20-EPN3-012: Probing Microscopic Mechanisms Behind Ice Processing by Cosmic Rays Visit by Alexei Ivlev of Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) (Germany) to TA2.11 Atomki Ice Chamber for Astrophysics […]
20-EPN2-111: Proton Radiolysis of Astrochemically Relevant Formamide Ices Using A Formal Statistical Experimental Design Visit by Perry Hailey of the University of Kent (UK) to TA2.11 Atomki Ice Chamber for […]
22-EPN3-048: Evaluation of the initial 92Nb abundance in the inner Solar System Visit by Makiko Haba, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) to TA2.14 ETH Zurich Geo- and Cosmochemistry Isotope Facility […]
21-EPN-FT1-030: Laboratory simulation of the Martian surface brightness temperature response to Phobos eclipses Visit by Nils Mueller of Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and Joerg Knollenberg of DLR (Germany) to TA2 […]
21-EPN-FT1-024: Untangling Rock-Inhabiting Microorganisms and their Biosignatures from the Mars-like Area of Puna Plateau, Argentinian Andes Visit by Lorenzo Aureli and Gerardo Antonio Stoppiello of the University of Tuscia to […]
21-EPN-FT1-020: Preservational Potential of Microbialite Biosignatures in Basalt-Hosted Lacustrine Environments – Perspectives for Martian Biogeochemistry and Mars Sample Return Visit by Keyron Hickman-Lewis of the Natural History Museum, London (UK) […]
22-EPN3-30: An Isotopic Inventory of Mars Analogue Environments Visit by Michael Christopher Macey of the Open University (UK), to TA2 Facility 17 – Isotoptech Stable/Clumped Isotopes Laboratory (Hungary).Dates of visit: 06-10 […]
22-EPN3-093: The Origin of Metal-Rich Brine Component in the Ontong Java Plateau Magmas – Ion Probe Study of Boron Isotopes and Halogen Abundances in Volcanic Glasses Virtual visit by Maxim […]
22-EPN3-064: Investigating Oxygen Isotopes within Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and Compound-Chondrule-CAI (CCCAIs) Populations within CM chondrites Visit by Pierre-Etienne Martin and Luke Daly of the University of Glasgow (UK) to TA2.9 […]
22-EPN3-020: Implantation of Oxygen Ions in Titan’s Aerosol Analogues Visit by Veronique Vuitton and Filip Matuszewski of Institut de Planetologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (France) to to TA2.12 Atomki-Queen’s University Ice […]