a shift towards sample return missions at the cost of traditional space missions?
I believe that sample return missions will complement other planetary science missions. It’s crucial to bring a diverse array of instruments to the objects we’re interested in. On one hand, we need to assess and identify sites that are intriguing and suitable for sample return. On the other hand, we also need to conduct broader investigations of the objects to provide context for the analysis of the samples.
What are the main challenges for sample return in the coming decades?
Challenges will come from the new sample environments that we will access and new types of materials that we will sample, for example a potential future sample return mission from Venus’ surface. Building a spacecraft that can land on Venus’ extremely hostile surface and return a sample is extremely challenging. Challenges will also arise from returning a new type of sample: ice. So far the samples returned are rocks. Sampling ices from Ceres, comets or icy moons and keeping them frozen throughout cruise, the landing and later in storage on Earth brings unique challenges. Some of these technologies already exist in other fields, but a lot of new development is needed.
How did you plan the outfitting of the new sample return lab for DLR?
I was the only person working on this project, alongside the grant holder, who also served as my supervisor. Before my involvement, there were already some initial planning and key milestones in place. My goal was to implement and adapt this plan throughout my time at DLR. I focused on specific techniques, aiming to establish a unique and specialised niche for the lab. Considering both the institute’s requirements and the broader scientific community, I selected instruments and managed their procurement. The next step in the project would be to upgrade the lab to a curation facility.
What are the key features of a dedicated sample return lab? And how might these differ from an equivalent Earth science lab?
The features are quite similar to an Earth science lab. Analyses often take place in labs at universities or research institutes, not necessarily tailored for a particular incoming sample. One notable distinction is the need for personnel to wear lab clothing and adhere to specific standards in sample handling so as not to contaminate samples.
Does the sample return lab at DLR possess any distinctive instruments or employ unique techniques for the analysis of samples that are not currently accessible to the broader community elsewhere?
The sample holders for XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) analysis allow for preparation within a glove box and subsequent analysis of the samples without exposure to air. Additionally, another unique feature is a sample transport shuttle that facilitates vacuum conditions between the Electron Microprobe and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), ensuring a controlled environment for the sample.
Exciting years ahead for sample return. Thanks Enrica!
Europlanet Transnational Access on Show at ATOMKI-Hosted Workshop
The HUN-REN Nuclear Research Institute (ATOMKI) recently hosted a two-day workshop on Radiation-Driven Chemistry in Astrophysics and Planetary Science. Around 45 international participants attended and discussed developments in astrochemistry and present the latest results of research. The first day finished with a round-table discussion on some of the challenges and opportunities for the astrochemistry community
Several presentations over the two days featured work carried out through the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) Transnational Access programme in the ATOMKI laboratories.
Find out more about how the ATOMKI facilities have been developed through support from the Europlanet 2024 RI project.
Report from the Radiation-Driven Chemistry in Astrophysics and Planetary Science Workshop
(Reposted in English from the original on the ATOMKI website, with thanks to ATOMKI and the workshop organising committee.)
The HUN-REN Nuclear Research Institute (ATOMKI) recently hosted specialists researching chemical processes in outer space. The aim of the two-day event called Radiation-Driven Chemistry in Astrophysics and Planetary Science Workshop was to review the development directions of astrochemistry and to present the latest results of measurements carried out in the ATOMKI laboratories in the framework of international collaborations.
The starry sky is magical and enchanting. Humanity has been preoccupied with the regularities observed in the movement of celestial objects since its inception. In addition to observing with the naked eye, thanks to the development of technical devices, we first used binoculars and then spectroscopic (spectroscopic) methods to spy on the sky. And the space tools launched into outer space expanded our horizons and our possibilities explosively. Today, many disciplines deal with the study of our remote environment.
Astrophysics – hand in hand with astronomy – deals with the origin, history and structure of the world, the creation of chemical elements, and nuclear physical processes taking place in stars. Nuclear astrophysics research is largely carried out with the help of particle accelerators, where nuclear physics reactions are created, modeling the processes taking place in stars.
Astrochemistry studies the chemical processes taking place in outer space. How do more complex molecules form in the cradles of stars, in these very cold and distant molecular clouds, in the thin layers of ice containing atoms and smaller molecules deposited on the particles of cosmic dust? What chemical transformations take place on the surface and atmosphere of planets, moons, comets, and asteroids?
According to research, it is becoming more and more obvious that cosmic radiation and the high-energy particles emitted by stars, such as photons, ions and electrons, play a decisive role in these chemical processes. Their flow is called the stellar wind or, in the case of the Sun, the solar wind.
With the help of instruments on the ground and in space, we can also determine the chemical composition of very distant celestial bodies and nebulae. Among the hundreds of molecules detected in outer space, you can find the building blocks of living organisms, as well as larger organic molecules. Astrobiology deals with the study of the processes leading to the creation of life.
Molecules in the distant regions of outer space can be identified with the help of space telescopes (such as the James Webb Space Telescope) that use the method of radio astronomy and spectrum analysis in the infrared range (spectroscopy), and thus learn something about the chemical processes taking place there. In the closer places, within the Solar System, the probes of the space missions perform direct sampling and measurements.
However, in order to interpret the data, it is necessary to model the effect of cosmic radiation, the stellar wind, and the solar wind on molecules and thus on chemical processes here on Earth in laboratory conditions. Most of the processes taking place in the Solar System can be modeled with the help of high-energy ions and electrons created by ATOMKI’s particle accelerator equipment, ion and electron sources. Dozens of foreign groups come to the institute every year to take advantage of the facilities offered by the equipment.
