From a European to a Global Green Deal

A delighted conference was held on the 12th of May, jointly organized by the Science and Technology in Society forum (STS forum) and the European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA). The ‘From a European to a Global Green Deal’ high-level conference aimed to leverage of the ‘European Green Deal’ to achieve a ‘Global Green Deal’.

The speakers initially presented the energy regime for Europe, while the second panel was focused on the path to a Global Green Deal. This achievement needs new ideas, such technology and international cooperation, as well as strong education concerning the sustainable development goals.  To this end, the European legislation shall take into consideration the rapidly increased environmental and energy trends, policy changes as well as policy challenges.

You can find the recording of the conference here:

STM: Towards a European Space Law

The number of satellites and debris in space constantly increases due to new developments in reusable launchers, small satellites and more and more private initiatives in space. Niklas Nienass recently highlighted the importance of a European Space Law evolution that ensures liability, security and sustainability in the entire European space sector. Furthermore, more actions relating to the EU Space regulation will be developed. 

MEP Niklas Nienass Statement

Satellites are moving our society forward. And the more cost-efficient they become, the more sectors can benefit from their technology. For example, satellites can help optimizing processes in organic farming. But the more satellites there are, the more crowded the orbit becomes. In recent years, the number has increased rapidly. Increasingly, there is a threat of collisions with unforeseeable consequences.

Therefore, the European Union wants to set up mechanisms to make traffic in orbit safer and more sustainable. In February, the European Commission presented a concept for a common Space Traffic Management (STM).

The framework aims to set binding standards and norms for satellite operators by 2024. It also aims to use new technologies to continuously collect and analyze data on the space environment.

This week, the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE), of which I am a member, discussed the project.

For me, it is clear that the European Union must initiate a joint STM. However, I am also convinced that this can only be a first step. We need a European Space Law that ensures liability, security and sustainability in the entire European space sector.

I am very happy, that we have managed to include considerations for such a European regulation in the Committee’s statement on STM.

At the end of the month, I will travel to the U.S. to get first-hand insights into current developments in space. A series of high-level discussions are planned with Congress, the National Space Council, NASA, and companies such as Astroscale, Nanoracks, and SpaceX.

The future of space is currently being shaped largely in the U.S., and a future European regulation must be prepared for developments that will reach us from there in the coming years. At the same time, I am looking to promote our own positions, such as sustainability standards in orbit. In turn, we can learn from the Americans – for example, with regard to the development of a private space economy.

I want Europe to help shape the future of spaceflight – with technical innovations as well as with binding standards that ensure peace, security and sustainability in space.

Dennis Yuecel
Communications Niklas Nienass MEP

MEP Niklas Nienass on the Future of International Cooperation

Dear friends,

The Russian war on Ukraine has an impact also on international cooperation in space. A continuation of the cooperation with the Russian space agency Roskosmos seems to be questionable at the moment.

Tough sanctions against the Russian state and its profiteers are right and necessary. They cannot be avoided in space activities either. By his behavior, the head of the Russian space agency Roskosmos, Dmitri Rogosin, has damaged the mutual trust.

In this dynamic, the European project for Strategic Autonomy takes on a new urgency. Simultaneously, Europe’s technological independence must be flanked by multilateral efforts at the political level.

The short-term cancellation of the Soyuz rocket for OneWeb underscores that Europe needs better launchers of its own. They must be cost-effective and sustainable. The need for a European megaconstellation came to light twice in the first weeks of the war.

First, by the suspected Russian cyberattack on Viasat satellites and the resulting outage of German wind turbines – here, critical European infrastructure has become collateral damage in an international conflict.

Second, by the deployment of Starlink satellites in Ukraine. It is laudable if Elon Musk supports Ukraine with his services. But a democratic government in need should not depend on the goodwill of individuals. We need satellite-based Internet in public hands.

Strategic autonomy means that Europe is able to have its own access to space and is able to secure its critical infrastructure. Europe must be able to carry out essential missions with its own know-how. But technological independence does not mean isolation.

The greatest challenges of our time – from space debris to climate change – cannot be solved autonomously. A solution can only be achieved by working together. Cooperation here is not a question of wanting, but of having to.

Today, when technological cooperation in space is increasingly being called into question, an international political discussion of space activities becomes all the more important. The project of Strategic Autonomy must be flanked by multilateral space diplomacy.

