Research Infrastructures in Europe – Development, Sustainability and Inclusion

Research Infrastructures in Europe – Development, Sustainability and Inclusion

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Venue: Research Centre for Natural Sciences, 1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2

10:00 – 18:00 CEST

The future competitiveness of the European Research Area in science and technology is predicated upon the ERA having a Research Infrastructure (RI) based on facilities and people.  Modern science and technology require access to state-of-the-art facilities, both large (e.g. synchrotrons, accelerators)  and medium/small (e.g. suites of analytical tools). These may be based in custom-built sites, on the premises of universities, or at national institutes. Facilities are not restricted to laboratories but also embrace field-sites, computational and data bases/archives with both on-site or virtual access. 

Europe has built up a complex, multidisciplinary set of RIs that support a myriad of science and technology embracing all fields, such that European Researchers and European industry are able to act at the forefront of modern research with examples including AI and machine learning, astronomy, climate change, nanotechnology, next-generation health care and quantum computing. Uniquely, the majority of these facilities are open to all European researchers at no cost to the user. Hence, we have been able to exploit the full intellectual capacity of ERA home to over 2 million researchers.

RIs may be single-site in Europe or internationally (e.g. CERN or European Southern Observatory (ESO)),  or ‘Distributed’ across many sites and nation states e.g. European Synchrotron network. However, such a RI has grown largely organically with access funding often relying upon direct Funding from the EC Framework programmes. Future funding and models for the sustaining of ERA RIs are now in question and alternative structural and funding models for the ERA RI network are being developed ranging from the 29 European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) often led by governmental organisations to growing numbers of Associations internationale sans but lucrative (AISBLs) commonly organised and led by the community of academics and institutions. One size and structure does not fit all, and the operability and sustainability of ERA RIs are and will be necessarily varied. However, discussions between different RIs to share operational models and examples of good practice are required.

This one-day meeting is arranged to directly follow the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) meeting held in Szeged, Hungary, 16-17 September 2024. The meeting is open to all ERA RIs and builds upon the recently published ESFRI landscape analysis of ERA RIs. The meeting is focused upon two specific topics:

  1. Models of ERA RIs and their sustainability.
  2. Widening participation in ERA RIs


Models of ERA RIs and their sustainability

Chair: Zsolt Fülöp

12.30 Arrival, Registration & Coffee

13.00 Introduction – Mr. Roland Jakab, CEO, HUN-REN

13.05 The ESFRI landscape/perspective – Professor Peter Lèvai (HUN-REN Wigner RCP, Budapest)

13.20 A European RI landscape – Professor Jakub Szlachetko LEAPS Coordinator, SOLARIS National Synchroton Radiation Centre, Poland

13.35 As climate change is continuing – how to organise the sustainability of ICOS? – Emmanuel Salmon

13.50 The role and importance of small to medium sized Distributed Research Infrastructures in sustaining European research competitiveness – Dr Oguz Ozkan, European Science Foundation

14.05 The NEPHEWS project; co-funding PaN RI, working with PaN user communities – Dr. Cormac McGuinness, Trinity College Dublin

14.20 Research Infrastructures and Networks Beyond EC funding – Models and a Case Study for Sustainable Operations – Anita Heward, Europlanet

14.35 Session 1 Panel and Open Forum Future RI models and their sustainability – Chair: Nigel Mason, Europlanet

15:30 Coffee Break

Widening participation in the ERA – The role of RIs

Chair: Peter Lèvai

16.00 EU RI landscape – Geographical Distribution and RIs in less represented states – Nigel Mason Europlanet

16.15 CERIC – A distributed infrastructure in materials, biomaterials and nanotechnolog – Ornela De Giacomo, CERIC Deputy Executive Director

16.30 ELI – A major RI in Central Europe – Zsolt Fülöp, ELI ERIC

16.45 The Europlanet experience in HUN-REN Atomki – Professor Bela Sulik, HUN-REN Atomki

17.00 Training and retaining RI staff – Prof. Enrico Guarini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.

17.15 Panel and Open Forum. How can we widen participation /develop RIs in less represented regions of Europe?

Chair: István Szabó HUN-REN

End 18.00

Session 1. Models of ERA RIs and their Sustainability

The EU research infrastructure community remains poorly connected and acts in many disparate ways. It is thus often hard for agencies and governmental organisations to understand and navigate the EU RI landscape. In this session we will review the different  types of ERA RIs, their structure  (and the advantages and disadvantages of each). We will aim to characterize some of the terms widely used (but with different definitions in different communities)  such as ‘Distributed Research Infrastructures’, discuss how ERA RIs may work more closely together to optimise their functionality (many facilities are in more than one RI with each RI  operating different management and access provisions) and increase their visibility and impact to disparate user communities (including industry). Different models for long-term sustainability of RIs will be discussed and debated.  Finally, the provision for cooperation and information exchange between ERA RIs will be discussed with the option of hosting biannual meetings