With the particle beam, ices of a special composition are irradiated, such as are found on the surface of icy celestial bodies in our Solar System. Chemical changes are followed by infrared spectroscopic methods. In the research in this direction at the institute, the focus of attention is currently on the experimental modeling of the processes taking place on the icy moons of the planet Jupiter. With these experiments, ATOMKI supports the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA).
April 25-26, 2024. The two-day meeting that took place between The majority of the 43 participating researchers came from Europe and America. The cooperating partners reported on the results of their measurements carried out in the laboratories of ATOMKI. The leading researchers of the profession analyzed the directions of the development of astrochemistry and reviewed the opportunities and challenges that arise in relation to astrochemistry in the fields of space research, space industry and climate research. The experts visited ATOMKI’s particle accelerator equipment and laboratories, where research conducted in international cooperation can continue in the future.
This workshop is organised and supported by the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.
An astrobiology symposium was convened last week at Durham University, UK. The conference brought together a multidisciplinary range of leading experts to discuss the search for extraterrestrial life, the emergence of life on Earth and how to communicate this exciting field with the media and wider public audience. Europlanet was represented through a crewed stand for the week.
The symposium was supported by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), The Kavli Foundation, Durham University, Breakthrough Initiatives and 4Ward Futures.
Early Career Event: AbGradEPEC’24 – 8th September 2024
We are back! EPEC will once again team up with AbGradE for EPSC 2024, expanding network opportunities for early career scientists and students.
This year we invite you on Sunday, September 8th for a symposium at the Freie Universität comprising of science presentations and a workshop on professional development given by an ESA fellow and a former ESA intern. For a chance to meet your fellow early careers on the first day of EPSC for a career-focused workshop, and make those all important connections from day one, this is an event you don’t want to miss!
The deadline for registration is June 30th and can be accomplished with the following form. The event fee is 10 euros (including snacks, coffee and lunch provided), details on payment will be sent to you after the registration closes.
The extended deadline for abstracts is June 15th. For contributed talks, please send a short abstract (max. 200 words) using the template to We invite early careers to present the work that they either present as a poster at EPSC2024 or any other project not presented at EPSC2024. Letters of acceptance will be sent out by mid-June.
Machine Learning for a Data Driven Era of Planetary Science
Stavro Ivanovski (INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory, Italy), Angelo Pio Rossi (Constructor University, Germany), Jeronimo Bernard-Salas (ACRI-ST, France), and Anita Heward (DFET, UK) look at how Machine Learning (ML) is revolutionising planetary science.
Planetary Perspectives: Meet the New Europlanet Society Board
This edition of Planetary Perspectives finds out more about interests, backgrounds and ambitions for the Europlanet Society of the members of the Executive Board elected and taking up new roles in November 2023.
Supporting Astronomy in Ukraine
Gražina Tautvaišienė (Vilnius University, Lithuania), describes how a Europlanet programme is supporting Ukrainian colleagues to continue their research.
ERIM 2023: A New Kind of Europlanet Meeting
Anita Heward (Chair of the ERIM Organising Committee and Europlanet Sustainability Committee) reports on how the Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) in Bratislava has helped to lay the foundations for a sustainable Europlanet.
EPEC Annual Week: A Melting Pot of Ideas
James McKevitt (University of Vienna, Austria and UCL, UK) reflects on the outcomes of the Europlanet Early Career event, EPEC Annual Week, held in Bratislava, Slovakia in June 2023.
Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Science
The Europlanet Policy Team reports on a policy workshop that took place as part of the Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023 last June.
The Ecological Footprint of Astronomy
Thibaut Roger (University of Bern, Switzerland) reports on a session at ERIM to initiate a discussion about the ecological impact of astronomy and planetary research activities
ERIM Goes to Schools
Thibaut Roger (University of Bern, Switzerland) and Barbara Cavalazzi (University of Bologna, Italy) bring astrobiology and planetary science to schools in Bratislava.
Diving into the Heavens: The Solar System Scope Project
Jozef Bodlak (Solar System Scope) tells the story behind the Solar System Scope – an app that takes users on an immersive journey with the aim of bringing the grandeur of space to the fingertips of people around the world.
The Making of ‘The Making of Juice’
Maarten Roos-Serote (Lightcurve Films, Portugal) shares a unique view behind the scenes of the making of the Juice mission.
Molėtai Magic
Alejandro Luis García Muñoz reports on the Europlanet Summer School 2023 at the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory in Lithuania.
Orionids Workshop 2023
Miloš Obert, Chair of the Slovak Union of Astronomers, reports on the Orionids 2023 astro-camp on meteor observations.
Dusting the Moon
Karolien Lefever and Sylvain Ranvier (BIRA-IASB, Belgium) report on DUSTER, a project that gets to grips with lunar dust in preparation for future exploration missions.
During the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) from 7-13 September 2024, Berlin will become a travelling hotspot for planetary scientists. EPSC Goes Live For Schools 2024 will brings participants into contact with classrooms in Berlin and beyond.
It’s been 4 years since the first edition of “EPSC goes live for schools”. Since the initial online edition, developed in the context of the pandemic lockdown, we have come a long way! In the intervening years we have managed to add on-site components, thus fulfilling the main aim of our partner, Lecturers Without Borders (Lewibo): give travelling scientists the opportunity to share their knowledge with the local community of schools, creating a temporary hotspot of sharing science with the local community!
