4th Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week 2022 – Call for Applications
EPEC is pleased to announce the fourth edition of its training school for early-career scientists who work in the field of planetary/space science and engineering.
Dates: 13-16 June 2022
Venue: Virtual
Deadline for registration: 31 May 2022
The school is organised by EPEC, the Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) network. One of the main objectives of EPEC is to form a strong network of young professionals by organising early-career-relevant events and by engaging in different projects through the nine EPEC Working Groups. The EPEC community aims to bring a young voice into the Europlanet Society to shape the future of planetary and space sciences and engineering. More information on EPEC can be found here.
The programme for this year’s EPEC Annual Week will cover:
Introduction, Fundings & How to… Sessions, Social Events, Mental Health, Transnational Access, EPEC Working groups, and much more!
The training school is an opportunity for the EPEC community to better get to know each other and to brainstorm how to further develop the network and the activities of its Working Groups. It is also an opportunity to enhance the interaction with members of the Europlanet Executive Board, who will be invited to give talks throughout the week. The school brings together young scientists from across the EU and beyond, and provides a networking platform where scientific discussion and collaboration can be stimulated via a series of group activities. Download more details of the week’s schedule.
Applicants must either be in their final year of an MSc course (or equivalent), be currently enrolled in a PhD program in the field of planetary/space science or have obtained their PhD qualification not earlier than 2015 (or an equivalent period allowing for parental leave, serious illness and similar delays).
Note that in order to apply to the training school you are NOT required to be a member of EPEC, although this is encouraged. If you fulfil the requirements to be a member and wish to become one, please send an email to epec.network@gmail.com, including ‘EPEC application’ in the subject.
To register for the EPEC Annual Week 2022, please complete this form by May 31st 2022.
Successful applicants will be notified via e-mail within two days after the submission deadline. In case of any queries or problems related to the application procedure, please send an email to epec.network@gmail.com, including ‘EPEC Annual Week application’ in the subject.
We look forward to seeing you at the virtual meeting!
EPEC Annual Week Organising Team
Erica Luzzi, Jacobs University Bremen (Chair)
Melissa Mirino, Open University
José Eduardo Silva, Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa
Past EPEC Annual Weeks
3rd EPEC Annual Week 2021, Virtual, 7-11 June 2021
2nd EPEC Annual Week 2018, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 20-24 May 2019
EPEC Annual Week 2019 Report
EPEC Annual Week Programme 2019
1st EPEC Annual Week 2018, ISU Strasbourg, 11-15 June 2018