Session 2. 2.   Widening Participation in ERA RIs

The vast majority of ERA RIs draw upon facilities based in a limited number of countries. To date, there are fewer facilities and thus less institutional membership of RIs from the nation-states in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. In this session we aim to review this landscape and explore both the potential and the challenges for facilities and RIs in these regions. This discussion is topical for both the Hungarian Presidency (2024) and Polish Presidency (2025).The discussion aims to identify those initiatives that are present in the region that help the connection of the EU-15 and EU-13 countries’ researchers through the domestic research infrastructures. These infrastructures are playing a pivotal role in enabling researchers to use the scale-up facilities that are present mostly in the EU-15 (with the exception of the one ELI ERIC). Also, the national infrastructures are nodes of many distributed research infrastructures, and as such they can contribute to economic development as well either through their own development or through in-kind contributions to the large-scale research infrastructures.


The Venue is close to the ELTe Department of Atomic Physics and the Department of Geophysics and Space.

The nearest hotel to the venue is the Radisson Hotel Budapest BudaPart (1117 Budapest, Dombóvári út 25 A). A range of more affordable hotels are available over the river, with self-catering apartments available near the venue bookable through

Organising Committee

Professor N J Mason, Atomki and Europlanet
Zsolt Fülöp, HUN-REN Atomki
Dr Szabó István, HUN-REN

COPCA 2024 Conference

About COPCA 2024

Following the success of the COPCA 2022 Conference, we are proud to announce a second iteration: the COPCA 2024 Conference will take place between 15-18 October 2024 in Valletta, Malta!

The Collisions Physics and Chemistry and their Applications (COPCA) conference in 2024 will bring together scientific researchers from several interdisciplinary fields to share their research and results. This year, a particular focus will be placed on processes relevant to radiation chemistry and physics, astrophysics and astrochemistry, and materials science.

This year, the conference will take place alongside a thematically-related workshop of the COST Action CA20129 “Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry-Driven Processes and Related Technologies” (MultIChem). Sessions related to this workshop will be held on 15 and 16 October 2024. For more information on this COST Action, please click here.

The venue for the conference is the Aula Magna, situated at the Valletta Campus of the University of Malta.

The early bird conference fee (applicable up to 31 July 2024) is €425. From 01 August 2024 onwards, the regular conference fee of €575 will apply. Options are also available for accompanying persons.

Early career researchers (ECRs), including undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as post-doctoral researchers, are particularly encouraged to attend and to contribute to the success of COPCA 2024. In order to encourage the participation of ECRs, a session will be held to allow several ECRs to showcase their work in 10-minute presentations. These presentations will be judged by an independent panel and prizes will be awarded to the best presentations!

Find out more >>

This meeting is being supported by Europlanet.

Inaugural Workshop on Nuclear Astrochemistry

Inaugural Workshop on Nuclear Astrochemistry

An inaugural workshop on Nuclear Astrochemistry has taken place this week at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) in Trento, Italy.  The aim of the workshop is to introduce the ideas of this new interdisciplinary field, connecting the disparate fields of nuclear physics, astrochemistry and planet formation.

The workshop, the first of its kind, has brought leading experts together with early career researchers who will develop the nuclear astrochemistry field through observations (using JWST), theoretical models and simulations and laboratory studies to address the fundamental questions of how the elements and molecules of life are created in the universe and the consequences for the search for life beyond Earth and our Solar System.

Participants in the Inaugural Workshop on Nuclear Astrochemistry
Participants in the Inaugural Workshop on Nuclear Astrochemistry

The workshop was supported by the Extreme Matter Institute (EMMI), Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI), the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams – Theory Alliance (FRIB-TA) and ChETEC-INFRA.

Find out more

Europlanet at Space Tech Expo Europe

Europlanet at Space Tech Expo Europe

The Europlanet Society participated for the first time in the Space Tech Expo Europe, which took place in Germany (Bremen) between 14-16 November 2023. Attending the event provided an opportunity not only to strengthen the Society’s presence on the European space scene, but also to highlight its commitment to innovation and technological development in the planetary exploration sector.

During the event, Europlanet organized eleven business-to-business sessions, and eighty-one presentations at the stand to share know-how with participants. The Society also took the opportunity to unveil its new sustainability project (Europlanet Association), as well as to showcase its achievements, share knowledge and establish strategic partnerships with other key players in the space industry.

Europlanet’s presence at the Space Tech Expo Europe in Bremen was a great success, highlighting the society’s continued commitment to planetology exploration, exploitation and space innovation. This participation marks the start of a new era for Europlanet, opening the way to new opportunities, partnerships and achievements in the field of European planetology exploration and beyond.

Get Ready for ERIM 2023!

Get Ready for ERIM 2023!

The first Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM), co-hosted with the 5th Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week, will take place next week (19-23 June 2023) in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Almost 150 people will join in person, with a further 130 people registered to participate online.

