Report on 2nd EPEC Annual Week
May 30, 2019

Report on 2nd EPEC Annual Week

The 2nd EPEC (Europlanet Early Career network) Annual Week was held at the University of Lisbon, Portugal from 20th-24th May 2019. 44 early career professionals from all over the world and across the Europlanet community gathered to discuss current and future space activities in Europe. The workshop brought together experts and young professionals to share their ideas and experiences about research, outreach and future goals, in an effort to promote international collaboration and increase the interest of younger generations in science.  The talks given during the workshop covered several topics related to careers in space science, as well as science policy and future space research.

The mix of enthusiastic participants sharing innovative ideas and building of new networks for future collaborations made this a unique opportunity for early career scientists and engineers to have a voice in the future development of space activities in their countries.

Following the Annual Week, the volunteer participants will continue to work together to develop a real project linked to current space challenges and to engage in different working groups. These working groups represent the fundamental themes of EPEC and are categorized as: EPEC Annual WeekEPSC ActivitiesNew Frontiers and Future Space ResearchEarly Career SupportOutreachDiversity, Communications, and Finances.

You can discover stats about EPEC Annual Week through this report.

The 3rd EPEC Annual Week in 2020 aims to involve even more people in other exciting projects.

Do not miss this amazing opportunity and stay tuned to EPEC activities by subscribing to our mailing list through the EPEC pages of the Europlanet Society website.

Early career researchers can access financial support such as bursaries for the upcoming EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 by joining the Europlanet Society. To become a member please visit the link below and select “Early Career Scientists” Regular Fee or Reduced Fee depending on your country of affiliation.

More images from the 2nd EPEC Annual Week can be found at