Dennis Yuecel
Communications Niklas Nienass MEP

Invitation – ESFRI 20th Anniversary Conference

European Research Infrastructures at the heart of scientific discoveries

Dear Colleagues, 

The French Presidency of the Council of the EU and the Académie de sciences, with the support off the European Commission, are pleased to invite you to celebrate ESFRI’s 20th anniversary in Paris on 25 March 2022 at a specific conference that will discuss both the achievements and the future. During this day, prestigious guests will illustrate the connection between European scientific excellence in research and innovation on the one hand, and research infrastructures on the other. 

This conference takes place under the high patronage of the Académie des sciences. It will bring together the many players who make up the ecosystems formed around these infrastructures: representatives of States, regions or local authorities, representatives of the industry, facility managers and, of course, researchers. Together, they will explore the dynamics of the development of a European landscape rich in research infrastructures and that has continuously grown over the past twenty years. Emerging trends and challenges for the future will be discussed as well. 

Two scientific sessions will feature outstanding scientists and young researchers, who will share with the audience major works and discoveries that have benefited from these infrastructures.  

The conference will be open to researchers, students and to the general public.

Please register your request to attend using this form by 5 March 2022. Participation requires physical presence. 

More information on the conference program are available at the event page. Please refer to and follow @ESFRI_eu on Twitter to stay up-to-date.

The French Presidency of the EU and ESFRI

14th European Space Conference

14th European Space Conference

An aspiring event will take place on 25-26 January 2022 in Brussels, the 14th European Space Conference, organized by Business Bridge Europe.

The yearly high-level gathering of key stakeholders of the European space activities will return to the Egmont Palace in Brussels for a hybrid event of dynamic and thought-provoking debates and exchanges focusing on the theme:

A New Era for European Space: Turning Vision into Action

The Conference is an ideal event for extensive space policy work, providing the opportunity to European space actors to network and debate on the increasing importance of space for society, economy, climate, environment, security and defense, as well as on new priorities and initiatives that will be crucial to ensuring that Europe remains a leader in space.

Online participation is also foreseen during the whole duration of the event through the European Space Conference virtual platform.

European Research and Innovation Days 2021 Conference Report

The report of the 2021 European Research and Innovation Days taking place earlier this year, was published on 13 of December, the third edition of its kind. It contains summaries and quotes from the event’s 70 online live sessions and workshops, as well as from over 200 consultations between participants and Commission representatives at the virtual Horizon Village.

“European Research and Innovation Days” is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together over 21,000 participants, policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

The most notable conclusions include:

  • Europe’s collaborative research and innovation at the global scale are key drivers for a greener, healthier and more digital future for all.
  • Europe needs more synergies between policies, programmes and instruments at EU, global, national and local level to remain at the forefront of research and innovation, and to be effective at delivering a sustainable future;
  • Citizens need to continue having the opportunity to add their voice to the conversation about the future of European research and innovation. Civil society can play a crucial role when it comes to implementing the ambitious goals of the twin green and digital transitions of Europe.

The report will serve as a basis for discussions at the Conference on the Future of Europe and will also contribute to other citizen engagement initiatives.

The report and the event recordings are available for consulting and download.

The European Business Summit 2021

The European Business Summit 2021

With the theme “Beyond recovery: Towards a sustainable and innovative Europe,” the European Business Summit (EBS) 2021 is taking place on the 17th and 18th November 2021 as a hybrid event. The event will reflect on businesses’ contribution to the EU’s economic recovery plans, the Green Deal, and the post-Covid-19 roadmap.

You can now register to attend the event.

Browse the programme>>

More information>>

World Space Forum 2021 – ‘Space 4 Climate Action’

The World Space Forum series has become one of the global platforms for facilitating exchanges on best practices and more inter-agency collaboration in support of the internationally agreed global frameworks.

Building on the success of the conferences held in 2019 and 2020, UNOOSA invites you to register for the World Space Forum 2021 to take place fully virtually from 7 – 9 December 2021.

The World Space Forum 2021 programme will offer a platform for showcasing concrete governmental, commercial, academic and civil society actions in support of the work of the United Nations, especially in addressing the climate crisis.

More information about the WSF2021 incl. the latest version of the programme can be found on the UNOOSA website.

Conference on the Future of Europe

European citizens have the opportunity to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities and stress concrete recommendations for EU action, through the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Conference is placed under the authority of the three institutions: the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, who have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up on the recommendations made. 

European citizens, most notably the young ones from all the corners of the European Union, participate in the Conference aspiring to shape the future of Europe. The main components of the Conference are decentralized events, European citizens’ panels, conference plenaries, as well as communication via a multilingual digital platform.