In 2024, we are doing it again with our partners: LeWiBo, Europlanet Society, EPEC, DLR_School_Lab Berlin, MINToring program and Freie Universität Berlin. During the two weeks of 9th-20th September 2024 get ready to explore the planets of our solar system, to learn the latest in planetary science, but also to ask your questions to early career researchers in chats and more.
Would you like to participate in EPSC Goes Live for Schools 2024 as a scientist?
Tick the box to express interest when you submit your abstract for the meeting.
Would you like to join EPSC24 with your classroom?
If your school is located in Berlin you have the opportunity for a scientist to visit you and even host an art-workshop after the scientist’s visit and create a stop-motion movie on the spot (STEAM Lecture).
Some of the organised activities include:
“Cosmic interviews” where students meet researchers in person (on-site) | STOP-motion movie creation with berliner artist Carolina Boettner (on-site) | Presenting educational resources developed by Europlanet to teachers (online) | Asychronous Q&A in online chats on planetary science with early carreer researchers (online) | Planetary science webinars (online) | Arts contest #Inspiredbyotherworlds (online)
The Art Contest #inspiredbyotherworlds is already open for registration to students in all locations. Learn more on the Europlanet webpage.
Join the VESPA 2024 Warsaw Workshop – Extended Deadline for Open Call for Planetary Science Projects!
We are delighted to extend an invitation to the scientific community for the VESPA 2024 open call, a unique opportunity to play a pivotal role in advancing Planetary Science and Solar System data accessibility. Aligned with the Europlanet 2024 RI programme, the VESPA activity is dedicated to creating an interoperable system grounded in the principles of Open Science. Here are three compelling reasons to consider participating in the VESPA 2024 open call:
Amplify Your Impact: By joining the open call, you have the opportunity to contribute to the expansion of the VESPA interface. Up to 5 projects will be selected, allowing you to showcase your expertise and significantly enhance the data content available to the scientific community.
Guidance and Collaboration: If your project is selected, you will be invited to a face-to-face workshop at the Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, from April 22 to 26, 2024. This workshop will provide a unique opportunity to collaborate with experts and receive guidance in designing and setting up your project. Follow-up teleconferences in March/April 2024 will further support the finalization of the selected services.
Contribute to Open Science: The VESPA initiative aligns with the principles of Open Science, fostering transparency, collaboration, and accessibility. By participating, you actively contribute to the development of an interoperable system that promotes the sharing of Planetary Science and Solar System data, advancing the field as a whole.
Don’t miss this chance to be at the forefront of cutting-edge research and make a lasting impact on Planetary Science. Submit your project proposal for the VESPA 2024 open call and be part of a community dedicated to advancing our understanding of the Solar System.
The deadline for proposals has been extended to 8 March 2024.
22-EPN3-126: In-Situ observations in support for VERITAS Venus analogue airborne radar campaign at Holuhraun and Djyngasandur, Iceland
Solmaz Adeli and Stephen Patrick Garland (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany) to TA1 – Iceland Field Sites, MATIS Dates of visit: 1-14 August 2023
The composition of lava fields on Venus and their alteration state is poorly understood. The Venus Emissivity Mapper (VEM)/VERITAS will observe the surface of Venus in the NIR range, which will allow studying the spectral characteristics of the Venusian surface, as well as the type of lava and likely alteration processes. To prepare for this mission, VERITAS organised a field campaign in Iceland in early August, 2023, which included in-situ NIR data acquisition by the DLR-Berlin team, enabled through this Europlanet funding. The main goals have been 1) to understand the in-situ NIR reflectance spectral response of Venus analogue material, 2) to acquire in-situ emittance of an active volcano in the NIR spectral range, 3) to collect samples to be analysed in the Planetary Spectroscopy Laboratory (PSL-DLR-Berlin) using reflectance and emittance spectroscopy methods, to create an emissivity spectral library, and 4) to compare the laboratory data with field measurements.
In order to collect a wide range of textures (from pahoehoe to a’a) and compositional variations of basaltic lava fields, in addition to different fumarolic deposits, the team visited and imaged the Holuhraun lava field, Askja lava field, and Fagradalsfjall area. These sites offer an age range from the altered 1960 Askja lava field to the 2023 eruption in Fagradalsfjall. The Askja and Holuhraun sites also offered variation in grain sizes and tefra and sand coverage, which affects the spectral behavior of the surface material in NIR. the team also collected about 60 kg of samples to be analysed in the Venus chamber of the PSL-DLR-Berlin.
Photos from the campaign can be found in the DLR Flickr Album: VERITAS – Expedition for NASA & ESA Missions to Venus:
Space Industry Leaders, Policy Makers, and Enthusiasts,
We are thrilled to extend an invitation to the 16th European Space Conference, the premier event in the space industry calendar. Scheduled for 23-24 January 2024, this pivotal conference will be held at the SQUARE Brussels, with an option to participate online for those unable to join us in person.
Dynamic Programme of the Conference – 23 January 2024:
The first day of the conference promises a rich tapestry of sessions, keynotes, and dialogues, meticulously designed to catalyze progress in European space policy and industry.
Main Sessions: Delve into a series of comprehensive sessions covering a wide array of topics at the forefront of space technology and policy. These sessions are crafted to reflect the current challenges and opportunities in the space sector.
