HELIO 2050

This workshop will focus on discussing a strategic, multi-decadal science framework for solar and space physics to enable community members to incorporate into framing their own white papers to the Decadal Survey process. The community will create a cohesive science strategy that will enable the ability to: Identify essential science investigations necessary for major advancements […]




ASTROBIOLOGY INTRODUCTORY COURSEThe school is for:• Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other country.• Any students or young scientist wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial training and to be able to address issues about the origins of life on […]


2021 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Virtual Workshop

The workshop will address how transformational new datasets are allowing us to address key questions about the formation and evolution of planets and their potential habitability; topics will include: Properties of transiting young planets detected by the Kepler/K2 and TESS missionsGaia identification of groups of young stars and determination of their agesProperties of planets and […]



This workshop will bring together the science community, commercial companies, and NASA Divisions and Programs with the goals of discussing investigations on reduced gravity and lunar environmental effects in physical sciences research for sustained lunar human habitation and in preparation for human exploration to Mars and to inform and inspire the science community to contribute […]


90th Italian Geological Society’s Conference


The abstract submission deadline is on 28 May 2021 - 7:00 p.m. CET. Please, consider registering here and then submit your abstract following the suggested guidelines.


Martian Enigmas 2021

The trans-chronological theme of the workshop attempts to capture the interest of planetary scientists whose work is seminal to Mars' geology but, perhaps, has received less attention than deserved. In the deep past of Mars; through the mid to the late Late Amazonia Epoch; stretching to the recent past or even today.

Modern brines

In this topical conference, the first in the LPI’s BAS initiative, we will explore the environments where brines may presently exist, their potential habitability, and their role in ongoing and active planetary processes.  Abstract deadline: August 11, 2021Registration deadline: September 27, 2021.

Want us to add an event to the Europlanet Society calendar? Send us the details.