The challenges facing Europe in recent years have made clear the need for open, inclusive and transparent debate about our common future. For this reason, the conference is a unique open forum that enables all Europeans to say what the Union should do and how it should do it to the benefit of all.  Given that, Europe needs to deliver on issues that lie at the heart of citizens’ interest at the economic, social, health and security levels, by putting forward a set of concrete proposals and guidelines.

The Conference on the Future of Europe provides an opportunity to reflect on how to make the EU even better, stronger and more resilient. In order to address the aforementioned issues, the Conference recognizes the need to improve and create a genuine dialogue between citizens and institutions on the Future of the EU and the big challenges of our time.  

One of the key components of the Conference on the Future of Europe is the Plenary Conference, taking place on the weekend of 23-24 October. It was composed of representatives from the three European Institutions, from all national Parliaments, from the EYF, as well as the European Citizen’s panels.

The final outcome of the Conference will be presented in a report, while the three institutions will examine swiftly how to follow up effectively to this report in accordance with the treaties.

For more information:

An overview of explosive volcanism on Mars

An overview of explosive volcanism on Mars

Petr Brož (Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) et al. 2021

Decades of space exploration reveal that Mars has been reshaped by volcanism throughout its history. The range of observed volcanic landforms shows that effusive and explosive eruptions have occurred, albeit unevenly in time and space.

In this paper:

  • We present an overview of explosive volcanism on Mars.
  • Evidence for explosive volcanism is less common than for effusive activity.
  • Still indications of explosive volcanism have been identified at various sites.
  • Explosive edifices are often different in shapes from their terrestrial analogues.
  • Explosive eruptions on Mars would behave differently from those on Earth.
  • ()

Read the paper>>

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Central Europe Homeplate

The Europlanet Central Europe Hub

Hello, Central European space scientists, space engineers, amateurs, teachers and students!

We are a group of voluntaries from Central European countries coming together regularly through telecons and brainstorming about possible activities that could promote Central European space research. We are organising workshops and networking events in order to connect industry and academia, to help early-career scientists and promote outreach.

The member states of Europlanet’s Central European Hub include Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Don’t hesitate to join our hub by becoming a Europlanet Society Member → Here.

For inquiries: send an email to:

You can also follow us on twitter!

Central Europe Hub Committee

At the Europlanet Society Central Europe Hub, we are looking for:

  • An Austrian representative
  • A Slovenian representative
  • An industry officer

ESPAS (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System)

ESPAS (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System)

ESPAS is an inter-institutional collaboration among the officials of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU, and the European External Action Service, with the support of the Committee of the Regions and of the European Economic and Social Committee, which monitors global trends and offers strategic foresight to the EU’s decision-makers.

For information and resources, check the ESPAS website.

Science for Policy Handbook

Science for Policy Handbook

The Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission’s science and knowledge service with a mission to bring science and knowledge into EU policy making, has made available the Science for Policy Handbook. The handbook is dedicated to researchers and research organisations aiming to achieve policy impact, and provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers, not just in the EU context.
The book is available on this site, which also provides useful information and material on related topics, such as Evidence-Informed Policy and Science Diplomacy.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Europlanet Society Statement on Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

The Europlanet Society is committed to building a diverse, inclusive planetary science community in Europe and to ensuring that individuals within that community experience equal opportunity, regardless of gender, disability, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status, age, nationality or socioeconomic background.

Europlanet Diversity Committee

The Europlanet Diversity Committee acts as a strategic task force to advise, coordinate and champion activities across the Europlanet Society that further the Society’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity.

  • Interim Chair: Arianna Piccialli (BIRA-IASB)
  • Vice-chair: Solmaz Adeli (DLR)
  • Secretary: Marina Molla

Regional Hub and Committee Diversity Officers:

  • Benelux Hub: Arianna Piccialli (BIRA-IASB)
  • Central Europe Hub: Anna Łosiak (University of Exeter)
  • French Hub: Lea Bonnefoy (Cornell)
  • Germany Hub: Open
  • Italy Hub: Federica Duras (INAF)
  • Ireland and UK Hub: Open
  • Northern Hub: Markus Ambrosch(Vilnius University)
  • Southeast Europe Hub: Marina Molla
  • Spain and Portugal Hub: João Faria (IA, Porto)
  • Switzerland Hub: Open
  • EPEC Representative: Open
  • Executive Board Representative: Ann Carine Vandaele


Europlanet 2024 RI logo


Europlanet supports evidence-based policy, informing policy makers on the scientific, industrial and socio-economic impacts of planetary science, at European and national level. Europlanet is also engaging with the planetary science community raising awareness of political developments and encourages its engagement with policy makers and industry across Europe.