Keynote Addresses: Be inspired by a lineup of distinguished speakers. These keynote addresses will be delivered by prominent figures in the space industry, offering profound insights into the future of space exploration and technology.
One-to-One Dialogues: Witness engaging and insightful one-to-one dialogues between key personalities from various facets of the space domain. These intimate conversations are designed to provide deeper understanding and diverse perspectives on pressing space issues.
Targeted Theme Sessions: Participate in specific sessions focusing on targeted themes. These discussions will feature key personalities from the European space domain, including high-level representatives from EU institutions, Member States, the European Space Agency, national space agencies, and the European industry.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry peers, policy makers, and space enthusiasts. Exchange ideas, forge new partnerships, and collaborate with experts and innovators from across the globe.
Exhibitions: Explore a range of exhibits showcasing cutting-edge space technologies and services, presented by leading companies and emerging startups in the space sector.
This year’s European Space Conference is not just a gathering; it’s a crucible where ideas meet innovation, and policy meets practice. Your presence will contribute significantly to shaping the European space policy landscape for years to come.
Registration and Additional Information:
For more details on the event, registration, speakers, and accommodations, please visit the website.
Name: Vix Southgate EXPLORE Project Role: Communication Support Professional Role and Affiliation: Creative Communication and VIP Manager, Vixen UK Nationality: British Current location: Chesterfield, UK
1. What did you want to be when you were 10?
Aged 10? That’s a good question, thinking back to where I was when I was 10; I was being bullied at junior school and, as a result, my interest in education was non-existent, my future hopes were merely to survive until I could move schools. So I dreamed of being famous – mainly because I saw this as being the complete opposite of where I was – the reality of fame is that celebrities are targeted even more by bullies (or trolls as they are now known), so I’m glad I changed that dream and didn’t take the role I was offered, as Vicky in Coronation Street, aged 15. I never really knew what I wanted to be – still don’t, but it’s been an amazing journey and fun adventure so far!
2. What was your favourite subject at school?
I enjoyed art, technical drawing, languages and history, anything creative or information that was relevant to my life.
3. What did you study at university? Why did you choose those topics and the places to study?
I did not do a degree, but left school after GCSES (aged 15) and went to Art College BTEC ND (National Diploma) in general art and design and photography; I then went on to a BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma) in Historic Decorative Crafts, because this course brought together all my passions, creativity through decorative arts, woodworking, photography, and technical drawing, as well as my love of history – in this case the history of art and architecture. To my surprise, it also had an element on Chemistry, in the form of paint technology, which I enjoyed, and even though my science results at GCSE were dreadful, I excelled at this, as it was relevant and interesting.
4. How did you get your first job? How many jobs have you had since?
My first job was a paper round aged 13, because I wanted to be able to buy my own Beano comics! My first proper job since leaving university was as a self-employed bespoke furniture maker, but I was making items for people who knew me and were helping me build a portfolio. I would say my first BIG break was a year in, when I landed the job of painting ALL the new signs for the Emmerdale set, my Woolpack sign was on the show for 25 years (it was replace in Dec 2022 after the plot writers set fire to the Woolpack)!
Occasionally, I had to supplement my income with temporary employment (which is fun and I am able to add new skills to my business skillset, which all helps with future employment) I’ve worked in most industries, and learned as much as I could with every job I have had.
5. What’s been the biggest piece of luck or ‘surprise twist’ you have had in your career to date?
Whilst there has been a huge element of luck throughout my career, that luck has always come along when I work hard to building a route to that moment that provides the big break. However, I think my transition into the space sector is the biggest surprise twist! I never had an interest in space, beyond supporting my Brother who has dedicated his life to Astrophysics. I thought of space as his universe, not mine, but then (after life-changing surgery which forced me to look at a new career) I found the technical/engineering side and fell in love with the passion of others in this sector.
6. Have you had a mentor or person that inspired you? How did they help you?
For my initial career my mentors and inspirations were my tutors and the mastercraftsmen of history. In the space sector, I would say it is everyone I meet, everyone has an inspirational story to tell and it is the most collaborative and supportive industry I have worked in.
7. What are the main things you do each day?
Each day is different. There are the usual admin tasks, prioritising tasks, email, social media, etc and sometimes I am doing research for a book or article, or proofreading, editing, designing graphics or logos, or following-up regarding events or potential leads (future work). Networking and keeping in touch with my connections is also high on my every-day to do list.
8. What do you like best about the work that you do and what do you like least?
I love the variety of jobs I do and the great potential to move in any direction I want to. I have the flexibility to follow new paths -and the unknown is so exciting, and terrifying! I dislike the uncertainty of where the next contract or payment is coming from, but over the decades I have found a formula that works for me ‘most of the time’!
9. Do you have ambitions or things that you would like to do next?
I have so many dreams and projects that I have started and want to finish, but my main ambition is to continue to make a difference and support future generations.
10. What advice would you give your 10-year-old self?
I would not change the advice I gave myself, aged 10, and that was that ‘you will be fine’! What helps me is; to focus on the positives of each day and leave the negativity behind. Surround yourself with people that support you and celebrate your successes with you (not those who try to bring you down). Every new day is a new opportunity to learn and succeed, but also ‘do not fear failure’ it is through failing that I have learned the most and found my greatest successes!