If you will be joining us for ERIM 2023 and EPEC Annual Week, here are some final updates and reminders.

  1. The Whova app is your online portal for ERIM and EPEC Annual Week 2023. Use the app to access sessions remotely, receive updates to the programme and other notices, and join discussions. It’s also a great place for networking with other ERIM participants. If you haven’t already done so, please download the Whova mobile app or access it from the desktop web platform. Add sessions to your personal agenda to help us ensure appropriate room allocations and keep the meeting running smoothly. 
  1. Remote participation: In the Whova app, click on ‘Agenda’ and then choose the session you want to join. The window for the live stream will open 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the session to enable speakers and panellists to test their audio/video and screen-sharing settings. The link is the same for speakers and general attendees. All attendees will be muted when they enter the WebEx livestream. You can request to be unmuted by using the ‘raise hand’ function or asking through the chat. Guidelines and tutorials for participants and speakers are available on the ERIM 2023 website. 
  1. Incident reporting: ERIM 2023 and EPEC Annual Week are committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive experience for participants. In registering for ERIM and EPEC Annual Week 2023, physical and virtual participants have accepted that they are bound by the Code of Conduct for Europlanet 2024 RI. If you observe or experience behaviour that is in breach of the Code of Conduct and wish to file a report, please use the incident reporting form.  
  1. Quiet room: We will provide access to a quiet room within the Hotel Sorea for any on-site participant that may have need of a space to pray, breastfeed or simply have a moment of silence. We will advertise the location of this room daily on the Whova app Community Board and on the ERIM Notices Board in the lobby of the Hotel Sorea. 
  1. Social event and excursion:There are still some tickets available for the social event dinner (€30) on Wednesday 21 June at the Parlament Restaurant, which has panoramic views of the castle and Danube. Some places are also available on the bus for the excursion to Comenuis University Astronomical Observatory (10€) on Thursday 22 June. To sign up for either or both of these events, register now
  2. Public transport: Participants can get to the Hotel Sorea by bus or tram (the nearest stop is Kráľovské údolie). Hotel Družba and Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University (FMFI UK), are at bus/tram stop Botanická záhrada. More details on travel and local information are available on the ERIM website.
  3. Changes to your plans:If your travel plans change or you want to change your participation from in-person to hybrid (or vice versa) please let us know so that we can keep the venue up to date with numbers.
  4. Europlanet Challenges: An objective of the meeting will be to brainstorm action plans for 10 challenges related to the sustainability of Europlanet. On Monday, we will ask all participants to join one of 10 topical teams that will focus on each of the challenges. Look out for discussion threads on the Community Board where you can get involved. 

ERIM / EPEC Annual Week 2023 – Registration Now Open

Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM)/Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week 2023 – Registration Now Open

The first Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM), co-hosted with the fifth Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week, will take place from 19-23 June 2023 in hybrid format at the Hotel Sorea / Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia and online. 

Registration is free and accommodation and travel support is available for participants. 

Registration is now open.

Deadline for on-site registration: 19 May 2023

Deadline for virtual registration: 16 June 2023

About ERIM

ERIM is a new kind of meeting to support European planetary science and associated communities. The format of ERIM 2023 is a series of interactive workshops related to the activities of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project, research infrastructures in general, and the Europlanet Society. The meeting will be co-hosted with EPEC Annual Week 2023, the training school for the Europlanet Early Career Network. 

How will it Work?

Workshops will be organised under a series of programme tracks. You can dip in and out of programme tracks, workshops and even sessions during the week. The aim is to make new connections, brainstorm ideas, develop synergies, increase opportunities for collaboration and help us build a strong, thriving, sustainable community for planetary science in Europe.

You don’t have to be a member of the Europlanet Society or the Europlanet 2024 RI project to participate in ERIM. We are looking for new people to engage with Europlanet, so everyone is welcome. However, we will be offering free accommodation and travel grants to a limited number (~150) of participants. If we are over-subscribed in requests for support, priority will be given to Europlanet Society members. (Find out about other benefits of joining the Europlanet Society).


Many different topics will be covered within the ERIM programme tracks and workshops, including:

For full details of the meeting and registration, see:

If you have any questions, contact us.

We hope to see you in Bratislava!

The ERIM 2023 Organising Committee

Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023

Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023

The first Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) will take place from 19-23 June 2023 in hybrid format at the Hotel Sorea, Bratislava, Slovakia and online. 

ERIM 2023 will bring together a range of planetary science and Europlanet community workshops, including interactive sessions on geological mapping, planetary space weather, the Europlanet Telescope Network, industry engagement, innovations in outreach tools.

The Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week will be co-hosted with ERIM, along with Europlanet Society meetings of the Regional Hubs and the Europlanet General Assembly.

Download ERIM2023 Logo Packs: Print | Digital

Find out more about ERIM 2023.