Since 2010, Europlanet has had an active programme of engaging policy makers with the cutting-edge science and technological challenges of planetary science and exploration. We have organized one-to-one briefings, dinner debates and other events aimed at Members of the European Parliament, European Commission officials and key industry and policy groups.


Check out the Europlanet Society policy briefing sheets, the Science for Policy Handbook, and ESPAS (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System).


Virtual Workshop on the use of the Europlanet Telescope Network for amateur astronomers

May 15 2021 @ 11:00 am – May 16 @ 1:00 am UTC+1

The Europlanet 2024 RI project funds access to and use of a network of telescopes (the Europlanet Telescope Network) for the astronomical observation of Solar System objects and exoplanets. One of the objectives of this network is to train and support amateur astronomers in the observations of Solar System objects (planets, asteroids, comets…), encouraging their participation in pro-am collaborations within the scientific fields of Solar System and exoplanets research.

On May 15, 2021 (Saturday) we will organise a virtual workshop dedicated to the amateur community which aims to demonstrate the use of the telescopes within the Europlanet Telescope Network to amateur astronomers. The workshop will be held in Spanish and will use the Calar Alto 1.23m telescope for practical demonstrations showing its remote use.

Further information can be found on the dedicated workshop website.

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First calls under Horizon Europe to be launched by the European Research Council ERC Kicks off Horizon Europe

First calls under Horizon Europe to be launched by the European Research Council ERC Kicks off Horizon Europe

The EU institutions reached a political agreement on Horizon Europe on 11 December 2020 and set the budget for Horizon Europe at €95.5 billion in current prices. On this basis, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU proceed towards the adoption of the legal acts. The work programme for the European Research Council was adopted on 22 February 2021. For additional information: Click Here

European Research Council approved a €1.9 billion financing package to allow some 1,000 top researchers to pursue frontier research.

The funding will support jobs for an estimated 6,860 postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and other research staff employed in ERC-funded teams.

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Research, Innovation, Culture, Education and Youth highlighted the importance of the adopted Work Programme as that will support top researchers and their teams to pursue frontier research at different stages of their careers.  Top researchers considered as the future of European research.

Additionally, Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President of the European Research Council welcomed the adopted Work Programme as an important tool to back Europe’s researchers and their most innovative ideas. Thanks to the European Commission’s commitment, and the outstanding dedication of the Executive Agency staff the first call for proposal have already launched in 25 February.

First Calls for proposal in 2021

  • European Research Council’s Starting Grants as supporting top researchers to start their own independent research team or programme. Total budget: €619 million. The call launched it on 25 February and a deadline of 8 April. 
  • Consolidator grants for researchers who are consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Total budget of €633 million. The call launched it on 11 March and a deadline for applications is 20 April.
  • European Research Council will launch a call for Advanced Grants for leading advanced investigators. Total budget of €626 million. The call will be launched on 20 May and a deadline on 31 August.

World Space Forum 2020

World Space Forum 2020

The United Nations/United Arab Emirates Forum focused on ‘Space for our Future’ to maximize the efforts in ensuring that the benefits of space are brought to everyone, everywhere. The 2020 edition sought to facilitate the exchange of best practices and more inter-agency collaboration in support of the SDGs so that space assets, exploration and utilization finally become more universally used as one of the key tools for a better future.

Available materials (Presentations of the online virtual meeting): Click here

Video recordings of the session: Click here

Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme / ITRE (Committee on Industry, Research & Energy)

Establishing the space programme of the Union and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme / ITRE (Committee on Industry, Research & Energy)

Massimiliano Salini(Rapporteur/EPP) highlighted the importance of the reached agreement for the future of the European strategy in terms of guaranteeing services to the level that its citizens expects and deserves. Space sector is going to be a strategic sector for when it comes to the recovery from COVID 19. For additional information: Click here

13th European Space Conference Space Embracing a Changing World: Green, Digital, Resilience & Security

13th European Space Conference Space Embracing a Changing World: Green, Digital, Resilience & Security

Charles Michel, President of the EU Council laid out the overall strategy at a particular geopolitical moment for Europe. He stressed the importance of the Space Action in order to reach Europe’s strategic objectives:

  • Climate and Digital Transition
  • Mobilized unprecedented means to meet our objectives (Data, Cloud Computing and AI)
  • Europe should become more strategically autonomous where unified action of the 27 European countries is needed

For additional information (Video recordings): Click here

For the meeting minutes: Click here