Quick CV
Academic qualifications
GCSEs: Maths, Eng Lang, Eng Lit, French, Spanish, History, Art, Chemistry, Physics.
BTEC ND: General Art & Design and A-Levels: Art
BTEC HND: Historic Decorative CraftsYHAFE: Teacher Training
Main or selected jobs to date:
Self employed: (1996-present) This has included bespoke woodwork; stately home restoration; theatre, TV and film production design; painting and decorating; graphic design; signwriting; motorbike repair and custom paint jobs; church restoration and woodwork; antique restoration; author and illustrator of childrens books; publishing; editing; marketing and PR; creative communications; business and design consultancy; events coordination; VIP management and scheduling; et al.
The 16th European Space Conference will take place in Brussels, on 23-24 of january, 2024.
The conference will comprise several main sessions, punctuated by keynote addresses and one-to-one dialogues.
The focus will be placed on space economic security, autonomous access to space, the future of space connectivity, space commercialisation, the upcoming EU Space Law, the benefits of space services and applications supporting the Green Deal and SDGs.
In light of the unprecedented geopolitical context that Europe is facing, we will also debate the synergies between space and defence and the different ways forward for cooperation in the space domain with Europe’s partners across the world.
Specific sessions dedicated to targeted themes will host key personalities from the European space domain, including high-level representatives from EU institutions, Member States, the European Space Agency, national space agencies and the European industry.
To see the full programm and get your ticket, please follow the link.
Supporting UK and Hungarian Industry Collaborations
Two overarching objectives of Europlanet are to foster industry-academic collaboration and to widen participation from under-represented states in Europe and around the world. Last week, there were opportunities to support both these aims at the UK Space Conference in Belfast and an event at the Hungarian Embassy in London.
At the UK Space Conference from 21-23 November, Europlanet shared a stand with the Hungarian Space Cluster (Hunspace). Over the course of the meeting, we met with many members of the UK and international community, in particular with early career researchers. We were particularly delighted to meet and take part in discussion sessions with the space clusters that represent the different space communities across the UK. Plenary sessions featured discussions on exploration of our Solar Sytem and the technical challenges involved.
On Friday 24 November, we were privileged to be hosted by the Hungarian Embassy in London for a meeting of the UK and Hungarian Space Communities. We were welcomed by Orsolya Ferencz, Ministerial Commissioner Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by the Hungarian Ambassador to London, Ferenc Kumin. Nigel Mason (Europlanet 2024 RI Coordinator) and Zsolt Fulop (Chair of the research infrastructure committee in Hungary) kicked off proceedings. Tomas Barzy (Admatis) gave an overview of the Hunspace cluster’s membership, remit and history. Presentations by Hungarian and UK space industry and organisations were followed by a round-table discussion. Many thanks to Gábor Takács-Carvalho and all the team at the Hungarian Embassy for their hospitality.
Full reports on both events will be published soon.
The Europlanet Society participated for the first time in the Space Tech Expo Europe, which took place in Germany (Bremen) between 14-16 November 2023. Attending the event provided an opportunity not only to strengthen the Society’s presence on the European space scene, but also to highlight its commitment to innovation and technological development in the planetary exploration sector.
Europlanet stand at Space Tech Expo Europe. Credit: D MoreauEuroplanet stand at Space Tech Expo Europe. Credit: D MoreauEuroplanet stand at Space Tech Expo Europe. Credit: D Moreau
During the event, Europlanet organized eleven business-to-business sessions, and eighty-one presentations at the stand to share know-how with participants. The Society also took the opportunity to unveil its new sustainability project (Europlanet Association), as well as to showcase its achievements, share knowledge and establish strategic partnerships with other key players in the space industry.
Europlanet’s presence at the Space Tech Expo Europe in Bremen was a great success, highlighting the society’s continued commitment to planetology exploration, exploitation and space innovation. This participation marks the start of a new era for Europlanet, opening the way to new opportunities, partnerships and achievements in the field of European planetology exploration and beyond.
Meet the New Board Members of the Europlanet Society
The results of the elections of the Europlanet Society Executive Board were announced at the Europlanet General Assembly on Friday, 10 November. Eight new members of the Board were elected including a Vice-President, two Secretaries (co-position) and five new Board Members.
They join Ann Carine Vandaele, who takes up the mantle of President following her year as President-Elect (elected 2022), Treasurer Didier Moreau (elected 2021) and Vice President Angelo Pio Rossi (elected 2019 with a one year extended term to ensure that the turn-over of the Board is staggered).
Find out about their objectives and what they hope to achieve by serving on the Board of the Europlanet Society over the next four years.
Vice President
Stravro Ivanovski
Stavro Ivanovski, Vice-President (2023-2027)
The birth of the Europlanet Society has been followed by the establishment of a Society with long-term activities and values based on inclusiveness, high quality science and outreach, and a sustainable structure open to planetary scientists, amateurs and industry. From my perspective, the Society is not only an idea and platform that represents and connects planetary scientists and enthusiasts, but it is much more – a space driven by sharing ideas, paving apath for early-career scientists and building a self-functioning scientific forum seeking for new (financial) opportunities to address today’s planetary paradigms.
I am a researcher at INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Trieste and Adjunct Professor at the University of Trieste. My research focuses on small bodies and planetary magnetospheres in the Solar System. I am involved in various planetary ESA and NASA missions (e.g. DART/LICIACube, Rosetta, BepiColombo, Comet Interceptor, Hera, Ariel). As a graduated actor with theatre experience, I have a strong commitment to public engagement and outreach as well.
I joined Europlanet in 2017 through its research infrastructure project and since then I have been closely connected with Europlanet. Since 2020, I have acted as the Co-Chair of the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) Scientific Organising Committee (SOC). I am serving as the Chair of Italian Europlanet Regional Hub. Also, while chairing the EPSC Outreach in 2020, I was one of the creators of the “InspiredByOtherWorlds” art contest that invites everybody to submit all kinds of artworks inspired by planetary science. Furthermore, my experience within Europlanet includes leading the Machine Learning Work Package and acting as the INAF deputy within the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project.
As Vice-President, I will dedicate my efforts:
to maintain the high level scientific content of EPSC and related activities; to strengthen the position of the Society in different countries, for example, Italy and under-represented country such as Balkan countries;
to disseminate all current and future outreach initiatives; to improve the integration and visibility of Society within other scientific communities like astrochemistry and Origins of Life;
last, but not least, to investigate the modern Artificial Intelligence techniques to support the Europlanet Society activities.
Secretary – Co-position
Federica Duras
Federica Duras, Secretary (2023-2027)
As leader of the Outreach Working Group and as outreach officer in the Italian hub, I am thrilled to apply for the position of Secretary. This pivotal moment in Europlanet Society’s journey presents an exciting opportunity for fresh perspectives and new enthusiasm. In my role as the head of the Outreach Working Group, I have honed my organisational skills, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration among the team and among diverse teams. I could summarise my objectives for the Europlanet Society as follows:
Continue enhancing the Europlanet communication channels on a larger scale, fostering an interconnected Europlanet community with transparent information dissemination.
Building upon the success of the Outreach Working Group activities in the past years, I aspire to amplify Europlanet’s outreach efforts. This involves using modern communication tools and social media and exploring innovative ways to connect with a wider audience.
Strengthen the sense of unity and involvement within the Europlanet family. As I believe in the power of collective action, I am firmly convinced that through collaborative projects and shared initiatives we can engage our community also in this transition phase.
Edita Stonkute
Edita Stonkute, Secretary (2023-2027)
I am working at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania as a senior researcher and an associate professor. My scientific interests are focused on detailed chemical composition studies of Galactic stars (including planet-hosts) using high-resolution spectra. I am a member of the Lithuanian Astronomical Society, the European Astronomical Society, the International Astronomical Union and Europlanet Society.
Here, at Europlanet I’m responsible for coordinating the Mentoring programme. I hope my dedicated time and work to the Society will be valuable and I would like to be nominated as a Secretary.
Board Members
Julia de León
Julia de Leon, Board Member (2023-2027)
I am a planetary scientist with 20 years of experience in the field. My main interest is the near-Earth asteroid population (NEAs) and its physical, compositional and dynamical properties. As a consequence, my work has been strongly connected to planetary defense. I am mainly an observational researcher, working with both ground-based and space-based data. I have recently been part of the EU project NEOROCKS, focused in the characterisation of NEAs and with the participation of 14 European institutions. In addition, I have participated in at least two observational campaigns to study potentially hazardous asteroids, coordinated by the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN). Finally, I am/have been actively involved in several space missions to visit and study asteroids and other minor bodies (Rosetta, OSIRIS-REx, Hayabusa2, DART, Hera, MMX, DESTINY+, Lucy), led by the main space agencies (ESA, NASA, JAXA).
All this overall research experience has intensified my personal conviction that planetary science is a collaborative activity, and that it evolves and improves thanks to all this global collaborative effort. I would be honored to serve on the Executive Board of the Europlanet Society. This is an experienced, diverse, large, and strong society with a solid base in Europe but a global view. I will put all my gained experience in international collaborations at the service of the European planetary science community to enhance and promote global collaboration.
Livia Giacomini
Livia Giacomini, Board Member (2019-2023, 2023-2027)
Over the past years on the Executive Board, I’ve had the privilege to actively contribute to our Society’s activities, focusing on education, communication and policy initiatives. As I seek to continue my journey with Europlanet, my vision is to strengthen Europlanet visibility, working for its sustainability in the long term, strengthening our ties with international entities and finding ways to make the Society grow. I would also ensure that Europlanet remains at the forefront of innovation in education of planetary science and in the broader scientific domain. As the editor-in-chief of astroEDU, the IAU platform for peer reviewed educational activities, I believe I have valuable experiences and connections to pursue this objective for our Society. I am dedicated to serving as a bridge, connecting our history with the future that the community envisions.
Melissa Mirino
Melissa Mirino, Board Member (2023-2027)
I am currently the Co-Chair of the Europlanet Early Career Network, and I have been previously involved with Europlanet by managing the EPEC Communication WG. As such, I have been very active on committee matters. During my involvement with the organization, I have been always active in supporting Early Careers by organizing and managing activities such as the “EPEC Profiles”, the “#PlanetaryScience4All video contest” and the EPEC Podcast “Stairway to Space” to allow the young professionals to showcase their contribution within the field of Planetary Science. Additionally, I have supported many other activities (Outreach, Annual Weeks, Europlanet Magazine, EPSC, EPEC annual report) by collaborating with the Europlanet communication team.
My objectives would be:
rebuild the existing EPEC structure to make it a long-lasting organisation within Europlanet that supports early careers from any background,
to be a direct link between the Early Careers who join our Network and the Europlanet Board, by representing their interests and needs into our Society. I strongly believe that the direct presence of an Early Career among the Europlanet Board Members would largely benefit Europlanet by hearing the Early Career voice.
Leigh Fletcher
Leigh Fletcher, Board Member (2019-2023, 2023-2027)
I am a Professor of Planetary Science at the University of Leicester, specialising in the exploration of Giant Planet systems via a combination of ground-based observations, space telescopes, and visiting planetary spacecraft. I have been a member of the Europlanet community since the mid-2000s, and have always delighted in the opportunity offered by EPSC to meet with like-minded European planetary scientists. We have a thriving and diverse community, spanning the whole portfolio of planetary science, and the Europlanet Society provides a voice to our members, both across Europe and with the wider international community. It has been a pleasure to serve on the Board, and be a member of the Europlanet team, for the past four years. This experience has given me an insight into how the Society works, the key challenges it faces, and the opportunities that await in the years to come. The EPSC meetings are my topmost priority, being the premier networking and collaborative meeting for European planetary scientists. We should ensure these are held annually in Europe as a service to our community; costs are kept manageable to ensure wider representation; locations are kept accessible via public transportation with minimal carbon footprints; and virtual capabilities are maintained to improve access for those who may be unable to travel. We should continue to provide resources to our Early Career Network, particularly to enable exchanges of ideas and capabilities so that no one ever works in isolation. We should continue to use Europlanet as a conduit for interactions between amateur observers and professional planetary scientists. We should reintegrate the best of the European hubs back into the society, recognising the importance of local connections, but without stretching individual hubs too far. Above all, we should ensure that Europlanet activities and the thriving EPSC meetings are sustainable in the decades to come
Luca Montabone
Luca Montabone, Board Member (2023-2027)
An opportunity to do things together that would not be possible on their own. This is what I would like the Europlanet Society to represent for its members. The first time I heard about the concept of a European “virtual observatory” was at a meeting in London, when I was a postdoc at the University of Oxford, UK, after a PhD in Geophysics in Turin, Italy. Since then, several things have changed in the original EuroPlaNet as well as in my career, but the shared passion for planetary science and enthusiasm for new challenges have not changed! I worked for more than a decade on the physics of planetary atmospheres also at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique/CNRS in Paris, France, at The Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, and at the Space Science Institute in Boulder (CO), USA. Over the past few years, I have created a bridge between the academic and industry facets of planetary science in Europe. I am now running my own small enterprise in South-East France, collaborating with several international research institutions and ESA in satellite data analysis, modelling, and mission concepts for the atmosphere of Mars. The new reality of the Europlanet Society requires a variety of experiences and ideas to support the planetary science community in Europe and to build capacity elsewhere, all in a self-sustainable way. It now seems the right time for me to share my experience and ideas within the Executive Board and the Society at large. As one of the Board members, I will naturally focus my attention on the relations between the Society and the private sector (companies working on hardware, software, data analysis, etc.). Given my aptitude for training and public outreach, I will also look closely at the developments in these areas. Because policy can open up thriving directions for the Society, I would like to take on the challenge to engage with policy makers (European institutions, space agencies, etc.). However, I believe that only a community approach can succeed in moving the Europlanet Society towards its goal of becoming a self-sustained reference for the planetary science community itself, in Europe and beyond. Therefore, strengthening the role of the regional hubs, widening participation, inclusion and diversity are all key areas which I am particularly keen on. As for the other strategic areas (such as early career, research infrastructure, etc.), I am eager to work with Board members who will focus on them.
2023 Farinella Prize Awarded to Federica Spoto and Diego Turrini
Europlanet Society Press Release
Dr Federica Spoto, of the Minor Planet Centre in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, and Dr Diego Turrini, of the National Institute for Astrophysics – Turin Astrophysical Observatory (INAF-OATo) in Italy, have been awarded jointly the 2023 Paolo Farinella Prize for their outstanding contributions to the field “From superbolides to meteorites: physics and dynamics of small planetary impactors”. The award ceremony will take place during the 55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) in San Antonio, Texas, and online and will be followed by prize lectures by each of the winners.
The annual prize was established in 2010 to honour the memory of the Italian scientist Paolo Farinella (1953-2000). Each year, the prize acknowledges an outstanding researcher not older than 47 years (the age of Prof Farinella when he passed away) who has achieved important results in one of Prof Farinella’s fields of work. Each edition of the prize focuses on a different research area and, in 2023, the topic was chosen to highlight recent advances in knowledge about small-size Near-Earth Object (NEO) populations. The award is supported by the Europlanet Society.
Ettore Perozzi, Senior Scientist at the Science Directorate of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Chair of the 2023 Paolo Farinella Committee, said on behalf of the Prize Committee: “The work of Diego Turrini has provided deep insights into the collisional processes occurring early in the history of planetary systems, while Federica Spoto has paved the way to quickly identify and reliably compute the orbit of imminent impactors of the Earth. That is the beginning and the end of the long journey of meteorites.”
Dr Spoto’s research focuses on advanced methods to determine the orbits of asteroids and the age of asteroid families. She led an international team of experts responsible for the validation of the Gaia Solar System objects, a necessary step to ensure the quality of the data in every release. Throughout her career, Dr Spoto has tackled the challenge of efficiently determining the orbits of ‘imminent impactors’ – newly discovered objects approaching our planet that, depending on their size and composition, could result in meteorites reaching the ground and potentially causing significant damage.
“Federica’s outstanding contribution has been twofold: addressing from a theoretical point of view a highly complex chaotic orbit determination problem, and translating the results into practical algorithms for responding to the needs of the operational systems for planetary defence,” said Dr Perozzi.
Through theoretical work, modelling and observations, Dr Turrini has investigated the dynamical and collisional evolution of Solar System bodies, in particular during the early phases of planetary formation. His work highlights the role small planetary impactors play in shaping planetary bodies and their surfaces through collisional erosion and contaminating their chemical composition. He led the development of the ‘Jovian Early Bombardment’ scenario, which describes how the formation and migration of Jupiter triggered a primordial bombardment in the asteroid belt, and the search for its signatures in protoplanetary disks hosting newly formed giant planets. As a scientific team member of the visible and infrared imaging spectrometer (VIR) instrument on the Dawn mission, Dr Turrini combined impact contamination models with in-situ measurements of Vesta and meteoritic data to explain the abundance of dark, carbon-rich material, as well as the unexpected presence of water and olivine deposits, on the surface of Vesta, the second biggest asteroid in the Solar System. These methods developed to study the contamination of asteroids are now providing the basis for investigating how small impactors shape the atmospheric composition of giant exoplanets.
“Diego’s impressive list of participation in high-level committees, such as the ESA Solar System and Exploration Working Group (SSEWG), and his involvement in past, present and future space missions, including Dawn, Juno, Ariel, JUICE and BepiColombo, witness the appreciation of his work by the international astronomical and space science communities,” said Dr Perozzi.
Dr Spoto obtained her academic degrees in celestial mechanics at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa, Italy. She then moved to France to take up post-doctoral positions at Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur and at the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (IMCCE) in Paris. In February 2020, she joined the IAU Minor Planet Centre where she now holds the role of project scientist.
Dr Turrini obtained a Master’s degree in physics at the University of Milano Bicocca and a PhD in space science and technology at the Center of Studies and Activities for Space (CISAS) “Giuseppe Colombo” at the University of Padova, Italy. He then moved to INAF for his post-doctoral studies and is currently a researcher at INAF-OATo, on transfer from the INAF – Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (INAF-IAPS) in Rome.
About the Paolo Farinella Prize
The Paolo Farinella Prize ( was established to honour the memory and the outstanding figure of Paolo Farinella (1953-2000), an extraordinary scientist and person. The prize is awarded in recognition of significant contributions given in the fields of interest of Farinella, which span from planetary sciences to space geodesy, fundamental physics, science popularization, and security in space, weapons control and disarmament. The winner of the prize is selected each year on the basis of their overall research results in a chosen field. Candidates must participate in international and interdisciplinary collaborations, and be not older than 47 years, the age of Farinella when he passed away, at the date of 25 March 2000. The prize was first proposed during the ‘International Workshop on Paolo Farinella the scientist and the man’, held in Pisa in 2010 and supported by the University of Pisa, ISTI/CNR and by IAPS-INAF (Rome), and first awarded in 2011.
The 2023 Paolo Farinella Prize Committee:
Ettore Perozzi (ASI, Italy), Chair Alceste Bonanos (National Observatory of Athens, Greece) Daniele Gardiol (INAF – Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy) Maria Hajdukova (Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences) Robert Jedicke (University of Hawaii, USA) Peter Jenniskens (SETI Institute, USA)
Paolo Farinella Prize winners:
2011: William Bottke (Physics and dynamics of small Solar System bodies) 2012: John Chambers (Formation and early evolution of the Solar System) 2013: Patrick Michel (Collisional processes in the Solar System) 2014: David Vokrouhlicky (Understanding of the dynamics and physics of Solar System, including how pressure from solar radiation affects the orbits of both asteroids and artificial satellites) 2015: Nicolas Biver (Molecular and isotopic composition of cometary volatiles by means of submillimetre and millimetre ground and space observations) 2016: Kleomenis Tsiganis (Studies of the applications of celestial mechanics to the dynamics of planetary systems, including the development of the Nice model) 2017: Simone Marchi (Understanding the complex problems related to the impact history and physical evolution of the inner Solar System, including the Moon) 2018: Francis Nimmo (Understanding of the internal structure and evolution of icy bodies in the Solar System and the resulting influence on their surface processes) 2019: Scott Sheppard and Chad Trujillo (Observational characterisation of the Kuiper belt and the Neptune-trojan population) 2020: Jonathan Fortney and Heather Knutson (Understanding of the structure, evolution and atmospheric dynamics of giant planets) 2021: Diana Valencia and Lena Noack (Understanding of the interior structure and dynamics of terrestrial and super-Earth exoplanets) 2022: Julie Castillo-Rogez and Martin Jutzi (Asteroids: Physics, Dynamics, Modelling and Observations)
Dr Federica Spoto, joint winner of the Farinella Prize 2023. Credit: Jonathan Sullivan.
Dr Federica Spoto Minor Planet Center Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian Cambridge (MA) USA Phone: +1 (617) 495-7170
Dr Diego Turrini National Institute for Astrophysics Turin Astrophysical Observatory (INAF-OATo) Italy Phone: +39 011 8101933
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Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.
Europlanet AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif - 0800.634.634) is hosted by the Department of Planetary Atmospheres of the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB), Avenue Circulaire 3, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium.